Camilla Arndal Andersen: What happens in your brain when you taste food
Camilla Arndal Andersen: Apa yang terjadi di dalam otak kita saat merasakan makanan
Instead of asking them what they think, Camilla Arndal Andersen covers her subjects in sensors to reveal their unfiltered and subconscious response to food. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
kami pergi berbelanja bulanan,
we were out grocery shopping,
barang mewah ini,
sesuatu yang organik,
I'm talking organic,
started already.
kopi campuran superior ini
he deemed this coffee blend superior
yang berdasarkan semata dari kopi mahal
based solely on fancy coffee
rumah tangga saya membengkak.
would be in vain.
perbedaannya sama sekali.
this difference after all.
dia menikahi ilmuwan saraf
that he's married to a neuroscientist
saya menutup mata suami saya.
saya akan menyajikannya
I would serve them to him
cangkir kopi yang pertama
the first cup of coffee
that would be ideal for the mornings
dengan rasanya yang membuat waspada.
the body awake by its alarming taste.
on the other hand,
di sore hari dan dengan santai.
can enjoy in the evening and relax.
dua jenis kopi yang berbeda.
the two types of coffee.
cup of coffee twice.
this one cup of coffee
menjadi luar biasa enak.
from horrible to fantastic.
was a product of my husband's own mind.
hasil dari pikiran suami saya sendiri.
yang sebenarnya tidak ada.
that just weren't there.
our household budget,
anggaran rumah tangga kami,
bagaimana kita bisa mendapatkan
just how we could have received
from a single cup of coffee.
make such a bold statement
menyatakan dengan mantap
secara publik seumur hidupnya?
for the rest of his life?
that I think you would have done the same.
saya pikir Anda akan begitu juga.
dalam bidang sains saya,
in my field of science,
behind these answers
makanan menjadi lebih enak
going to make food tastier
actually say they like?
kata orang tentang apa yang mereka sukai?
at how we actually sense food.
pada cara kita merasakan makanan.
dengan reseptor di tubuh saya,
by receptors on my body,
menjadi neuron teraktivasi di otak saya.
into activated neurons in my brain.
are converted to colors.
dideteksi oleh reseptor pada mulut,
are detected by receptors in my mouth,
salah satu dari lima rasa dasar.
of five basic tastes.
bitter, sweet and umami.
are detected by receptors in my nose
oleh reseptor pada hidung
for sound and more.
suhu, suara, dan sebagainya.
by my receptors
dideteksi oleh reseptor saya
antara neuron di otak saya.
between neurons in my brain.
dirangkai dan diintegrasikan,
woven together and integrated,
secangkir kopi, dan ya, saya menyukainya.
and yes, I liked it.
pengalaman secangkir kopi ini.
this cup of coffee.
a very common misconception.
ada miskonsepsi yang sangat umum.
that what we experience consciously
apa yang kita alami secara sadar
dari suatu realitas.
true reflection of reality.
of neural interpretation
dengan pengalamannya secara sadar.
and the conscious experience of it.
mencerminkan realitasnya sama sekali.
reflecting that reality at all.
may just be so weak
bisa jadi amat lemah
halangan untuk masuk ke alam sadar kita,
to enter our conscious mind,
karena prasangka kita yang tak terlihat.
by our hidden biases.
mereka punya banyak prasangka.
right now, thinking ...
saat ini, berpikir...
better than my husband,
dari suami saya
menilai kopinya dengan benar,
those coffees correctly,
sedang mengalami prasangka.
suffering from a bias.
prasangka titik buta.
lebih tak berprasangka dari orang lain.
as less biased than other people.
tentang prasangka yang kita prasangkakan.
menjadi lebih mudah.
is the courtesy bias.
ada di industri pangan
di mana kita memberikan opini
opini kita sendiri, bukan?
our own opinion, right?
sebagai peneliti pangan,
as a food researcher,
my new sugar-reduced milkshake,
milkshake baru saya yang kurang gula.
dan mereka mau membuat saya senang?
and they want to please me?
fit and healthy in my ears.
pas dan sehat di telinga saya.
mereka sendiri juga tidak akan tahu.
even know themselves.
explicitly taught
yang telah dilatih secara gamblang
and the sense of taste,
indera penciuman dan pengecap,
mengevaluasi apakah produk lebih manis
to evaluate products sweeter
because vanilla actually tastes sweet.
rasa vanila betul manis.
professionals are human,
para profesional ini adalah manusia,
banyak hidangan penutup, seperti kita,
mengasosiasikan rasa manis dan vanila.
sweetness and vanilla.
and other sensory information
dan informasi indera lainnya
in our conscious mind.
dengan menambahkan vanila alih-alih gula
by adding vanilla instead of sugar
milkshake dengan lebih sedikit gula.
that sugar-reduced milkshake.
benar-benar menilai realitas
secara sadar ini?
of the conscious mind
penghalang alam sadar
pada otak secara langsung.
in the brain directly.
rahasia menakjubkan.
of fascinating secrets.
sensory information from our entire body,
dari seluruh bagian tubuh kita,
become aware of,
yang terus saya terima
that I constantly receive
on all this sensory information.
terhadap semua sensor informasi ini.
without my knowledge,
tindakan saya tanpa saya ketahui,
the diameter of my pupils
yang amat saya sukai.
ever so slightly
walaupun sedikit saja
menilai informasi ini pada otak.
this information in the brain.
teknik pemindaian otak
a brain-scanning technique
penutup kepala yang dipasang elektrode,
studded with electrodes,
the electrical activity of the brain
mengukur aktivitas elektrik pada otak
yang aktif secara elektrik,
that's electrically active,
serta lingkungannya
as well as the environment
banyak aktivitas elektrik setiap saat.
of electrical activity all the time.
to minimize all this noise.
meminimalisir segala kebisingan.
untuk melakukan beberapa hal di sini.
to do a number of things here.
kepala pada sandaran dagu,
in a chin rest,
terlalu banyak pergerakan otot.
memandang ke tengah monitor komputer
stare at the center of a computer monitor
pergerakan mata dan kedipan.
eye movements and eye blinks.
menjulurkan lidah keluar dari mulut mereka
to stick the tongue out of their mouth
stimulus rasa kepada lidah,
taste stimuli onto the tongue,
gambaran yang sungguh indah ini,
this wonderful picture,
atau biru, terserah mereka.
or blue, as they please.
sedang makan biasa, 'kan?
eating experience, right?
apa yang dipikirkan peserta,
what my participants are thinking about,
prosedur icip-icip ini
tentang makan siang gratis
they're thinking about the free lunch
mereka memikirkan hari Natal tahun ini
they're thinking about Christmas coming up
this year, you know.
untuk Ibu tahun ini, tahu 'kan?
is the response to the taste.
adalah respons terhadap rasa.
prosedur icip-icip ini berkali-kali.
procedure multiple times.
dengan rasa akan dikeluarkan.
to taste will average out.
sejak "makanan menyentuh lidah"
it takes from "food lands on our tongue"
rasa apa yang sedang dialami.
which taste it's experiencing.
already 100 milliseconds,
100 milidetik pertama,
sebelum kita menyadarinya.
before we even become aware of it.
antara gula dan pemanis buatan
and artificial sweeteners
amat serupa.
membedakan rasanya,
could only barely tell the taste apart,
sama sekali tidak bisa.
the entire group of participants,
pasti bisa membedakan rasanya.
definitely could tell the taste apart.
brain-scanning devices
dan alat pemindai otak lainnya
pintu baru menuju otak kita.
remove the barrier of the conscious mind
menyingkirkan halangan alam sadar
prasangka orang-orang
perbedaan rasa bawah sadar.
subconscious taste differences.
people's very first response to food
respon awal orang-orang terhadap makanan
mengapa mereka suka atau tidak.
why they like it or not.
facial expressions,
ekspresi wajah orang-orang,
ke mana mereka melihat,
makanan yang lebih lezat,
to create tastier foods,
apakah benar orang suka
whether people actually like
without compromising taste,
yang lebih sehat tanpa mengorbanan rasa,
pada berbagai macam pemanis
to different sweeteners
memberikan respons serupa
the response that's more similar
membuat makanan yang lebih sehat,
create healthier foods,
how we actually sense food
bagaimana kita merasakan makanan
that there are those five basic tastes,
ada lima rasa dasar,
that there are more,
kami menemukan bukti bahwa lemak,
we found evidence that fat,
dari tekstur dan aromanya,
by its texture and smell,
this new sixth basic taste.
rasa dasar yang keenam.
how our brain recognizes fat and sugar,
otak kita mengenali lemak dan gula,
that tastes just like the real deal?
yang terasa seperti aslinya?
bahwa kami tidak bisa,
mendeteksi kalori
pada saluran pencernaan.
in our gastrointestinal tract.
keseluruhan sensasi kita terhadap makanan.
of our total sensation of food.
keseluruhan sensasi ini,
tastier and healthier foods for all.
dan sehat untuk kita semua.
Camilla Arndal Andersen - NeuroscientistInstead of asking them what they think, Camilla Arndal Andersen covers her subjects in sensors to reveal their unfiltered and subconscious response to food.
Why you should listen
Tapping into the subconsciousness, Camilla Arndal Andersen has found evidence that the brain registers even the smallest taste differences. Her work has also found evidence that fat could be a new sixth basic taste -- seemingly registered by its taste, in addition to its texture and smell.
Arndal Andersen performs these experiments at her lab in Brabrand, Denmark, and as a scientist at DuPont Nutrition and Biosciences ApS. She does it with the ultimate goal to understand how our brain registers sugar and fat, to engineer healthier food without compromising taste.
Camilla Arndal Andersen | Speaker |