Susan Emmett: This simple test can help kids hear better
수잔 에멧 (Susan Emmett): 아이들의 청력을 지키기 위한 간편 진단법
TED Fellow Susan Emmett studies global hearing health disparities in 15 countries and Indigenous groups around the world, in an effort to fight preventable hearing loss. Full bio
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of why hearing matters
청력이 왜 그토록 중요한지
to fish on the open water,
고기를 잡기도 힘들어지고
to Alaskan Native culture.
삶에 직결된 문제죠.
알래스카 시골뿐만 아니라
estimates there are 1.1 billion people
전 세계적으로 11억 명 정도가
살아가고 있다고 추산합니다.
population here in sub-Saharan Africa.
전체 인구보다 많은 셈이죠.
and middle-income countries,
국가에 살고 있고
받지 못하고 있어요.
is tremendous.
아주 심각한 문제입니다.
I treated in Alaska.
3살의 남자아이입니다.
when he was barely four months old.
귀 감염이 시작됐어요.
compared to his brothers.
병원에 데리고 갔죠.
had resulted in hearing loss.
청력이 손실된 걸 알게 됐어요.
will continue to lag behind.
말하는 것도 뒤떨어질 지경이었습니다.
that half of all global hearing loss
이런 청력손실의 반 정도는
is identified and treated promptly,
즉시 인지하고 치료하면
he has as he grows up
with partners around the world
전세계 동료들과 함께
for hearing loss prevention.
위해 일하고 있어요.
with a tribal health organization
해결책을 찾았는데
Health Corporation.
불리는 곳입니다.
requires testing by an audiologist
청력손실의 정도를 평가하려면
Anuk's ears under a microscope
아누크의 귀를 현미경으로 검사하고
available in remote settings.
기대하기 힘든 일이죠.
aren't connected to a hospital
어느 주의 경우에는
Alaska has developed
이런 장벽을 넘기 위해
village health clinics
갖가지 의료 문제들을
all types of health concerns.
지정해 줍니다.
that ear-related telemedicine consults
있을 때 받는 원격의료가
효과가 있다는 걸 입증했어요.
for 91 percent of patients
91%의 환자들이 멀리 갈 필요 없이
in the Norton Sound region.
in travel costs in this single region
이동 경비를 절약할 수 있었습니다.
of telemedicine to a new level,
보다 나은 수준으로 끌어올리려는
Outcomes Research Institute.
지원해 주고 있습니다.
we are merging telemedicine
모바일 검진기술을 도입해
beyond health care settings.
전문적인 환자분류가 가능하게 됐어요.
developed in South Africa,
이 핸드폰 기반의 검진은
than traditional equipment
비용이 10배나 절약되고
and noise monitoring
instead of a microscope
screening and images are done.
영상까지 얻을 수 있어요.
telemedicine technology
to the treatment he needs.
시험해 보고 있습니다.
hearing loss across the state of Alaska.
아동 청력손실을 예방하는 것이죠.
than a single state.
영향을 줄 수 있으니까요.
can revolutionize access to care.
혁신을 가져올 수 있습니다.
two ear surgeons and 11 audiologists
말라위에는 귀 치료 전문의 2명과
and community health workers
이 기술은 큰 힘이 되겠죠.
to children in places like Malawi.
아이들이 치료를 받을 수 있으니까요.
could change children's lives
여태 청력치료를 받아 보지 못한
to hearing care before,
of preventable hearing loss.
이젠 막아야 합니다.
are depending on us.
우리들의 도움을 기다리고 있어요.
Susan Emmett - Ear surgeonTED Fellow Susan Emmett studies global hearing health disparities in 15 countries and Indigenous groups around the world, in an effort to fight preventable hearing loss.
Why you should listen
Susan Emmett is an ear surgeon and public health expert who develops evidence-based solutions to address preventable hearing loss. She studies novel pathways for prevention and applies digital innovations such as mobile screening and telemedicine to extend access to care to even the most remote communities. Collaboration across disciplines and countries is central to Emmett's research, fueling a global effort to address a neglected public health concern.
Emmett serves as Assistant Professor of Surgery and Global Health at Duke University in Durham, NC, USA. She has been an invited speaker at more than 20 international and national conferences and has authored numerous articles on hearing health in leading medical journals. She consults for the World Health Organization and leads the advocacy efforts of the Coalition for Global Hearing Health. Emmett spends much of her time in remote communities in northwest Alaska, where she co-leads a randomized trial to address childhood hearing loss funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute. While at home in North Carolina, she provides medical and surgical care to patients with hearing loss and trains the next generation of medical students, residents, and postdoctoral fellows in global hearing health research. She was named a TED Fellow in 2017.
Susan Emmett | Speaker |