Simon Anholt: Which country does the most good for the world?
Simon Anholt: Kuri šalis daro daugiausia gero pasauliui?
After 20 years working with the presidents and prime ministers of 54 countries, Simon Anholt has a plan to make the world work better. Full bio
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per paskutinius 20, 30, 40 metų.
nusičiaudėjo ir numirė
jei Šiaurės Amerikos bankas
pasaulinę ekonominę sistemą
skleisti savo mintis,
savo įsivaizdavimus ir idėjas
kaip niekad anksčiau.
the Millennium Development Goals,
Tūkstantmečio plėtros tikslus,
globalizacijos pusę,
visas problemas,
apytiksliai 200 tautinių valstybių,
way that those laws are made
solution of global problems,
problemų sprendimui,
ir elgiasi taip,
each other from country to country,
mėgina vienas kitą nužudyti,
užsispyrę žiūri vidun?
aiškumo, teisingumo
kurios mus pribaigs,
things tend not to change.
kodėl dalykai nesikeičia.
kad vyriausybės,
aprėpiančių asmeninių gyvenimų,
kultūriniai psichopatai?
dirbant globaliai,
jums gali kilti klausimas,
politikus pasikeisti?
a lot of time complaining
daug laiko praleidžiu skųsdamasis
žmones pasikeisti,
konservatyvūs sutvėrimai.
nieko naujo,
daug laiko skyriau tam,
kas galėtų būti ta nauda,
sometimes to look outwards.
bet matyti ir išorinį pasaulį.
populiacijos dalį,
informacinių vienetų,
think about other countries
mano apie kitas šalis
the governments that I advise
Vyriausybės, kurioms aš patarinėju,
primarily because they're rich,
kad jos yra turtingos,
because they're successful,
they're technologically advanced.
aš galiu sakyti,
jie privalo daryti gera.
tuo paprastesnės mano mintys
būtų sakyti, mėgina
of very serious and clever people,
ir protingų žmonių pagalbą,
surinktus patikimus duomenis
tell you which one comes top.
kad ji daro daugiausia gero.
arba daugiausia geriausia.
geresnė ir geriausia.
žmogų populiacijoje,
before we drift off to sleep,
prieš nugrimstant į miegą,
kurią reikia išmokti,
your international obligations
lower than Ireland's lowest score.
Airijos mažiausias.
notice about the top 10 there
sąraše esančias šalis
very, very important thing.
vieną labai svarbų dalyką.
of the lower-lying countries.
the big developing countries,
to be on,
tai bus,
level of the individual datasets.
indekso sudedamąją dalį.
konkurencingas šalis.
galvosime apie save,
kuriame gyvename,
nesibaigiantis argumentas.
kuri galvoja apie visus.
kad priklausau gerai šaliai"
egzistuoja šio žmogaus šalis."
kad tai pakeis pasaulį.
kad pakeistumėm
and our companies behave,
politikai ir kompanijos,
thinking about these things.
turtingoje šalyje,
wanted to live in a happy country,
kad laimingoje šalyje,
Simon Anholt - Policy advisorAfter 20 years working with the presidents and prime ministers of 54 countries, Simon Anholt has a plan to make the world work better.
Why you should listen
For 20 years, Simon Anholt has worked with the presidents, prime ministers and governments of more than fifty nations, devising strategies and policies to help them to engage more imaginatively and productively with the international community.
In 2014, impatient to do better, Anholt founded the Good Country, a project aimed at helping countries work together to tackle global challenges like climate change, poverty, migration and terrorism, by mobilizing "the only superpower left on the planet: global public opinion."
According to The Independent, Anholt's aim is to change the way countries, cities and companies work " us all encouraging their leaders to think about the global impact of their actions, rather than cut-throat self-interest."
Measurement of Good Country progress is done through Anholt's Good Country Index, the only survey to rank countries according to their contribution to humanity and the planet rather than their domestic performance. According to The Guardian, "He has built his career in part as a formidable cruncher of data." Since 2005, his research into global perceptions of nations and cities has collected and analyzed over 300 billion data points.
In 2016, Anholt launched the Global Vote, a project that enables anybody in the world to vote in other countries' elections, choosing the candidate who is likely to do most for humanity and the planet: three months later over 100,000 people from 130 countries took part in the Global Vote on the US Presidential Election. The Global Vote now covers an election somewhere in the world almost every month.
Anholt is an Honorary Professor of Political Science and the author of five books about countries, cultures and globalisation. He is the founder and Editor Emeritus of a leading academic journal focused on public diplomacy and perceptions of places.
Simon Anholt | Speaker |