Oren Yakobovich: Hidden cameras that film injustice in the world’s most dangerous places
Орин Якобович: Хамгийн аюултай газруудад шударга бус байдлыг бичиж авдаг нууц дурангууд
Videre co-founder Oren Yakobovich wields the latest covert recording technology to expose and subvert violent oppression. Full bio
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the ruling political party.
by the state-sponsored militia,
to the wrong party.
to another intimidation meeting.
standing in front of them,
to drop the right paper,
a small hidden camera in her dress,
in these meetings.
that the only way to stop them
somebody is following them,
for months, undercover,
the ruling political party.
about the upcoming elections.
from doing what we want.
are back with [The Party],
with [The Party],
were broadcast all over the world,
back to the community.
is following them.
the ruling political party
to document human rights violations
led me to a different direction.
to a right-wing family,
to serve my country
was our right for the whole land.
just after the first intifada,
serving in the West Bank,
to serve in the West Bank
but with very shitty food.
байгаа юм шиг байсан.
that I need people to know.
in the West Bank looks like.
the Palestinians themselves,
боломжтой байх хэрэгтэй.
that are coming outside of the situation.
сэтгүүлч, кино зураглаачид биш.
organization called B'Tselem.
нөхцөл байдлыг судалж
are living in the most risky places:
100 гэр бүлийг сонгон авсан.
very disturbing images
тэднийг хэрхэн хүчирхийлж байгаа
and the soldiers are abusing them.
two clips from this project.
хоёр бичлэг үзүүлмээр байна.
and it created a massive debate.
маш том мэтгэлцээнийг эхлүүлж байсан.
хэтэрхий ил тод
find them quite explicit.
will see in the first clips
have to leave the land,
to the Jewish settlers.
are Jewish settlers.
the Palestinian family.
blindfolded and handcuffed.
гавласан байгааг харж байна.
he came to this demonstration.
энэ жагсаалд ирсэндээ харамсах болно.
with a rubber bullet.
are acting this way.
but they have to be brought to justice.
Гэхдээ тэднийг шүүн таслах хэрэгтэй.
to start investigations.
was exposed to them also.
the struggle for human rights
өөрөөр харахад хүргэж,
of violent attacks in the West Bank.
тоог багасгасан.
got me thinking
to other places in the world.
ашиглаж болох талаар бодож эхэлсэн.
интернетийн тусламжтайгаар
most of what's happening in the world,
the technology we have,
бүх боломжууд байдаг ч
тэн хагасаас бага хувь нь
that is censored by those in power.
хянан өөрчилсөн мэдээллийг авч байдаг,
named Uri Fruchtmann.
гэгч нэг сайн залуу уулзсан.
thinking along the same lines,
байгаагаа ойлголцон
our organization, together.
нээхээр шийдсэн.
was suffering from abuses,
гэдгийг ойлгохыг хичээсэн.
living in rural areas,
far from the public eye.
are not making it out there
харахгүй байгааг тодорхойлж,
туслах хэрэгтэй.
to film in a safe way.
чухал нь байх ёстой.
in the West Bank,
хүссэн газруудад
and you're dead — literally dead.
the hidden cameras we're using today —
та бүхэнд харуулж чадахгүй нь.
ашигладаг байсан дуран
a custom-made hidden camera,
нууц дуран ашиглаж байгаа.
the intimidation meeting
using hidden cameras.
зөвхөн нууц дурангаар ч зогсохгүй.
the activist is turning the camera on.
асааж эхлэхээс ч өмнө эхэлдэг.
the risk of every location
if something goes wrong,
we have everything in place
бүх зүйл байх ёстой газраа
is the importance of verification.
it's worth nothing.
тэр бичлэг юунд ч хүрэхгүй.
in Syria or the war in Gaza,
болж байгаа дайны хувьд
or brought from a different conflict.
дайны бичлэгийг зөндөө харж байна.
the credibility of the source,
байдлыг огт үгүй хийхээс гадна
reliable and trustworthy sources.
сөргөөр нөлөөлж байдаг.
we can verify the information
and working with them very intensively.
авч тэдэнтэй маш нягт ажиллан,
the metadata of the material.
important thing I learned
to create a positive change.
яаж бий болгох тухай юм.
гэдэг нь нэн чухал.
with hundreds of activists
the situation on the ground
бид бодит байдлыг тайлбарлахад
are missing to describe it,
influencing the situation,
гол хүмүүс нь хэн бэ гэдгийг,
to advance the struggle.
бичлэгийг цацах вэ гэдгийг тодорхойлдог.
putting it in the media,
with decision makers,
to use as evidence in court.
эд мөрийн баримт болгон ажиллана.
to create a social change
хамгийн үр дүнтэй арга бол,
that are fighting abuses in Kenya.
хүчирхийллийн эсрэг бүлгэмийн гишүүн.
have been harassed constantly
and on their way to work.
замдаа үргэлж дарамтанд өртдөг.
the behavior of the community from inside.
дотроос нь өөрчлөхийг хичээж байна.
on her journey to work.
on images that she filmed herself
өөрийнх нь бичлэг дээр
My name is Fatuma Chiusiku.
дайрах болов уу гэж боддог.
надад хүрч наалдах нь,
of thoughts for my day,
толгой дүүргээсэй гэж хүсдэг.
сургууль дээрээ байгаа
the moment when we will arrive
оронд миний буух буудал дээр
in the fight for human rights.
тэмцлийн шинэ талбар бий болжээ.
and much, much more effective weapon.
илүү үр дүнтэй зэвсэг юм.
зөв ашиглах хэрэгтэй.
in the right hands at the right time,
зөв цагт өгөх юм бол
Oren Yakobovich - Human-rights activistVidere co-founder Oren Yakobovich wields the latest covert recording technology to expose and subvert violent oppression.
Why you should listen
Using recording technology -- some of it so secret you haven’t heard of it yet -- Videre connects with activists deep within the most repressive regimes to video-document human-rights abuses and expose them to worldwide scrutiny. Yakobovich believes that only action by the oppressed communities themselves will temper the worst excesses of their authoritarian governments.
Videre's name comes from the Latin expression "videre est credere" -- to see is to believe. Previously, Yakobovich (together with Israeli watchdog group B’Tselem) initiated the camera documentation project, which delivered hundreds of cameras to Palestinians to expose the daily realities of life in the West Bank.
Oren Yakobovich | Speaker | TED.com