Dustin Yellin: A journey through the mind of an artist
Дастин Иеллин: Уран бүтээлчийн оюун санаагаар аялахуй
Acclaimed for his monumental “sculptural paintings,” Dustin Yellin now nurtures voices in the art community with Pioneer Works, his mammoth Brooklyn art center. Full bio
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to New York City a while back.
ойн амьтан шиг л юм ирсэн.
but I'll get into that later.
үүнийг дараа ярья.
I was eight years old.
and a fork inside this box in Colorado.
бал, сэрээ хийсэн.
or aliens in 500 years would find this box
500 жилийн дараа үүнийг олоод,
our species exchanged ideas,
байсан талаар мэднэ гэж бодсон.
and I'm still making boxes.
одоо ч хайрцаг хийсээр л байна.
хачин зүйлст дуртай байсан.
and do all that weird stuff,
and I ripped it up,
of Agnes Martin grid,
and a bee got stuck.
зөгий наалдчихсан.
and she's allergic to them,
мөн харшилтай учраас
thinking I could hide it or something.
зөгийг нуух гэж оролдсон.
on the dictionary text.
харж байгаа мэт болсон.
Би илүү олон хайрцаг хийсэн.
electronics, frogs,
anything I could find --
гээд олсон бүхнээрээ хийж эхэлсэн.
finding things my whole life,
ямар нэгэн юм олсоор байсан ба
and tell stories between these objects.
түүхийг нь өгүүлэхийг хичээсэн.
тойруулан зурж эхэлсэн.
I can draw in space!
гэдгээ ойлгосон.
around a dead body at a crime scene.
цогцсыг тойруулан зурдаг шиг.
of invented specimens.
which you can kind of get a sense of.
Та нар бараг ойлгох байх.
weird insects and creatures.
амьтдаар бүтээсэн.
drawing on the layers of resin.
Би давирхааны давхраан дээр л зурсан.
starting to have shows and stuff,
өөрийн үзэсгэлэнг гаргаж,
I could take my girlfriend for dinner,
Сизлер лүү явдаг болсон.
with drawings of humans inside the layers.
давхрага дотор зурж эхэлсэн.
нэг л зүйл асуудал болж байлаа:
because the resin was going to kill me.
намайг хордуулах аюултай.
thinking about it.
then you put another window,
дээр нь дахин нэг цонх тавиад,
all these windows together
энэ олон давхарга нь
because I could stop using the resin.
хэрэглэхээ болисон.
which I call "The Triptych."
"Триптек"-ийг бүтээсэн.
"[The] Garden of Earthly Delights,"
in the [Museo del] Prado in Spain.
Энэ их гоё зураг.
I'll walk you through this piece.
so it's 36 feet of composition.
11 метр зохиомж юм.
Jesus and the locusts.
travel between two worlds.
аялдаг юм.
where they're hiding.
газар доорхи ертөнц рүү очдог.
are by the lighthouse,
хажууд байна.
mass suicide into the ocean.
амиа егүүтгэх гэж байна.
of thousands of elements.
tied up to a battleship.
Waldo; Osama Bin Laden's shelter --
Валдо, Осама Бин Ладены оромж
that you can find
зүйлсийг сайн харвал
and she's spitting oil into one hand
нэг гар луу гаа тос нулиман,
coming out of her other hand.
of the Earth and cosmos in balance.
өөртөө тэнцүү шингээсэн юм.
out of her trunk.
tail that connects "The Triptych."
энэ нь Триптекийг холбодог.
from the back of the volcano.
хойноос гал авдаг.
in a cycloptic eyeball,
нүдэн дотор төгсдөг ба
they're like baseball cards of terrorists.
гэхдээ террористуудын зурагтай.
to make 100 of these humans.
or dictionaries or magazines.
in the shape of a human,
архив болох бөгөөд
of 20, 4, or 12 at a time.
they come together, they divide.
хамтдаа нийлээд, хуваагддаг.
Би олон жил зарцуулж байна.
It's taking me years.
a 3,000-pound microscope slide
you can kind of see the beginning.
Эхнээс нь харж болно.
coming out of his chest,
or whatever it is,
эсвэл эрэгтэй биш ч юм уу,
you can kind of see it.
between the two heads.
орж байна.
from this weird statue.
inside the chest cavity.
the solar system is a box.
сансар огторгуй юм.
It's called Pioneer Works.
Анхдагчдын Бүтээл нэртэй.
a museum, a school,
the content we make there into the world;
хэвлэгч гар,
hitting each other like particles.
мөргөж эхэлнэ.
you change the world.
and the box that you're living in.
дахин дахин тодорхойлдог.
that we're all in this together,
та нар ойлгож,
of religion -- doesn't work.
шашны тусгаарлалт бүтдэггүйг ойлгоно.
of the same stuff, in the same box.
нэг л хайрцганд бүтдэг.
exchanging that stuff sweetly and nicely,
эхлэхгүй юм бол
Dustin Yellin - SculptorAcclaimed for his monumental “sculptural paintings,” Dustin Yellin now nurtures voices in the art community with Pioneer Works, his mammoth Brooklyn art center.
Why you should listen
Dustin Yellin’s mesmerizing glass sculptures explode collage into three dimensional forms, and have won him accolades from all over the art world. From early works of layered resin, Yellin’s sculptures increased in size (and weight), culminating in the 12-ton, three-paneled The Triptych.
But Yellin’s most ambitious project may be Pioneer Works, a colossal, 27,000-square-foot artist’s complex and foundation in Red Hook, Brooklyn. With its residencies, workshops and on-site science lab, Pioneer Works cultivates cross-disciplinary experimentation regardless of profit potential.
Dustin Yellin | Speaker | TED.com