Christopher Soghoian: How to avoid surveillance ... with the phone in your pocket
Christopher Soghoian: Scurtă istorie a interceptărilor telefonice — și cum le putem evita
Christopher Soghoian researches and exposes the high-tech surveillance tools that governments use to spy on their own citizens, and he is a champion of digital privacy rights. Full bio
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wiretapping assistance to governments.
asistență pentru ascultarea convorbirilor.
a fost făcut manual.
this assistance was manual.
and wires were connected by hand.
și firele erau conectate manual.
built surveillance features
au încorporat tehnica de supraveghere
that carry our calls
și rețelele folosite
pentru a putea fi interceptate.
when you're talking to your spouse,
vorbiți cu partenerul vostru,
or your doctor on the telephone,
sau cu doctorul vostru la telefon,
be your own government;
a foreign intelligence service,
un serviciu extern de informații,
the surveillance system,
sistemul de interceptare,
of the telephone companies.
al companiilor telefonice.
have built surveillance as a priority,
tehnologia de interceptare e o prioritate,
din Silicon Valley.
over the last couple years,
strong encryption technology
au încorporat tehnologie de criptare
extremely difficult.
extrem de dificilă.
might have an iPhone,
aveți un iPhone
to send a text message
pentru a trimite un mesaj
cannot easily be wiretapped.
nu pot fi interceptate cu ușurință.
the text messages themselves.
to make an audio call
pentru apelurile audio
friends or loved ones,
cu prieteni sau cei dragi,
acum de Facebook
of people around the world,
encryption technology into its product,
tehnologie puternică de criptare,
in the Global South can easily communicate
pot comunica cu ușurință,
often authoritarian,
to listen to any telephone call --
au putut asculta orice convorbire
officials are not very happy.
guvernamentali nu sunt încântați.
these encryption tools are now available.
aceste tehnologii de criptare.
encryption features into their products
au introdus tehnologia de criptare
în mod implicit.
have democratized encryption.
tehnologiei au democratizat criptarea.
like British Prime Minister David Cameron,
ca prim-ministrul britanic David Cameron,
emails, texts, voice calls --
– e-mail-uri, mesaje, apeluri telefonice –
available to governments,
de către guverne,
to their point of view.
le înțeleg punctul de vedere.
in a dangerous world,
într-o lume primejdioasă
serious national security threats
la securitatea națională
the FBI and the NSA to monitor.
ca FBI și NSA să le monitorizeze.
features come at a cost.
laptop special pentru teroriști
as a terrorist laptop,
communications devices.
dispozitive de comunicare.
if the drug dealers' telephone calls
apelurile traficanților de droguri
can be intercepted,
around the world be using devices
care permit interceptarea?
systems that I've described --
de interceptare despre care am vorbit
and Microsoft built into their networks --
și Microsoft le-au incorporat în rețele
to lawful surveillance requests
răspunde cererilor de monitorizare
by the Chinese government,
wanted to figure out
the US government was monitoring.
erau monitorizați de guvernul SUA.
built into the network
încorporat în rețeaua Vodafone Grecia,
Greece's largest telephone company --
the surveillance feature,
the Greek Prime Minister
și guvernului grec.
who did that were never caught.
sau ce hackeri au făcut asta.
with these surveillance features,
cu aceste programe de interceptare
into a communications network
într-o rețea sau într-un program,
who's going to go through it.
or the other side,
sunt de partea ta,
I think that it's better
cel mai bine e ca rețelele
to be as secure as possible.
criptarea va îngreuna interceptarea.
wiretapping more difficult.
are going to have a tougher time
să-i prindă pe băieții răi.
to live in a world
text messages could be surveilled
pot fi interceptate
and by foreign intelligence agencies.
și servicii secrete ale altor țări.
in that kind of world.
într-o astfel de lume.
you probably have the tools
of government surveillance
moduri de interceptare
and already in your pockets,
chiar în buzunarul dvs.,
and how secure those tools are,
cât de puternice și sigure sunt,
you've used to communicate really are.
în care ați comunicat până acum.
I want you to tell your colleagues:
vreau să le spuneți colegilor:
de comunicare criptate.
because they're cheap and easy,
sunt ieftine și accesibile,
Christopher Soghoian - Privacy researcher and activistChristopher Soghoian researches and exposes the high-tech surveillance tools that governments use to spy on their own citizens, and he is a champion of digital privacy rights.
Why you should listen
TED Fellow Christopher Soghoian is a champion of digital privacy rights, with a focus on the role that third-party service providers play in enabling governments to monitor citizens. As the principal technologist at the American Civil Liberties Union, he explores the intersection of federal surveillance and citizen's rights.
Before joining the ACLU, he was the first-ever technologist for the Federal Trade Commision's Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, where he worked on investigations of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Netflix. Soghoian is also the creator of Do Not Track, an anti-tracking device that all major web browsers now use, and his work has been cited in court.
Christopher Soghoian | Speaker |