Nita Farahany: When technology can read minds, how will we protect our privacy?
Nita A. Farahany: Când tehnologia poate citi gândurile, cum ne protejăm intimitatea?
Nita A. Farahany is a leading scholar on the ethical, legal, and social implications of biosciences and emerging technologies, particularly those related to neuroscience and behavioral genetics. Full bio
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the 2009 presidential election in Iran,
prezidențiale din Iran, în 2009,
violently suppressed
as the Iranian Green Movement,
sub numele de Mișcarea Verde Iraniană,
between the protesters.
dintre demonstranți.
to the United States in the late 1960s,
la sfârșitul anilor '60,
extended family live.
crackdowns of the protest,
with me what was happening.
să-mi spună ce se întâmplă.
the conversation to other topics.
discuția către alte subiecte.
what the consequences could be
care ar putea fi consecințele
what they were thinking
să fi știut ce-au gândit
based on what their brains revealed?
dezvăluite de creierul lor?
in neuroscience, artificial intelligence
ale inteligenței artificiale
of what's happening in the human brain.
din ceea ce se întâmplă în creierul uman.
about what this means for our freedoms
acest lucru pentru libertățile noastre
a right to cognitive liberty,
la libertate cognitivă,
that needs to be protected.
propriilor noastre creiere
vor fi în pericol.
thousands of thoughts each day.
are mii de gânduri în fiecare zi.
or a number, a word,
un număr sau un cuvânt,
mental state, like relaxation,
cum ar fi relaxarea,
are firing in the brain,
se activează în creier,
in characteristic patterns
în structurile caracteristice,
with electroencephalography, or EEG.
electroencefalograful (EEG).
you're seeing right now.
that was recorded in real time
care a fost înregistrată în timp real
that was worn on my head.
pe care l-am purtat pe cap.
when I was relaxed and curious.
în stare de relaxare și curiozitate.
consumer-based EEG devices
primele dispozitive EEG,
activity in my brain in real time.
activitatea electrică din creierul meu.
that some of you may be wearing
de fitness pe care le purtăm
or the steps that you've taken,
sau pașii pe care îi facem
neuroimaging technique on the market.
tehnologie neuroimagistică de pe piață.
our everyday lives.
asupra vieții noastre.
inside the human brain
without ever uttering a word.
fără a rosti niciun cuvânt.
complex thoughts just yet,
gândurile complicate,
of artificial intelligence,
some single-digit numbers
that a person is thinking
pe care cineva le gândește,
that with our advances in technology,
cu progresul nostru în tehnologie,
in the human brain
în creierul uman
they're going to have an epileptic seizure
știe când va avea o criză
with their thoughts alone.
pe calculator cu ajutorul gândului.
a technology to embed these sensors
o tehnologie ce integrează acești senzori
concentrarea șoferului,
while driving.
în timp ce conduce.
and AAA have all taken note.
și AAA țin seama de aceasta.
choose-your-own-adventure movie
în care vă alegeți acțiunea,
based on your brain-based reactions,
reacțiilor din creierul vostru,
every time your attention wanes.
când atenția voastră scade.
health and well-being
sănătate și bunăstare,
to information about themselves,
new brain-decoding technology.
de descifrare a creierului.
or involuntarily give up
cu voie sau fără voie,
our mental privacy.
intimitatea noastră mintală.
to social-media accounts ...
the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail,
de pe ruta Beijing-Shanghai,
while driving.
creierului în timp ce conduc.
EEG sensors to monitor their productivity
pentru a li se monitoriza productivitatea
concentration on their jobs,
mai scăzută la serviciu
of brain transparency.
de transparență a creierului.
that that could change everything.
că asta ar putea schimba totul.
of data privacy to our laws,
confidențialitatea datelor, a regulilor,
de la Universitatea Duke,
in the United States
la nivel național,
of their brain information.
despre creier.
their perceived sensitivity
cum percep sensibilitatea
of their phone conversations,
security number as far more sensitive
codul numeric personal mai mult
people don't yet understand
deoarece oamenii nu înțeleg încă
of this new brain-decoding technology.
de decodificare a creierului.
the inner workings of the human brain,
cum funcționează creierul uman,
are the least of our worries.
e ultima noastră grijă.
absolută a creierului
un gând dizident politic?
a politically dissident thought?
se vor auto-cenzura
because of their waning attention
pentru că nu mai sunt atenți,
collective action against their employers.
împotriva angajatorului.
will no longer be an option,
nu va mai fi o alegere,
have revealed their sexual orientation,
spune orientarea sexuală,
to consciously share that information
să împărtășească aceste informații
to keep up with technological change.
pasul cu schimbările tehnologice.
of the US Constitution,
al Constituției SUA,
to alter our thoughts however we want?
să ne schimbăm gândurile cum dorim?
what we can do with our own brains?
ce putem face cu propriul creier?
using these new mobile devices?
folosind noile dispozitive mobile?
the brain data through their applications
ce colectează informații despre creier
from doing so.
care să le interzică asta.
the same freedoms
aceleași libertăți
the Iranian Green Movement
în timpul Mișcării Iraniene
monitoring my family's brain activity,
creierele familiei mele
to be sympathetic to the protesters?
cu protestatarii?
să ne imaginăm o societate
based on their thoughts
se gândesc să comită o infracțiune,
dystopian society in "Minority Report."
din „Minority Report”.
with attempting to intimidate his school
că încearcă să-și terorizeze școala
shooting people in the hallways ...
împușcă oameni pe culoare.
an augmented-reality video game,
un joc de realitate augmentată,
of his subjective intent.
o proiecție mintală a intențiilor lui.
need special protection.
au nevoie de protecție specială.
to data tracking and aggregation
urmăririi și cumulării de informații
situația noastră financiară,
and tracked like our online activities,
și urmărit precum activitatea online,
threat to our collective humanity.
amenințare la adresa umanității.
to these concerns,
la aceste probleme,
on the right things.
pe ceea ce trebuie.
protections in general,
de protecția intimității în general,
the flow of information.
fluxul de informații.
on securing rights and remedies
pe garantarea de drepturi și măsuri
a informațiilor noastre.
how their information was shared,
cum sunt folosite informațiile lor
was misused against them,
abuziv împotriva lor,
in an employment setting
la locul de muncă,
pentru a consolida încrederea.
of our personal information.
din informațiile personale.
can tell us so much
ne poate spune multe
our information,
informațiile noastre,
for mental privacy.
pentru intimitatea mintală.
a right to cognitive liberty.
la libertatea de gândire.
our freedom of thought and rumination,
libertatea de gândire și reflectare,
the right to consent to or refuse
de a accepta sau refuza
of our brains by others.
nostru de către alții.
of Human Rights,
a Drepturilor Omului,
of these kinds of social rights.
tipuri de drepturi sociale.
and good old-fashioned word of mouth
și metoda viului grai
restrictions in Iran
had used brain surveillance
supravegherea creierelor
the protesters' cries?
strigătele demonstranților?
for a cognitive liberty revolution.
a libertății cognitive.
advance technology
în mod responsabil o tehnologie
from any person, company or government
companie sau guvern
or alter our innermost lives.
să modifice viața noastră cea mai intimă.
Nita Farahany - Legal scholar, ethicistNita A. Farahany is a leading scholar on the ethical, legal, and social implications of biosciences and emerging technologies, particularly those related to neuroscience and behavioral genetics.
Why you should listen
Nita A. Farahany is a professor of law and philosophy, the founding director of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society and chair of the MA in Bioethics & Science Policy at Duke University. In 2010, Farahany was appointed by President Obama to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, and she served as a member until 2017. She is a member of the Neuroethics Division of the Multi-Council Working Group for the BRAIN Initiative, on the President's Research Council of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), and past member of the Global Agenda Council for Privacy, Technology and Governance at the World Economic Forum.
Farahany presents her work to diverse audiences and is a frequent commentator for national media and radio shows. She is an elected member of the American Law Institute, the President-Elect of the International Neuroethics Society, serves on the Board of the International Neuroethics Society, a co-editor a co-editor-in-chief and co-founder of the Journal of Law and the Biosciences and an editorial board member of the American Journal of Bioethics (Neuroscience). She's on the Ethics Advisory Board for Illumina, Inc., the Scientific Advisory Board of Helix, and the Board of Advisors of Scientific American.
Farahany received her AB in genetics, cell and developmental biology at Dartmouth College, a JD and MA from Duke University, as well as a PhD in philosophy. She also holds an ALM in biology from Harvard University. In 2004-2005, Farahany clerked for Judge Judith W. Rogers of the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, after which she joined the faculty at Vanderbilt University. In 2011, Farahany was the Leah Kaplan Visiting Professor of Human Rights at Stanford Law School.
Nita Farahany | Speaker |