David Sedlak: 4 ways we can avoid a catastrophic drought
Dejvid Sedlak (David Sedlak): 4 načina na koje možemo da izbegnemo katastrofalnu sušu
David Sedlak’s research focuses the long-term goal of developing cost-effective, safe and sustainable systems to manage water resources. Full bio
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created an amazing system
stvorila je neverovatan sistem
that made it possible
where there wasn't a lot of water.
gde nije bilo previše vode.
of Las Vegas and Phoenix
in a really dry place.
na jako suvom mestu.
we literally spent trillions of dollars
potrošili bilione dolara
to get water to our cities.
da dovedemo vodu u gradove.
it was a great investment.
to je bila odlična investicija.
da kombinovani efekat
we've seen the combined effects
and competition for water resources
i trke za vodenim resursima
and water resources.
i vodene resurse.
in the lake level of Lake Mead
nivoa vode jezera Mid
intakes for Las Vegas high and dry.
ostao bez vode za piće.
a new drinking water intake structure
za dopremanje vode u grad,
of the greater depths of the lake.
sa većih dubina jezera.
with providing water to a modern city
sa dopremanjem vode modernom gradu
to the American Southwest.
samo na jugozapad Amerike.
city in Australia, Brisbane,
u Australiji, Brizbejnu
of running out of water.
da nestane vode.
in São Paulo, Brazil,
u Sao Paolu u Brazilu
completely full in 2010,
the 2016 Summer Olympics.
Letnjim Olimpijskim igrama 2016.
od najboljih svetskih gradova,
of the world's great cities,
the effects of a catastrophic drought.
prave efekte katastrofalne suše.
about the navy showers we have to take.
our dirty cars and our brown lawns.
naš prljav automobil i braon travnjake.
the prospect of turning on the tap
sa situacijom da kada otvorimo slavinu,
have gotten bad in the past,
stvari krenule po zlu
to expand a reservoir
of the water resources are spoken for,
izvori vode zauzeti,
to rely on this tried and true way
na ovu uspešnu i isprobanu metodu
to solve the urban water problem
u urbanim sredinama možemo rešiti
with political, legal and social dangers.
zakonskih i socijalnih opasnosti.
the water from our rural neighbors,
vodu od naših ruralnih suseda,
the problem to someone else
na nekog drugog
it will come back and bite us
da će nam se taj problem vratiti
that already rely upon that water.
koji se već oslanjaju na tu vodu.
to solve our urban water crisis
kriza u urbanim sredinama
four new local sources of water
4 nova lokalna izvora vode
in these new sources of water
u ove nove izvore vode
u urbanim sredinama
that we'll ever run across
da cemo se ikad susresti
without a supply of imported water,
bez zaliha uvezene vode,
as an unrealistic and uninformed dreamer.
kao nerealnog i neinformisanog sanjara.
water-starved cities in the last decades
najpotrebnija voda decenijama unazad,
the technologies and the management skills
tehnologiju i menadžerske sposobnosti
from imported water,
to tell you about tonight.
želim da vam pričam večeras.
supply that we need to develop
koji moramo da razvijemo
that falls in our cities.
of urban development
urbanog razvoja je
with concrete and asphalt.
betonom i asfaltom.
we had to build storm sewers
da napravimo kišnu kanalizaciju
that fell on the cities out
of a vital water resource.
the volume of water
in the city of San Jose
that fell within the city limits.
koja pada u granicama grada.
of the blue line and the black dotted line
se može videti
of the water that fell within the city,
vode koja pada u granicama grada,
to get them through an entire year.
are probably thinking.
sada verovatno misle.
is to start building great big tanks
gradnja ogromnih rezervoara
to the downspouts of our roof gutters,
that might work in some places.
na nekim mestima.
where it mainly rains in the winter time
gde kiša uglavnom pada zimi,
is in the summertime,
to solve a water problem.
of a multiyear drought,
that's big enough to solve your problem.
dovoljno velik rezervoar da reši problem.
the rainwater that falls in our cities,
koja pada u naše gradove,
and let it percolate into the ground.
i dopustiti da se premesti u zemlju.
on top of a natural water storage system
prirodnih skladišta vode
huge volumes of water.
ogromne količine vode.
Los Angeles has obtained
Los Anđeles je dobijao
from a massive aquifer
iz masivnog izdana
that comes off of your roof
and flows down the gutter,
"Do I really want to drink that stuff?"
"Da li stvarno želim da pijem ovo?"
you don't want to drink it
in urban water harvesting
u urbanim sredinama
what the city of Los Angeles is doing
in Burbank, California.
u Burbanku u Kaliforniji.
the stormwater park that they're building
park za kišnicu koji se gradi
collection systems, or storm sewers,
za kišnicu, ili kišnih kanalizacija,
into an abandoned gravel quarry.
u napušteni kamenolom.
through a man-made wetland,
into that ball field there
aquifer of the city.
of passing through the wetland
that live on the surfaces of the plants
koji žive na povrišini biljaka
still not clean enough to drink
nije dovoljno čista za piće
this natural treatment process,
prirodni proces čišćenja,
of the groundwater aquifers
iz podzemnog izdana
to solve our urban water problem
da bi se rešio problem u urbanim sredinama
of our sewage treatment plants.
za preradu otpadne vode.
with the concept of recycled water.
sa principima reciklirane vode.
and the highway median
i sredina autoputa
in a sewage treatment plant.
za preradu otpadnih voda.
for a couple of decades now.
da je ovaj pristup
from our experience
expensive that we expected it to be.
the first few water recycling systems
prvi sistem za reciklažu vode
and longer pipe networks
sve dužu mrežu cevi
gde je potrebna.
in terms of cost.
and practical way of recycling wastewater
recikliranja vode
into drinking water
pretvori u vodu za piće
we pressurize the water
vodu izlažemo pritisku
a reverse osmosis membrane:
za obrnutu osmozu:
to pass through
the viruses and the organic chemicals
i organske hemikalije
vodonik peroksida u vodu
cleaves the hydrogen peroxide
cepa vodonik peroksid
hydroxyl radicals,
hidroksil radikalima,
are very potent forms of oxygen
su veoma potentan oblik kiseonika
through this two-stage process,
prošla kroz ovaj proces,
known to modern science
poznate modernoj nauci,
the first step in the process,
kroz prvi korak procesa,
to the taken-for-granted water supplies
koje uzimamo zdravo za gotovo
na koji recikliramo vodu.
that we recently built
koju smo nedavno izgradili
in Southern California.
from a part of the Santa Ana River
iz dela reke Santa Ana
almost entirely of wastewater effluent
uglavnom sastoji od otpadnih voda
and San Bernardino.
i San Bernandino.
into our treatment wetland,
the organic chemicals,
and inactivate the waterborne pathogens.
i deaktiviraju patogene iz vode.
in the Santa Ana River,
and percolated into the ground,
of the city of Anaheim,
from the sewers of Riverside County
od kanalizacionih voda iz okruga Riversajd
of Orange County.
that this idea of drinking wastewater
da je ideja ispijanja otpadne vode
or not commonly done.
ili da se ne praktikuje.
about 40 billion gallons a year
oko 152 milijarde litara godišnje
advanced treatment process
u dva koraka
the supply of about a million people
will not be a tap at all,
u stvari neće biti slavina,
that we manage to do.
koju uspevamo da ostvarimo.
about water conservation is outdoors
o štednji vode je napolju
and other modern American cities,
modernim gradovima u Americi,
happens outdoors.
se dešava napolju.
and our plants survive
to start painting concrete green
da se beton farba u zeleno
and buying cactuses.
i kupuju kaktusi.
landscaping with soil moisture detectors
kalifornijski stil uređenja
green landscapes in our cities.
lepe zelene površine u gradu.
that we need to open up
koju moramo da otvorimo
urbane probleme sa vodom -
desalinirana morska voda.
people say about seawater desalination.
šta ljudi pričaju od desalinizaciji vode:
lots of oil, not a lot of water
puno nafte, a malo morske vode
no matter how you slice it.
uvek zahteva puno energije.
of seawater desalination
is hopelessly out of date.
in seawater desalination
u desalinizaciji vode
in the Western hemisphere
na Zapadnoj hemisferi
north of San Diego.
desalination plant
sa postrojenjem za desalinizaciju
Santa Barbara 25 years ago,
will use about half the energy
će koristiti oko polovinu energije
has become less energy-intensive,
postala manje energetski zahtevna
desalination plants everywhere.
svuda da gradimo ova postrojenja.
a local water supply.
koje stvaraju lokalni izvor vode.
from our reliance on imported water.
od zavisnosti od uvezene vode.
our surfaces and our properties,
površine i privatne posede
by about 50 percent,
za oko 50%,
the water supply by 25 percent.
snabdevanje vode za 25%.
that makes it into the sewer,
koja završi u kanalizaciji
our water supply by 40 percent.
through a combination
and seawater desalination.
i desalinizacije morske vode.
to withstand any of the challenges
postaviti u godinama koje slede.
in the coming years.
that uses local sources
koje koristi lokalne izvore
in the environment for fish and for food.
u okolini za ribu i hranu.
consistent with out environmental values.
u saglasnosti sa ekološkim vrednostima.
and our grandchildren
i za naše unuke
take care of in the future
to create a new kind of water system.
da stvorimo novi sistem snabdevanja vodom.
David Sedlak - Civil and environmental engineerDavid Sedlak’s research focuses the long-term goal of developing cost-effective, safe and sustainable systems to manage water resources.
Why you should listen
Author, Professor and Director of the Institute for Environmental Science and Engineering at UC Berkeley, David Sedlak has developed cost-effective, safe and sustainable systems to manage water resources. He is particularly interested in the development of local sources of water, and his research has addressed water reuse–the practice of using municipal wastewater effluent to sustain aquatic ecosystems and augment drinking water supplies as well as the treatment and use of urban runoff to contaminated groundwater from contaminated industrial sites as water supplies.
In recent years, Sedlak's research on the fate of wastewater-derived contaminants has received considerable attention. He began this research in 1996 when he developed simple methods for measuring steroid hormones in wastewater. Since that time, he and his students have studied the fate of hormones, pharmaceuticals, toxic disinfection byproducts and other chemicals. His research team has also studied approaches for remediating contaminated soil and groundwater by in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and advanced oxidation processes.
He also is the author of Water 4.0, a book that examines the ways in which we can gain insight into current water issues by understanding the history of urban water systems.
David Sedlak | Speaker | TED.com