Poppy Crum: Technology that knows what you're feeling
بوبي كروم: التكنولوجيا التي تعرف ما تشعر به
Poppy Crum builds technologies that best leverage human physiology to enhance our experiences and how we interact with the world. Full bio
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knows more about us than we do?
أكثر مما نعلم عن أنفسنا؟
our slightest facial microexpressions
على الكثير من تعبيرات الوجه الدقيقة
between a real smile and a fake one.
الابتسامه الحقيقية والمزيفة
incredibly intelligent
about our internal states.
parts of our inner lives
what's going on inside
وما لا نشاركه مع الآخرين.
over what we share and what we don't.
that I think that's a thing of the past.
أن هذا شيء من الماضي.
it's not necessarily a bad thing.
إنه ليس بالضرورة أمر سيىء.
studying the circuits in the brain
في دراسه دوائر المخ
realities that we each have.
الإدراكية التي يملكها كل منا.
of current technology
that does make us better,
losing some of our agency.
بالتنازل عن بعض من سيطرتنا.
their internal experiences.
على تجاربها الداخلية.
at the mechanistic interaction
to the world around them
like eating, mating
to information in the world.
للبيانات من العالم حولهم.
and their biological experiences.
I'm a violinist, not a singer.
فأنا عازفة كمان ولست مغنية
given me a critical review.
tune their webs like violins
من صوتي كلما ارتفع،
of my voice as it went higher
of an echolocating bat or a bird,
to its external world
what's happening to its internal world.
ما يحدث في عالمه الداخلي.
the spider's response;
باستجابة العنكبوت؛
state on its sleeve.
بما يراه الناس ويعرفونه
over what people see, know and understand
our bluffs, our trials and tribulations --
وعدم صدقنا وصعوباتنا
لمقدار الجهد الذي تبذله عقولكم
to how hard your brain is working.
is driven entirely by mental effort
مدفوعة بالكامل بالمجهود الذهني
with changes in lighting.
the same thing as the subject in our lab,
يقوم به الشخص الذي في معملنا
and keep watching the eye in front of you.
العين التي ترونها أمامكم.
and it should get really easy.
في توسع قطر حدقة العين وتضيّقها
in the diameter of the pupil.
تعتمد على البيانات الشخصية.
depends on personal data.
depends on personal data.
تعتمد على البيانات الشخصية.
drives your pupil to dilate.
التحكم بجعل حدقة عينك تتسع.
to understand the talkers
in different spatial locations,
في مكانين مختلفين،
over the reveal of our internal state
في ما يظهر من حالتنا الداخلية
تجعل من هذا الأمر سهلا جدا
to make it really easy
that give us away.
التي تكشف أمرنا.
paired with machine learning
الإستشعار مقرونة بتقنية التعلم الآلي
tracking our external actions.
وميكروفونات تتبّع أفعالنا الخارجية.
of our physiology.
as infrared thermal images
and blues are cooler.
والأزرق أكثر برودة.
of our thermal response
we might be having
a picture of fire as if it were real.
لحريق وكأنها حقيقية.
people give off heat on their cheeks
الناس يطلقون حرارة من خدودهم
our poker bluffs,
from someone's thermal response
من الاستجابة الحرارية لشخص ما
of interpersonal interest?
in someone's thermal image
في صورة الشخص الحرارية
we fall in love and see attraction.
نقع في الحب ونرى الانجذاب بين الآخرين.
develop insights and make predictions
وتتفهمّم وتتوقع أمورا
of our speech and language
in the statistics of our language
في قراءات وإحصاءات لغتنا
someone will develop psychosis.
إصابة شخص ما باضطراب الذُهان.
and changes in our voice
والتغييرات في أصواتنا
of different conditions.
the spectral coloration of our voice.
تغييرا في التلوّن الطيفي لأصواتنا.
associated with Alzheimer's
than 10 years before clinical diagnosis.
عشر سنوات من تشخيصه.
tells a much richer story
يخبران حكاية أكثر تفصيلا
could, if we let them,
في منازلنا إذا سمحنا لها، يمكنها أن
isoprene and carbon dioxide
والإزوبرين وثاني أكسيد الكربون
when our muscles tense,
وعندما تتقلص عضلاتنا،
له أثر ملحوظ في تصرفاتنا.
in our behaviors.
this clip with me.
on the side screens,
the image in the front
في الصورة التي في الأمام
I needed to get a reaction.
you exhale in the room right now.
الذي تزفرونه في القاعة الآن.
throughout the theater,
في كل أنحاء هذا المسرح.
because CO2 is heavier than air.
أكسيد الكربون أثقل من الهواء
to a device in the back
with high precision,
وبدقة عالية
concentration of CO2.
لثاني أكسيد الكربون.
the real-time data visualization
هي في الحقيقة تمثيل صوَري حي للبيانات
a patch of red on the screen,
with larger colored clouds,
where a lot of us jumped.
driving a change in carbon dioxide.
تغير في ثاني أكسيد الكربون.
with me one more time.
when we changed the creator's intent.
impact of that scene.
إنتاجها والتعرف عليها.
visually identifiable moments.
of our emotions.
will know what we're feeling.
وتقنيتنا ستعرف ما نشعر به.
than we ever have.
من أي وقت مضى.
to the experience and sentiments
بالتجارب والأحاسيس
that true technological partners can bring
شركاؤنا التقنيين تطبيقها
and with our technology.
ببعضنا وبالتقنية المتاحة لنا.
of becoming technological empaths,
مع التعاطف التقني،
the emotional and cognitive divide.
الجمع بين عواطفنا وإدراكنا.
how we tell our stories.
تغيير كيف نروي حكاياتنا.
for technologies like augmented reality
لتقنيات مثل "الواقع المعزز"
ببعضنا على مستوى أكثر عمقا.
and connect us at a much deeper level.
being able to realize
ثانوية قادرا على أن يدرك
really was having a deeply hard time,
يمر في الحقيقة بوقت بالغ الصعوبة،
a crucial, positive difference.
أثرا إيجابيا بالغ الأهمية.
to know the difference
المعنية من معرفة الفرق
a mental health crisis
the direct impact of their work.
التأثير المباشر لعمله.
on the other end.
معرفة ما نشعر به.
what we're feeling.
it's art or human connection,
متصل بالفن أو التواصل الإنساني،
will know and can know
closer and more authentic.
أن نكون أقرب وأكثر صدقا.
have a really hard time
لديه وقت عصيب حقا
that people know things about us
سيتمكنون من معرفة أمور أكثر عنا
their lives and about ours.
where our inner lives are ripped open
كشف ما أستتر من حياتنا الشخصية
and our privacy given away
where we don't want to see it go.
على نحو أكثر فعالية،
each other more effectively,
someone is feeling something
أكثر ثراءً من تقنياتنا.
from our technology.
can be used for good or bad.
لأغراض جيدة أو سيئة.
and effective regulation
لبناء الثقة لأي من هذا.
to building the trust for any of this.
technology" can bring to our lives
التي تثير قلقنا تجاهها.
that make us uncomfortable.
too many opportunities and feelings
الكثير من الفرص والمشاعر
Poppy Crum - Neuroscientist, technologistPoppy Crum builds technologies that best leverage human physiology to enhance our experiences and how we interact with the world.
Why you should listen
Poppy Crum is dedicated to the development of immersive technologies that leverage human physiology and perceptual realities to enhance our experiences and interactions in the world. She has advanced a mission to democratize the way people of all abilities benefit from sensory technologies -- and how effectively technology communicates back to each of us. She believes the power of intelligent technologies is only realized with dynamic optimization and learning of as much of our personal and contextual data as possible.
Crum is chief scientist at Dolby Laboratories, leading the company's integration of neuroscience and sensory data science into its entertainment, communication and future technologies. She is also adjunct professor at Stanford University, where her work focuses on the impact and feedback potential of gaming and immersive environments, such as augmented and virtual reality, on neuroplasticity and learning. She has been recognized with the Advanced Imaging Society's Distinguished Leadership Award and the Consumer Technology Association's Technology and Standards Achievement Award for work towards the introduction of affordable, over-the-counter hearing-aid devices, and she is a fellow of the Audio Engineering Society. She has also been named to Billboard Magazine's 100 most influential female executives in the music industry. Prior to joining Dolby Laboratories, Crum was Research Faculty in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Poppy Crum | Speaker | TED.com