Angelo Vermeulen: How to go to space, without having to go to space
Angelo Vermeulen: Jak se vydat do vesmíru, aniž byste museli do vesmíru
Angelo Vermeulen wears many hats, including one as a crew commander for NASA, another as an artist and community organizer. Full bio
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for a NASA Mars simulation last year,
během loňské simulace NASA Mars.
community art all over the planet.
napříč kulturami po celé planetě.
been combining both.
about that NASA mission.
povyprávět o oné misi pro NASA.
planetary surface analogue
povrchu, kterou financuje NASA,
that is specifically designed
program navržený speciálně
of long-term isolation of small crews.
izolace malých posádek.
with a crew of six,
šesti lidí po dobu 4 měsíců,
was actually a food study,
bylo studium jídla,
for astronauts living in deep space --
astronauty žijící v hlubokém vesmíru --
as you can see here,
jak je vidět zde,
and lots of other stuff to do,
at the end of every day.
with just a small group of people
of psychological challenges:
in these circumstances;
v takových podmínkách;
you start to sense
kterou pociťujete,
how individual crew members
s takovou situací poradí;
productive and happy,
produktivní a spokojenou --
a good deal of autonomy
a lot about leadership,
about our future in outer space.
o naší budoucnosti ve vesmíru.
and we will start inhabiting outer space.
a vesmír obydlíme.
or it might take 500 years,
a new art project called Seeker.
projektem nazvaným Seeker.
challenging communities all over the world
pro komunity po celém světě,
human habitation and survival.
k lidskému bydlení a přežití.
the world is going wrong
„ó Bóže, svět se kazí,
another future somewhere else."
za budoucností někam jinam".
from earthbound constraints
od pozemských omezení,
and it works really well,
a funguje to velmi dobře,
of what we're doing.
část toho, co děláme.
I'm using a cocreation approach,
jako ke spolupráci,
from many artists.
od mnohých umělců.
into a group, into a community,
do nějaké skupiny či komunity,
být přitahováni,
and build the artwork.
a vybudujeme umělecký kousek.
when architects visit what we're doing,
of a hard time understanding
fantastic large-scale scupltures
fantastickými, obrovskými sochami,
in Belgium and Holland.
v Belgii a Nizozemsku.
of almost 50 people.
ze zhruba 50 členů.
of that same project,
toho samého projektu,
to do the architecture differently.
architektonické stránce udělají jinak.
they kept the base of the artwork,
nechali ten umělecký základ
architecture on top of that.
na tomto základě.
crucial part of the project.
součást tohoto projektu.
evolving architecture.
vyvíjející se architektura.
presented a few weeks ago in Holland,
představena před pár týdny v Nizozemsku,
as modules to build a starship.
použity obytné přívěsy.
as a technological challenge.
jenom jako k technické výzvě.
as a combination of three systems:
component in the project.
výraznou ekologickou složku.
surrounding the astronauts,
with part of the food that they're eating.
s částmi potravin, které jedí.
inside these art and design projects.
v našich uměleckých dílech.
for multiple days on end,
na několik dní v kuse,
you can see an isolation mission
in Ljubljana in Slovenia,
v Lublani ve Slovinsku,
locked themselves up --
this is a very performative
is currently being developed
ve vývoji a spolupracujeme na ní
who is also a TED Fellow,
který je také TED Fellow.
a magical place.
což je kouzelné místo.
considered a Mars analogue.
za skutečnou obdobu Marsu.
in certain locations
vypadá jako na Marsu
to test equipment.
pro testování svého vybavení.
of being connected to space
spojitost s vesmírem
that's being developed there.
který se zde vyvíjí.
location on the planet,
na zeměkouli,
to build our project,
pro výstavbu našeho projektu,
is something we have to explore fully.
co musíme plně prozkoumat.
what's going to happen.
particular version of the project
pro tuto verzi projektu je,
with the local population,
s místními obyvateli,
for a very long time
experts in sustainability,
za experty na udržitelnost,
to see what we can learn from them,
co se od nich můžeme naučit,
into space exploration.
ke zkoumání vesmíru.
how we look at our future in outer space
pohlížíme na naši budoucnost ve vesmíru,
biology, technology and people;
biologie, technologie a lidí;
local traditions
and integrate that into our deep future.
a integrovat do naší vzdálené budoucnosti.
Angelo Vermeulen - Space researcher, biologist, artistAngelo Vermeulen wears many hats, including one as a crew commander for NASA, another as an artist and community organizer.
Why you should listen
If you're looking for someone who embodies "multidisciplinary," look no further than TED Senior Fellow Angelo Vermeulen, a space systems researcher, biologist, artist and community organizer. The one common thread in all his work: the desire to understand the relationship between nature and technology, to learn from what's happened in the past in order to build a promising future for us all.
Having received his PhD in Biology from the University of Leuven in Belgium, Angelo nonetheless eschewed a life in the lab to apply a creative lens to everything he does. To date, that includes working on independent projects around the world, including Biomodd, a worldwide series of interactive art installations in which technology and nature coexist. Throughout 2011, he was a member of the European Space Agency Topical Team Arts & Science (ETTAS), while in 2013 he was crew commander of the NASA-funded HI-SEAS Mars mission simulation in Hawaii. For this project, he and a crew of six astronauts lived for four months in a dome, all in the name of studying the effects of longterm isolation among a small crew.
In 2009 he launched SEAD (Space Ecologies Art and Design), a platform for research on the architectures and ethics of space colonization. In 2014, he launched Seeker, a project calling for the public to co-create starship sculptures that evolve over time; this subject is also the focus of a new PhD at Delft University of Technology, for which he's developing "paradigm-shifting concepts for evolvable starships."
In 2012 he was a Michael Kalil Endowment for Smart Design Fellow at Parsons in New York. He holds positions at LUCA School of Visual Arts in Ghent, Belgium, and Die Angewandte in Vienna, Austria.
Angelo Vermeulen | Speaker |