Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks
Nancy Duarte: A estrutura secreta das grandes charlas
Nancy Duarte believes that ideas are the most powerful tools people have. Her passion is to help every person learn to communicate their world-changing idea effectively. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to change the world.
o poder de cambiar o mundo.
de cada un de vostedes
every single one of you
coñecido polo ser home.
para un movemento
for others to contend with,
para que outros a discutan,
have tried to convey your idea
tentaron transmitir a súa idea
or average idea was adopted.
outra mediocre.
is in the way it was communicated.
é a forma en que se comunicaron.
in a way that resonates,
de modo que teña repercusión,
and you can change the world.
e poderán cambiar o mundo.
eses carteis europeos vintage.
these vintage European posters.
we go to the dealer there,
imos xunta o vendedor,
that conveys the idea.
que a transmiten.
They're really big.
Son moi grandes.
pero son enormes.
but they're big.
mentres pasa as páxinas.
as he turns the pages.
cos meus dous fillos
I was flanked by my two kids
e este cartel estaba debaixo,
and this poster is underneath,
cara a diante e digo:
saltan cara a atrás e din:
and they are like,
about this poster was the irony.
foi a ironía.
headed into battle --
camiño da batalla,
little Suavitos baking spices,
unhas especias de cociña,
life and limb to promote this thing.
a súa vida para publicitalos.
those little Suavitos baking spices
esas especias de cociña
to be fired up about presentations.
apaixonarse por elas.
to change the world
que teñen o poder de cambiar o mundo
effectively through them.
a través delas.
with one single idea.
e cunha única idea.
or it won't be effective.
ou non producirá efectos.
para que a xente a vexa.
the most effectively is through story.
de transmitir ideas é usar historias.
as xeracións iletradas
their values and their culture
os seus valores e a súa cultura
about a story structure
na estrutura dunha historia
you get a physical reaction;
obtense unha reacción física;
e os ollos dilatarse.
"Oh, I got a chill down my spine"
"Teño arreguizos no espiñazo."
in the pit of my stomach."
when someone is telling us a story.
cando nos contan unha historia.
a story can be told,
pódese contar como historia,
it completely flatlines.
vólvese totalmente plana.
with rapt attention during a story,
fisicamente cativados por unha historia,
incorporate story into presentations.
unha historia ás presentacións.
back at the shop --
of presentations, actually,
of a really bad presentation.
dunha presentación moi mala.
and figure out what was going on
que acontecía
some of the findings
as a presentation form.
un modelo de presentación.
a beginning, a middle and an end.
comezo, corpo e final.
have that in its most simple form.
teñen iso na súa forma máis sinxela.
to studying hero archetypes,
arquetipos de heroes,
they're the star of the show."
é a estrela do espectáculo".
como a estrela do espectáculo.
that you're the star of the show.
de que iso non funciona.
that that's really broken.
podo poñérllela diante,
I can put it out there,
and hold it as dear,
e o mundo non cambia.
and the world is never changed.
quen presenta non é o heroe,
the presenter isn't the hero,
Joseph Campbell's hero's journey,
de Joseph Campbell,
some really interesting insights there.
verdadeiramente interesantes.
in an ordinary world,
kind of brought out of balance.
if I want to jump into this,"
do seu mundo común
from their ordinary world
Vostedes non son Luke Skywalker, son Yoda.
You're not Luke Skywalker, you're Yoda.
lle axudan á audiencia
that actually helps the audience
á súa nova idea especial,
and into your new special idea,
it's a three-part structure of a story.
consta de tres partes.
and that's the basic structure.
Esa é a estrutura básica.
a Gustav Freytag's pyramid --
a pirámide de Gustav Freytag:
there is a five-act structure,
unha estrutura de cinco actos,
un aumento da acción,
and a denouement,
e un desenlace,
or the resolution of the story.
ou a resolución da historia.
So we talk about shapes.
Así que falemos de formas.
well, an arc is a shape.
ben, un arco é unha forma.
having a shapeliness to it.
que ten unha beleza de formas.
if presentations had a shape,
se as presentacións tiveran forma,
communicators use that shape,
os mellores comunicadores,
it was a Saturday morning.
era sábado pola mañá.
--foran un par de anos--
it was a couple of years of study --
se esta forma é real,
"Oh my gosh, if this shape is real,
dúas presentacións totalmente diferentes
two completely different presentations
e a forma debería ser correcta".
"I Have a Dream" speech,
"Teño un soño",
de Steve Jobs en 2007,
2007 iPhone launch speech,
"I've been given this gift,"
it's pretty astounding.
é bastante sorprendente.
and I want to walk you through it.
E quero guialos a través deles.
--analiceino todo dos discursos,
I went through speeches, everything --
segue esta forma.
follows the shape.
you need to establish what is.
deben establecer o que é.
here's what's going on.
o que está pasando.
to compare that to what could be.
co que podería ser.
as big as possible,
todo o posíbel,
of the status quo,
do statu quo,
with the loftiness of your idea.
coa excelencia da súa idea.
here's the past, here's the present,
e velaquí o presente,
but look at that problem removed.
pero mira como o resolvemos.
let's annihilate the roadblock.
imos eliminalo.
the inciting incident in a movie.
dunha película.
the audience has to contend
debe enfrontarse de súpeto
with this and align with it or not?"
e aliñarme con el, ou non?"
should support that.
debe apoiar iso.
vai dun lado ao outro,
what is and what could be,
ao que podería ser,
and the normal unappealing,
e o normal en pouco atractivo,
in the future with your idea adopted.
se asumen esa idea.
people are going to resist.
a xente vaise resistir.
they may love the world the way it is.
se cadra gústalles o mundo como é.
have to move back and forth.
e hai resistencia,
and there is wind resistance,
and back and forth.
capture the resistance
cando están a navegar.
se se colle o vento adecuado
if you capture the wind just right
máis rápido ca o propio vento.
sail faster than the wind itself.
entre o que é e o que pode ser,
between what is and what can be,
cara á súa idea
them towards your idea
entre o que é e o que podería ser,
between what is and what could be,
é unha chamada á acción,
is a call to action,
but at the very end.
pero ao final.
as a new bliss.
coma unha nova bendición.
cando se adopte a miña idea".
the world is going to look,
este gran problema".
and we solve this big problem."
como unha ferramenta de análise".
I could use this as an analysis tool."
encaixan con esta ferramenta.
how much they map to this tool.
with the very two people
has completely changed the world.
que cambiou completamente o mundo.
changed the music industry
a industria da música
a industria dos dispositivos móbiles.
to change the mobile device industry.
of his iPhone launch 2007,
do iPhone en 2007,
and you can see he starts with what is,
que comeza co que é,
and ends with what could be.
e remata co que podería ser.
is him speaking, he's talking.
you'll see popped up there,
e corta a demostración.
and he cuts to demo.
talking the whole time.
you'll see a blue line,
kind of interesting:
cando lles fixo rir.
is when he made them laugh.
cando lles fixo aplaudir.
is when he made them clap.
ao que el está dicindo,
to what he is saying,
you have the audience in your hand.
que tes a audiencia nas túas mans.
dous anos e medio".
forward to for two and a half years."
for a couple of years.
more than the audience laughs or claps.
do que a audiencia ri ou aplaude.
Non é fermoso?
Isn't this beautiful?"
para sinta o que el quere.
what he wants them to feel.
dun xeito determinado.
of compelling them to feel a certain way.
"Every once in a while,
"De cando en vez,
que o cambia todo".
that changes everything."
do seu novo produto.
and talk about his new product.
ten o teléfono apagado.
he actually keeps the phone off.
ata este punto,
is pretty white up until this point,
e velaquí os malos competidores.
and here's the sucky competitors.
and here's the sucky competitors."
e velaquí os malos competidores”.
ten o seu momento estelar,
he has the star moment --
for the first time,
por primeira vez,
sucked out of the room.
o aire na sala.
que sempre lembrarán.
that they'll always remember.
pódese ver o azul,
you can see the blue,
a liña rompe.
the line breaks.
this heightened sense of excitement.
the technology didn't work.
para manter a audiencia implicada.
to keep the audience involved.
he ends with the new bliss.
acaba coa nova bendición.
novos produtos revolucionarios.
to build revolutionary new products.
quote that I love:
que me encanta:
not to where it has been.'
non cara a onde xa estivo´.
at Apple since the very beginning
facer iso dende os comezos
working hard for equality.
pelexando pola igualdade.
of the "I Have a Dream" speech.
do discurso "Teño un soño".
between what is and what could be,
entre o que é e o que podería ser,
which is the famous part we all know.
a parte famosa que todos coñecemos.
a little bit here,
I put the actual transcript there
cortei a liña,
I broke the line,
moita xente non o sabía,
most people hadn't heard that,
realmente novo para a xente de alí.
that was really new for people there.
esas liñas de texto cunha barra
these lines of text with a bar
como dispositivo de información.
as an information device here.
how he actually spoke to the people.
are going to be when he used
os momentos en que usou
of repetition.
puidera lembralas.
a lot of metaphors and visual words.
e palabras visuais.
really complicated ideas
moi complexas
para que a xente as entendera.
and knowledgeable, so people got it.
with his words to make it
puidera imaxinar o que dicía.
familiares e pasaxes relixiosas.
songs and scriptures that he used.
that you're seeing.
moitas referencias políticas
a lot of political references
that were made to the people.
the very first end of what is,
was the very first time
e ruxiu realmente forte.
and roared really loud.
what he did is he said,
un cheque sen fondos aos negros,
the Negro people a bad check,
marked insufficient funds."
por falta de fondos".
to not have money in your account.
non ter cartos na conta.
coa que a xente estaba moi familiarizada.
people were very familiar with.
foi cando dixo:
they really screamed was:
and the security of justice."
e á seguridade da xustiza".
what currently is to what could be.
co que podería ser.
a little farther in the model,
a un ritmo máis frenético.
at a more frenzied pace.
back and forth, and back and forth.
and so you can actually do this
e así pódese facer algo de verdade
sense of excitement.
esa gran sensación de emoción.
and live out the meaning of its creed.
e viva o significado das súas crenzas.
that all men are created equal.'"
que todas as persoas foron creadas iguais.
para recordarlles a promesa
to remind them of the promise
ou que este país lles fixera.
or that this country had made.
teño o soño de que un día,
I have a dream that one day,
it gets really interesting.
--poden ver os catro tons de verde,
you can look at the four shades of green,
which was a lot of repetition --
que amosa moita repetición--
of songs and scriptures.
de cancións e escrituras.
from the Book of Isaiah.
era My Country, 'Tis of Thee".
was "My Country, 'Tis of Thee."
particularmente significativa
that was specifically very significant
como forma de protesta,
chose to change the words to as an outcry,
non se cumpriran.
a stanza from "My Country, 'Tis of Thee."
unha estrofa de My Country, 'Tis of Thee.
Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!"
Deus todopoderoso, son ceibe ó fin!"
inside of the hearts of the audience.
dos corazóns da audiencia.
algo relevante.
which is important.
que cantaran xuntos
that they'd sung together
para conectarse co público.
to connect and resonate with the audience.
of this new bliss,
desta nova bendición,
that they already held as sacred.
que xa consideraban sagradas.
He had a big, big dream.
Tivo un gran, gran soño.
vostedes, que ten grandes soños.
you guys have really big dreams.
ideas realmente grandes
Atopamos dificultades.
apuñalárono cun abrecartas,
he was stabbed with a letter opener,
be required to pay that kind of sacrifice.
non se nos esixe facer ese sacrificio.
like that basic story structure.
á estrutura básica da historia.
you encounter roadblocks,
"I had this idea,
as nosas propias ideas,
contra as barricadas unha e outra vez
and butt up against the roadblocks
que a loita nos transforme
to let the struggle transform us
ter un soño e facelo realidade.
and have a dream and make it real.
if I can do this, anybody can do this.
calquera pode.
económica e emocionalmente.
and emotionally starved environment.
coa miña irmá, maltratáronme.
with my sister, I was abused.
soamente foi a máis agresiva.
it was just the most aggressive.
they married each other three times,
casaron tres veces,
and when they weren't fighting
e cando non estaban pelexando
some alcoholic that was living with us
a un alcohólico que vivía con nós
when I was sixteen years old.
cando eu tiña 16 anos.
of my home and of my siblings.
e dos meus irmáns.
e brillantes deberían facer:
bright, young girl should do --
I was eighteen years old.
in the story of my life I had a choice.
da miña vida, tiven que elixir.
me superasen
morreran dentro de min.
die inside of me.
life is too hard to change the world.
como para cambiar o mundo.
para a miña vida.
there's people in this room --
Suavitos baking spices
"You know, It's not that big a deal."
the whole world I can change."
sobre o que teñen control,
that you have control over,
that we're going to go.
Bless you. God bless you.
Que Deus os bendiga.
Nancy Duarte - CEO, presentation designerNancy Duarte believes that ideas are the most powerful tools people have. Her passion is to help every person learn to communicate their world-changing idea effectively.
Why you should listen
Nancy Duarte is an expert in presentation design and principal of Duarte Design, where she has served as CEO for 21 years. Nancy speaks around the world, seeking to improve the power of public presentations. She is the author of Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations as well as Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences and the recent HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations.
Watch Duarte's recent webinar on making presentations remotely >>
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