Leo Igwe: Why I choose humanism over faith
Leo Igwe: Zašto biram humanizam umjesto vjere
Leo Igwe works to end a variety of human rights violations that are rooted in superstition, including witchcraft accusations, anti-gay hate, caste discrimination and ritual killing. Full bio
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with a different idea of life.
s drukčijom idejom života.
the main teachings of religion --
glavnim učenjima religije:
what on earth is humanism?
"Što li je humanizam?"
razmišljanja i življenja
of human beings.
that we, human beings,
da smo mi, ljudska bića,
to make a difference in our lives,
promjenu u našim životima,
that the best humanist lessons I learned
najbolje humanističke pouke naučio
manifestos and declarations.
manifesta i deklaracija.
was from the life of my own parents.
naučio sam iz života svojih roditelja.
from a poor family background
iz siromašne obitelji
the circumstances of their bad upbringing
da okolnosti njihovog manjkavog odrastanja
for themselves and for their children.
imali za sebe i svoju djecu.
trained as a teacher,
obrazovan je kao učitelj
at a local primary school.
u mjesnoj osnovnoj školi.
of school quite early,
could not afford her education.
nije mogla priuštiti obrazovanje.
radila vrlo naporno,
and taking care of my siblings and me.
i brigu o meni i mojoj braći.
the Nigerian civil war --
a struggle day by day.
borba iz dana u dan.
I can still see water
of our house when it rained.
naše kuće kad je kišilo.
to supplement the family income.
kako bi poboljšao kućni budžet.
after school hours or during vacation
poslije škole ili tijekom praznika
no pipe with water.
from the nearby streams.
kako bismo ugrabili vodu.
kada je bilo vruće i suho.
to erect a block apartment
to enjoy a standard of living
uživanje u kvaliteti života
when they were growing up.
sanjali kad su odrastali.
is my best lesson in humanism.
moja je najveća pouka u humanizmu.
I believe that human beings
vjerujem da su ljudska bića
not predetermined.
a ne prethodno određene.
our lives and destinies
svoje živote i sudbine
najbolje nade i težnje.
into those of wealth and prosperity.
u one blagostanja i napretka.
to alleviate suffering,
reduce infant mortality
smanjiti smrtnost novorođenčadi
by wishful thinking with our eyes closed
ciljeve maštanjem zatvorenih očiju,
or by expecting salvation from empty sky.
ili očekujući spas iz praznog neba.
imagine that their religious faith
zamišljaju da im je vjera
praying for miracles
moleći se za čuda
in their lives.
u njihovim životima.
provedena 2009. u 114 zemalja,
in the world's poorest nations.
u najsiromašnijim nacijama na svijetu.
where 95 percent of the population
na svijetu gdje je 95% stanovništva
of their daily lives, were African.
svakodnevnog života, bile su afričke.
many Africans to extraordinary length:
Afrikance do nevjerojatne krajnosti:
to commit ritual killing,
bića, ritualno ubijanje,
those with a bald head.
believing in witchcraft,
in reason or in science.
ni u razumu ni u znanosti.
children and elderly persons
žene, djeca i starije osobe,
banished and killed.
protjeruju i ubijaju.
and witch persecution in Africa.
i progonima vještica u Africi.
in a proactive approach to life.
proaktivni pristup životu.
cannot be achieved only by dreaming
se postići pukim sanjarenjem,
wishing and imagining
svoje čahure, priželjkujući i zamišljajući
magically disappear.
will not fall like manna from heaven.
neće nam pasti s neba.
by wishing and dreaming.
samo željom i sanjarenjem.
they tried again.
nisu uspjeli, ponovo su pokušavali.
they plowed ahead,
we must be adventurous and even daring.
biti pustolovni, čak i smioni.
with risk and uncertainties.
rizikom i nesigurnostima.
to do what people have never done.
i učiniti ono što još nitko prije nije.
nitko prije nije smislio.
nitko prije nije predočio.
have not been to.
ljudi još nikad nisu išli.
have tried but failed.
of knowledge and understanding
granice znanja i razumijevanja
not just what is possible
ono što je moguće,
yield our desires.
do ostvarenja želja.
disappointments and setbacks.
poverty and diseases
i sukoba, siromaštva i bolesti,
uzrokovane nepogode,
have led to new dangers,
vode do novih opasnosti,
have resulted in new health risks.
rezultiraju novim rizicima za zdravlje.
create their own problems
stvaraju nove probleme,
to give up or to resign.
that our efforts are of no consequence.
kako naš trud ništa ne znači.
answers and solutions
rezultat neuspjeh.
we must not despair for humanity.
ne smijemo očajavati za čovječanstvo.
of overwhelming difficulties
new solutions and new cures.
nova rješenja i nove lijekove.
knocks on the horizon?
kad je neočekivano na vratima?
to be inventive and innovative,
stvarati i biti inovativan,
of a savior from above?
iščekivanju spasitelja odozgo?
to take our destiny in our hands
da uzmemo sudbinu u svoje ruke
in the scheme of life.
u iscrtavanju života.
to this game of blame
ovoj igri okrivljavanja,
full responsibility for our own lives.
pune odgovornosti nad vlastitim životima.
prisoners of our past.
and pessimism to drain us,
i pesimizmu da iscrpe nas,
limit our imaginations
for a better and brighter future.
bolje i svjetlije budućnosti.
poput teniske loptice?
and the new colonialism
i novi kolonijalizam
including our own self-inflicted wounds.
uključujući i svoje samonanešene rane.
je Afrika prokleta i osuđena na propast.
is damned and doomed.
the chances and possibility
onemogućila šanse i mogućnost
and flourish.
no part of the world
or enslaved in the past.
i porobljen u prošlosti.
have moved on,
nastavili sa životom,
that the past is gone;
da je prošlost prošla,
with limitless possibilities
s neograničenim mogućnostima
and remake our destinies.
i prepravimo svoje sudbine.
begin the urgent task
počnimo s nužnim zadatkom
to our ideas and imaginations,
intelligence and ingenuity
inteligenciju i inovativnost,
of rebuilding Africa
ponovne izgradnje Afrike
prosperity and civilization.
blagostanja i civilizacije.
as an African humanist.
Kao afrički humanist.
Leo Igwe - Human rights activistLeo Igwe works to end a variety of human rights violations that are rooted in superstition, including witchcraft accusations, anti-gay hate, caste discrimination and ritual killing.
Why you should listen
Many of humanity's most pernicious divisions -- factors that keep one person from seeing another as truly human -- are based on superstitions entrenched in societies, such as a belief in witchcraft. As a leader in the Nigerian Humanist Movement, Leo Igwe works to combat those superstitions and the human rights violations they often lead to, including anti-gay hate, sorcery and witchcraft accusations against women and children, ritual killing, human sacrifice, “untouchability,” caste discrimination and anti-blasphemy laws.
Igwe is the former Western and Southern African representative of the International Humanist and Ethical Union, and he holds a doctoral degree in religious studies from the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies, University of Bayreuth Germany.
Leo Igwe | Speaker | TED.com