Amel Karboul: The global learning crisis -- and what to do about it
Амел Карбул: Глобалната криза на учењето и што треба да направиме во врска со тоа
Dr. Amel Karboul builds bridges between the private, public sector and civil society to solve today’s global challenges in education. Full bio
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of a bold leadership decision.
на еден храбар водач.
became independent,
независна држава
of the country's national budget
буџет на земјата
even by today's standards.
денешните стандарди.
roads and running water?
и водоснабдување?
infrastructure we have are minds,
што ја имаме е умот,
free, high-quality education
бесплатно образование со врвен квалитет
of other Tunisians,
to that historic decision.
кон оваа историска одлука.
a global learning crisis.
криза на учењето.
and not education crisis,
не криза на образованието
the quarter of a billion children
на 250-те милиони деца
330 милиони деца
и млади,
or failing to learn.
или ќе имаат потешкотии во учењето.
I joined the Education Commission.
Комисијата за образование.
by former UK Prime Minister
на бившиот премиер на Британија
for Global Education Gordon Brown.
на ОН Гордон Браун.
во учењето.
from schooling to learning,
од одење на училиште кон учење,
how many bodies are in classrooms
децата во училниците,
about this big, vast, silent,
во врска со оваа голема, нечујна,
меѓународна криза?
деца кои одат на училиште
invent the wheel to do so.
from the best in class,
во одделението,
we looked at countries by income level:
националниот доход:
fastest improvers in education do,
најбрзите во подобрување на образованието
at the same rate as the fastest improvers
брзина како најдобрите
in school and learning.
да умее да научи.
"You should move as fast as Finland."
со брзината на Финска.
for primary and secondary pupils
и средното образование
assessment for literacy and numeracy,
оценување на писменост и математика.
than in other developing countries,
следат отколку во другите земји во развој,
are made public.
се објавуваат јавно.
Student Assessment --
many wealthy economies,
and make those achievements public?"
со следње и објавување на резултатите?
at primary school,
во основно образование,
at lower secondary school.
their attention on delivering results,
на резултатите.
to prioritize education spending
на трошоци за образование
if children are learning?
deliver results.
систем кој ќе дава резултати.
into broken systems
кој се распаѓа
and political parties can say,
so much money on education,
education systems to deliver results
за да дадат резултати
we won't have enough qualified teachers?
квалификуван наставен кадар?
became a teacher --
Сомалија стане наставник,
tertiary education became a teacher --
факултет стане наставник,
of the thousands of communities
од илјадниците општини
attending grade 11 in 2015.
во 11-то одд. во 2015-та.
in the northwest of Brazil.
the size of Germany,
in jungle and rivers.
and his fellow student
or stopping studying altogether,
или да се откажат од учењето
a guarantee for every Brazilian
стана достапно за сите
to implement this by 2016.
имплементира до 2016-та.
to high-quality education,
is huge and expensive.
math and science and history teachers
наука или историја,
and entrepreneurship.
trained content teachers in Manaus
наставници во Манаус
in those scattered communities.
во зафрлените општини.
by a more generalist tutoring teacher
in those communities
to the context and time.
содржински и временски.
and tutoring teacher important?
because in many countries,
затоа што во многу земји
enough qualified teachers.
teachers do too many things
вршат премногу работи
or not supposed to do.
или не треба да ги прават.
of the spectrum here,
on average, every doctor
во просек секој лекар
with 20, 40, 70 patients
со 20, 40, 70 пациенти
doing it all by themselves:
absurd and impossible,
all over the world every day
наставниците во цел свет секојдневно,
and tutoring teachers is amazing
наставници и предавачи е чудесна
the paradigm of the teacher,
тоа што најдобро умее
are not just in school
the status of the profession
статусот на професијата
wanted to become teachers.
да станат наставници.
the paradigm of the teacher.
на начинот на предавање.
technology for learning.
технологијата за учење.
can present information back.
можат да вратат информации.
is not always perfect.
of the classrooms
or internet not working.
антени или лош интернет.
of over 300,000 students
ученици кои имаат корист
the media center solution
and can help us bring school to children
и да ги собере децата на училиште
all over the world?"
even to implement the best ideas.
дури и најдобрите идеи.
we started two initiatives
да го реализираме
Generation" a reality.
the Pioneer Country Initiative.
државна иницијатива.
education their priority
да им е приоритетно
systems to deliver results.
систем за да имаат резултати.
called the delivery approach.
пристап на доделување.
we take everyone into a room --
parent associations,
здруженија на родители
невладини и останати,
and the solution we come up with
кои ќе ги донесеме
and supported by everyone.
и ја имаме нивната поддршка.
focus on follow-up.
фокусирање на следењето.
what was supposed to be done,
што требаше да се направи,
physically to the district or school
во местото или училиштето
just hoping that it happened.
навистина се случило.
for students in secondary education
преминале во средно училиште
in just over two years.
to make the Learning Generation a reality
проектот „Генерацијата која учи“
the backbone of education investment.
во образование.
about Vietnam earlier
Виетнам претходно
образовен систем
increasing their investment
of their national budget in two decades.
буџет во две децении.
want to borrow money for education?
да земат заем за образование?
to build a bridge or a road,
на патишта или мостови
of a bridge and show it to everyone
сјајна фотографија од мост
the middle income trap,
на препреките на средниот доход.
or not poor, thankfully, anymore,
ни богати ни сиромашни веќе,
or interest-free loans,
или бескаматни заеми,
interests on their loans.
in a finance facility for education,
за поддршка на образованието
more finance for education.
за образование.
or even eliminate completely,
или целосно ќе ги отфрлиме
ќе се посветат на реформите
and pay this money over time
систем и да платат со тек на време
from a better-educated population.
образувана популација.
in the last G20 meeting in Germany,
средба на Г20 во Германија,
education is on the international agenda.
во меѓународната агенда.
to the personal level,
личен пример сега,
to invest a young country's budget,
за образование,
budget in education,
been able to go to school,
the transition phase.
Тунис во 2015-та
that emerged from the Arab Spring
од Арапската пролет,
leadership decision.
одлука на еден водач.
of our generation.
на нашата генерација.
that we've got to win.
која мораме да ја извојуваме.
Amel Karboul - Education pioneerDr. Amel Karboul builds bridges between the private, public sector and civil society to solve today’s global challenges in education.
Why you should listen
Amel Karboul nurtures and inspires a new generation of responsible leaders, teams and organizations to create breakthroughs in their thinking, to transform themselves and to work towards a just and sustainable future.
Together with the Education Commission team, she has played a leading role in a major global initiative engaging world leaders, policymakers and researchers, and she has developed a renewed and compelling investment case and financing pathway for achieving equal educational opportunity for children and young people.
Karboul has also built The Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF) as a non-partisan think- and do-tank, and with her team she has engaged a new type of conversation between public and private audiences and nurtured new solutions for education (including de-radicalisation), employment, leadership and gender equality. She also co-lead the establishment of first democratic society in Arab nation, began economic reform and created and deployed effective pioneering digital media engagement between government and citizen on very limited budget as cabinet minister.
Karboul published her book, Coffin Corner, outlining a new leadership culture suited to the complexity and dynamics of the 21st century. Nominated as one of ten leading young African politicians, her professional brand is first and foremost that of a highly intelligent, well connected, creative and inspirational go-getter with a track record of making things happen.
Karboul received a Master's degree with honors in mechanical engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany and holds a Doctorate in Coaching and Mentoring from Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom. She has held leadership roles at numerous firms including Mercedes-Benz, DaimlerChrysler and worked in senior consultant roles at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Beratergruppe Neuwaldegg as well as visiting faculty at DukeCE. Her two daughters, meditation and yoga keep her sane.
Amel Karboul | Speaker |