Eddy Cartaya: My glacier cave discoveries
Eddy Cartaya: Zbulimi im i shpellave akullnajore
A ranger at Deschutes National Forest in Oregon, Eddy Cartaya not only solves cave crimes -- he also explores the ever-changing system of caves within Mount Hood's Sandy Glacier. Full bio
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been in a cave before?
caves are made of lava rock,
janë krijuar nga llava vullkanike,
with you today are made
më saktësisht nga akullnaja
one hour's drive from Portland,
një orë larg me makinë nga Portland,
see things and go places
ever seen or touched snow,
clumped together, and it's mostly air.
stacks up on top of it,
on the flow along the ice,
their way down through the glacier,
tunel gjatë rrugës së tyre përmes akullnajës,
to the underlying bedrock.
explored a glacier cave before.
ndonjëherë më parë një shpellë akullnajore.
the entrance to one of these caves.
and rappel down into the hole.
going to overlapping levels.
the distance between those stations.
ndërmjet atyre stacioneve.
heights and distances
you punch it into a computer
bird's-eye view of the passage
sleeping under the snow.
snow melted off the glacier,
they were all connected.
kuptuam se ishin të gjitha të lidhura me njëra tjetrën.
on our feet called crampons
të mëdhenj të hekurt në këmbë
të saj dhe e kuptuam pse.
to the surface of the glacier.
and blasting through the cave,
duke fryrë brenda në shpellë,
që gjetëm këtë çarje të re,
of this entrance room.
dhe zbritëm nëpër të çarë
what else is inside these caves?
because they're so cold
sepse bën shumë ftohtë,
këto krijesa të quajtura ekstremofile,
to live in completely hostile conditions,
janë përshtatur me jetesën në kushte ekstreme,
on the polar icecaps of Mars someday.
të gjejnë në akullnajat e planetit Mars, një ditë.
the surface of the glacier and die,
e akullnajës dhe vdesin,
their way up into the ice,
where we end up finding them.
konifere që kemi gjetur.
in the back of Snow Dragon Cave.
prapme të Shpellës së Dragoit të Borës.
of the glacier long, long ago,
para shumë, shumë kohësh,
down through over 100 feet of ice
35 metër përmes akullnajës
e kemi të vështirë ta besojmë
essentially in our own backyard,
you can only do with space travel now,
e udhëtimeve në ditët tona,
Eddy Cartaya - Cave ExplorerA ranger at Deschutes National Forest in Oregon, Eddy Cartaya not only solves cave crimes -- he also explores the ever-changing system of caves within Mount Hood's Sandy Glacier.
Why you should listen
Much of Eddy Cartaya's life takes place in caves. A ranger at Deschutes National Forest in Oregon, in charge of law enforcement and investigations, he solves crimes that happen in caves. This can range from investigating the theft of lava formations that date back 6,000 years to tracking down a group of people who covered over ancient cave art with spray paint.
Cartaya and his climbing partner, Brent McGregor, also explore the frozen, icy caves created in the Sandy Glacier as it slowly slides down Oregon's Mount Hood. In 2011, the pair identified and explored three caves which they named Snow Dragon, Pure Imagination and Frozen Minotaur. Together, the caves create 7,000 feet of passageway through the glacier. Experts think this may be the longest glacial cave system in the United States outside of Alaska.
Eddy Cartaya | Speaker | TED.com