Charmian Gooch: My wish: To launch a new era of openness in business
Charmian Gooch: Deshira ime: Te filloj nje epoke te re te hapjes se biznesit
Charmian Gooch is the 2014 TED Prize winner. At Global Witness, she exposes how a global architecture of corruption is woven into the extraction and exploitation of natural resources. Full bio
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dhe shkaterrues,
dhe shume teknike,
po e bejne shume te veshtire
t'ju flas ju te gjitheve?
kam qene nje ngaterrestare
dhe vellain tim binjak
about the world's problems.
many, many times before.
shume e shume here me pare.
te ndryshojme kete?
te luftes se diamanteve te pergjakur
journalists and lawyers.
Demshmitaret Global?
te cilet jane me te vertete pergjegjes
nga qytetaret perreth botes,
change the system itself.
per te ndryshuar sistemin ne vetvete.
so many of the countries
and education budget combined.
per shendetesine dhe edukimin sebashku.
e prerjes dhe e grabitjes te pyjeve
ne perpjekjen per te marre
te pyjeve unike te Liberise.
of much of its forests.
e shume prej pyjeve te tij.
perdoreshin kompanite anonime.
disa nga familjaret
hetuesit tone te fshehte
keto marreveshje te dyshimta
to launder profits
per te pastruar fitimet e tyre
pronareve te shtepive nje zgjedhje:
me humbjen e shtepise tende
prej disa qindra dollare,
dhe te tjeret ekspozojme
te cilat do te mbeten te fshehura
for outrageous crimes,
nje kompani anonime,
dhe ta perdor ate,
qe jane parajsa te taksave
per te marre nje karte biblioteke,
can set your one up for you,
mund te krijojne nje per ju,
routine business practice.
praktika rutine biznesi.
nga mund te zgjedhesh
nuk eshte informacion per publikun.
out there of nominees
me te nominuar
per te qene pronaret e kompanise suaj.
dhe kryej pagesen.
e cila te ka siguruar sherbimin
edhe me shume anonim se kaq.
nje bisedim nderkombetar
qe perpiqeshin te largoheshin.
and the city and the country
qyteti dhe i gjithe vendi
se cili ishte pergjegjes per kete.
identitetin e atyre qe ishin
government officials,
zyrtaret e korruptuar te qeverive,
identitetin e tyre nga ne, publiku?
an accepted business practice?
nje praktike e pranuar biznesi?
per te qene krijues
ne vije te drejte.
per te limituar riskun financiar,
be used as a moral shield.
si nje mburoje morale.
qe te ishin anonime,
si kompani anonime
te pronarit te kompanise.
jane te hapura dhe falas,
kreativ dhe inovativ
qe mund ti bashkoheni menjehere
dhe te perhapni fjalen.
ne mesin tuaj,
ne krijimin e nje prototipi
mjeti i fuqishem mund te jete.
to use company structures.
te perdoren strukturat e kompanive.
business leaders, individuals,
Charmian Gooch - Anti-corruption activistCharmian Gooch is the 2014 TED Prize winner. At Global Witness, she exposes how a global architecture of corruption is woven into the extraction and exploitation of natural resources.
Why you should listen
Charmian Gooch co-founded the watchdog NGO Global Witness with colleagues Simon Taylor and Patrick Alley, in response to growing concerns over covert warfare funded by illicit trade in 1993. Since then, Global Witness has captured headlines for their exposé of "blood diamonds" in Uganda, of mineral exploitation in the Congo, of illegal timber trade between Cambodia and Thailand, and more. With unique expertise on the shadowy threads connecting corrupt businesses and governments, Global Witness continues its quest to uncover and root out the sources of exploitation.
In 2014, Gooch and Global Witness were awarded the $1 million TED Prize, along with the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, for their campaign to end anonymous companies. Gooch's TED Prize wish: for us to know who ultimately owns and controls companies and launch a new era of openness in business. Global Witness highlighted the importance of this issue in an investigation, aired on 60 Minutes, where they sent an undercover investigator into 13 New York law firms. The investigator posed as an adviser to a government minister in Africa and asked for thoughts on how to move money into the United States for a plane, a yacht and a brownstone. All but one firm offered advice.
The Panama Papers, released in April of 2016, further demonstrate the need for transparency. The papers paint a picture of how the rich and powerful around the world use offshore accounts and anonymous companies to move money. "This secretive world is being opened up to global public scrutiny," said Gooch, on the day the papers were released.
Charmian Gooch | Speaker |