Jude Kelly: Why women should tell the stories of humanity
Jude Kelly: Per què les dones haurien d'explicar les històries de la humanitat?
Jude Kelly is artistic director of Southbank Centre, Britain’s largest cultural institution. Full bio
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to be of universal importance,
d'importància universal,
to be merely about women?
senzillament de dones?
when she was 12.
quan tenia 12 anys.
quan en tenia 15.
to become a theater director,
per ser directora de teatre,
with the fact that people I'll never meet
al fet que gent que mai coneixeré
i els seus drets,
have progress.
per aconseguir educació, per progressar.
and obviously you are, too.
i evidentment vosaltres també.
Women of the World, seven years ago,
("Dones del Món"), fa 7 anys,
across five continents.
is Somaliland in Africa.
a l'Àfrica.
was going to these caves.
va ser anar a unes coves.
of the oldest cave paintings in the world.
pintures rupestres més antigues del món.
round about 9,000 to 11,000 years old.
entre 9000 i 11000 anys d'antiguitat.
ever since it evolved.
des que va evolucionar.
when I was a little girl.
una mica a mi quan era petita.
this joyful, youthful figure?
aquesta feliç i juvenil figura?".
al conservador de les coves.
and women who painted these."
i les dones que van pintar això".
absolutely askance, and he said,
i va dir:
it was 11,000 years ago."
això va ser fa 11000 anys."
"Les dones no fan aquestes coses."
no pas les dones".
no em va sorprendre gaire
that I've seen continuously
que he vist repetidament
com a autora de teatre.
comes down through the masculine,
prové de la masculinitat,
the priest, the rabbi, the holy man.
un rabí o un sant.
resides in the masculine,
creativa es troba en el gènere masculí,
about who we really are,
the universal story
la història universal
just talk about women's experiences,
ens parlaran de les experiències de dones,
only really relevant to women
només rellevants per a dones
of whether we're prepared to believe
si estem preparats per creure
realment importen.
that women's stories really matter,
que les històries de dones importen,
about two examples of stories
of universal importance:
d'importància universal.
when they were little --
of this little alien
sobre aquest petit alienígena
really bad scientists
alguns científics dolents
back to his spaceship
a la seva nau tan aviat com puguin,
i comencen l'aventura.
have found out, and they're catching up
ho descobreixen i els persegueixen
and they've got their guns,
i tenen pistoles i tenen megàfons,
it's terribly frightening,
i envolten els nens,
going to make it.
les bicicletes s'enlairen al cel,
the bikes fly up in the air,
les cares dels meus fills,
he's there with them, he's saving E.T.,
ell és amb els nens, està salvant l'E.T.,
and she's crying her eyes out.
i ella està plorant desconsoladament.
Why can't I come?"
Per què no puc anar-hi?"
so much in E.T.,
en la història de l'E.T.,
if you understand
of what's happened,
del que m'ha passat,
for the therapy bills?"
les factures de la teràpia?"
had a word back from him,
cap resposta d'ell,
of what he intended with E.T.,
del que volia dir amb "E.T.",
and embrace difference."
i acollir la diferència".
the idea of girls' difference
la idea de la diferència femenina
about all humanity.
una història per a la humanitat.
about human goodness;
sobre la bondat humana;
a lad's heroic adventure.
una aventura heroica de nens.
for universal communication,
la tasca de la comunicació universal,
through male's eyes.
des dels ulls d'un home.
through all our books and our films,
tots els nostres llibres i pel·lícules,
by a male artist --
per un artista home,
that so many of these stories
moltes d'aquestes històries
50 percent of the rights
un 50% dels drets
una novel·la,
as a young woman
se'm va ensenyar com a noia
example of human dilemma
del dilema humà
fearful that he won't be able to make it
que no aconseguirà res
for his father's murder.
de l'assassinat del seu pare.
about suicide being an option,
del suïcidi com a opció,
who actually commits suicide, Ophelia,
la persona que se suïcida, Ofèlia,
and abused by him,
i abusada per ell,
to the audience about her feelings.
sobre els seus sentiments.
he turns on his mum,
li toca el rebre a la mare,
to fall in love with his uncle
d'enamorar-se de l'oncle de Hamlet
male dilemma, male struggle.
dilemes i lluites masculins.
of human beings,
era una història d'éssers humans,
had two women in it.
matter less than men's.
importen menys que les d'homes.
global recognition.
el reconeixement global.
l'escriptora Margaret Atwood,
sobre rentar els plats,
that belongs to then.
que sigui del passat.
to be a theater director,
directors in Britain," he said, "Jude."
al Regne Unit, Jude".
there's Joan Littlewood, who's retired,
la Joan Littlewood, ja jubilada,
who's just killed herself.
que acaba de suïcidar-se.
would you like to be?"
the disgusting slur on gay women,
sobre les lesbianes,
that I wanted to be a director.
que jo volgués ser directora.
directora d'orquestra,
the conductor, and she said,
va dir exactament el mateix.
said exactly the same.
we've made our mark.
ho hem aconseguit.
of the Paris Conservatoire
del Conservatori de París
great physical strength
"Demana una gran força física
said two years ago,
va dir fa dos anys:
immediately if it's written by a woman,
immediatament si ho ha escrit una dona,
because it's not worthy of me."
perquè no val la pena per a mi.
que les seves històries no importen
their story doesn't matter,
to be the storyteller.
per explicar històries.
that you can't stand in the central space
que no pertanys a l'espai central
your goods up to a small, select group.
només va a un petit i selecte grup.
on smaller stages,
en petits escenaris,
com a artista.
these incredible, prominent spaces
aquests espais increïbles i importants
if you're not an artist?
si no sou artistes?
or an entrepreneur or a medic
o empresàries o metgesses
les artistes femenines?
from the cave paintings,
des d'aquelles pintures a la cova
to tell the human story,
per explicar la història de l'home,
is finally told by men,
és explicada per homes,
to all our institutions,
of incapability of women
sobre la incapacitat de les dones
in Nigeria, in China, in Russia,
a la Xina, a Rússia i a Indonèsia.
and women are being told
es diu a noies i a dones
of creative inspiration.
per a la inspiració creativa.
can be a creative genius?
no poden ser genis creatius?
their voices will be made.
les seves veus puguin crear-se.
to get past this moment
si hem de superar aquest moment
that we are unequal,
a different world.
els que han d'imaginar un món diferent.
women and men,
dones i homes,
and the stamina
i la resistència
she's entitled to her dreams,
té dret a realitzar els seus somnis,
on behalf of the whole world,
en nom del món sencer,
Jude Kelly - Theater director, producerJude Kelly is artistic director of Southbank Centre, Britain’s largest cultural institution.
Why you should listen
Jude Kelly was appointed artistic director of Southbank Centre, Britain's largest cultural institution, in 2006.
She founded Solent People's Theatre and Battersea Arts Centre, and was the founding director of the West Yorkshire Playhouse. In 1997, she was awarded an OBE for her services to theatre, and in 2015 she was made a CBE in the New Year honours for services to the Arts. She has directed over 100 productions from the Royal Shakespeare Company to the Châtalet in Paris.
In 2002, Kelly founded Metal, a platform where artistic hunches can be pursued in community contexts, with bases in Liverpool, Southend-On-Sea and Peterborough. She led the cultural team for the successful London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic bid and then served on the Board of the cultural Olympiad. She is a regular broadcaster and commentator on a range of issues relating to society, art and education.
Kelly created the WOW – Women of the World Festival in 2011. In 2011 she created the WOW: Women of the World Festival, now heading into its 7th year at Southbank Centre as well as in other parts of the UK and in countries all over the world.
(Photo: Kalpesh Lathigra)
Jude Kelly | Speaker | TED.com