Anthony Goldbloom: The jobs we'll lose to machines -- and the ones we won't
Ентони Голблум: Занимања кои ќе ги изгубиме заради машините и оние кои нема да ги изгубиме.
Anthony Goldbloom crowdsources solutions to difficult problems using machine learning. Full bio
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and her dad is a lawyer.
а татко ѝ е адвокат.
are going to look dramatically different.
драстично ќе се изменат.
did a study on the future of work.
студија за иднината на занимањата.
in every two jobs have a high risk
од две занимања има висок ризик
of this disruption.
of artificial intelligence.
вештачката интелигенција.
that humans can do.
работи кои луѓето ги прават.
on the cutting edge of machine learning.
најнапредниот вид на машинско учење.
hundreds of thousands of experts
for industry and academia.
индустријата и науката.
on what machines can do,
за можностите на машините,
automate or threaten.
или загрозат.
into industry in the early '90s.
во индустријата во 90-те.
credit risk from loan applications,
кредитни ризици кај позајмици,
handwritten characters from zip codes.
ракописни букви од зип кодови.
dramatic breakthroughs.
огромен пресврт.
of far, far more complex tasks.
извршува посложени задачи
својата заедница
that could grade high-school essays.
на есеи во средни училишта.
were able to match the grades
во состојба да дадат оцени
an even more difficult challenge.
and diagnose an eye disease
дијагностицирате очна болест
were able to match the diagnoses
можеа да дадат дијагнози
machines are going to outperform humans
ќе ги надминат луѓето
over a 40-year career.
во 40 години кариера.
or see millions of eyes
и да провери милиони очи
against machines
that machines can't do.
а машините не можат.
very little progress
they haven't seen many times before.
кои не ги виделе претходно.
of machine learning
на машинското учење
from large volumes of past data.
претходни податоци.
seemingly disparate threads
навидум неповрзани нишки
не сме го имале порано.
working on radar during World War II,
на радар во Втората светска војна
was melting his chocolate bar.
го топи неговото чоколадо.
of electromagnetic radiation
електромагнетното зрачење
the microwave oven.
Микробрановата печка.
example of creativity.
пример за креативност.
happens for each of us in small ways
ни се случуваат
е нешто што машините
novel situations,
колку луѓето.
on the human tasks
на задачи кои машините
for the future of work?
in the answer to a single question:
во одговорот на едно прашање:
to frequent, high-volume tasks,
се сведе на зачестени, обемни задачи,
tackling novel situations?
справувањето со нови ситуации?
machines are getting smarter and smarter.
кај зачестените и обемни задачи.
They diagnose certain diseases.
Дијагностицираат болести.
they're going to conduct our audits,
спроведуваат ревизии
from legal contracts.
for complex tax structuring,
даночни структуирања
on novel situations.
во нови ситуации.
needs to grab consumers' attention.
мора да го привлече потрошувачот.
finding gaps in the market,
наоѓање дупки во пазарот,
the copy behind our marketing campaigns,
на рекламните кампањи
our business strategy.
бизнис стратегијата.
донесе нов предизвик.
ahead of the machines.
Anthony Goldbloom - Machine learning expertAnthony Goldbloom crowdsources solutions to difficult problems using machine learning.
Why you should listen
Anthony Goldbloom is the co-founder and CEO of Kaggle. Kaggle hosts machine learning competitions, where data scientists download data and upload solutions to difficult problems. Kaggle has a community of over 600,000 data scientists and has worked with companies ranging Facebook to GE on problems ranging from predicting friendships to flight arrival times.
Before Kaggle, Anthony worked as an econometrician at the Reserve Bank of Australia, and before that the Australian Treasury. In 2011 and 2012, Forbes named Anthony one of the 30 under 30 in technology; in 2013 the MIT Tech Review named him one of top 35 innovators under the age of 35, and the University of Melbourne awarded him an Alumni of Distinction Award. He holds a first call honors degree in Econometrics from the University of Melbourne.
Anthony Goldbloom | Speaker |