Susan Robinson: How I fail at being disabled
Susan Robinson: Cum am eșuat în a fi cu dizabilități
Susan Robinson is a business leader, inspirational speaker, blogger, entrepreneur and TED Resident. And she is legally blind. Full bio
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ceea ce v-ați așteptat
that an Asian man was not my mom
că un bărbat asiatic nu e mama mea
isn't one of my strengths
nu e unul dintre punctele mele forte
that has no correction or cure.
ce nu se poate corecta și nici vindeca.
because it's more optimistic.
pentru că pare mai optimist.
la eticheta „cu dizabilități”.
when it's used to describe people.
când e folosită pentru a descrie persoane.
nu ține seama de capacitate,
that I'm going to have to do for him?
și va trebui să fac eu pentru el?
at this business needs.
de la această firmă nu are nevoie.
in your career and your life.
în carieră și viață.
and be visually impaired?"
cu deficiențele tale vizuale?”
the rampant failure
eșecului frenetic
to just give it a rest already,
pentru a-i da pace,
pe care am condus-o în cariera mea
fancy-pantsy titles
magistrală ”.
pe punctele noastre forte,
from recognizing my mom
să-mi recunosc mama
an exhausting volume of cues,
cu precizie un mare volum de repere,
for any situation that I'm in,
sau alternative
that makes the most sense,
care are cel mai mult sens,
walk around with kale in their teeth.
să se plimbe cu varză între dinți.
fii foarte priceput
as equally confident in your superpowers
încrezători în superputerile voastre
is too small for me to see"
prea mic pentru a-l vedea”
walk into the men's room --
în toaleta bărbaților --
largest sporting arenas --
arene sportive ale lumii --
să nu fi fost adevărată.
and let them think you're drunk.
și să îi lași să creadă că ești beată.
is disabled in some way,
are dizabilități într-un fel sau altul,
and you can't smell
și nu poți mirosi
that you splashed in your coffee was sour
pe care ți l-ai pus în cafea e acru
walked up to me frantic.
the bakery she was looking for.
în care am crezut că ar trebui să meargă,
I thought she should go,
on this side of the street
pe partea asta a străzii,
încă o pereche de ochi.”
would have done the trick,
the disability in others.
arată dizabilitatea în alții.
very important note --
-- important de reținut --
for people you know well,
oamenilor pe care îi cunoști bine,
typically don't appreciate
went to see the Rockettes,
să vedem The Rockettes,
aren't kicking in a straight line."
nu lovesc în linie dreaptă.”
a straight line looks like.
during our back and forth
când ne tot contraziceam
that proved I was right.
dovadă că am avut dreptate.
aspiră la obiective îndrăznețe.
to meet its demise.
pentru a-și întâlni moartea.
who successfully transfers knowledge
informații cu succes
to Darjeeling, India
la Darjeeling, India
făcute pentru doi.
of a bicycle built for two.
the blurry photos to show for it.
fotografiile neclare pentru a o dovedi.
I forgot to introduce you to my mom.
of people looking for her.
Susan Robinson - Business executive, entrepreneurSusan Robinson is a business leader, inspirational speaker, blogger, entrepreneur and TED Resident. And she is legally blind.
Why you should listen
In 1992 Susan Robinson was diagnosed with a genetic visual impairment (Stargardt's disease). Unable to pursue her dream of becoming an orthopedic surgeon, she chose an alternate career path in organizational leadership.
Robinson has a successful professional background including leadership roles in the non-profit, corporate pharma and government sectors. She drives organizational turnarounds and new program/function start-ups with a focus on long-term, sustainable growth. She builds strong stakeholder relationships and is a transparent and direct communicator.
Robinson is a high-energy public speaker who masterfully blends her professional and personal experiences to shift thinking, elevate potential and inspire action. She deftly folds together serious issues and great humor, allowing audiences to access difficult topics with openness, confidence and objectivity.
Robinson is also an accomplished Argentine tango dancer, cyclist and yogi.
Susan Robinson | Speaker |