Kandice Sumner: How America's public schools keep kids in poverty
Kandice Sumner: Kako američke javne škole drže djecu u siromaštvu
Kandice Sumner thinks we've been looking at the "achievement gap" in education all wrong. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
that their kid is the most fantastic,
inventive, innovative,
that you'll ever meet.
koju ćete ikada upoznati.
in my classroom is my kid.
smatram svojim djetetom.
parents aren't rich
njihovi "pravi" roditelji nisu bogati
are mostly of color,
boja njihove kože tamna,
afroameričkih roditelja
državni službenici
my mother, an educator.
moja majka - nastavnica.
ambition in our house.
primarna ambicija u našoj kući.
that lacked wealth,
koji je oskudijevao u imetku
that lacked wealth.
je također oskudijevao.
the educational jackpot
na edukacioni džekpot
black and brown --
iz unutrašnjeg gradskog područja
koje su za bijelce i bogate
an hour-long bus ride
morala sam se voziti sat vremena
everyone had a life just like mine.
da svi imaju život baš kao moj.
using the brown crayons
the peach-colored ones.
everyone was just like me.
mislila sam da su svi baš kao ja.
noticing things, like:
počela sam primjećivati neke stvari:
don't have to wake up
ne mora ustajati
udaljenu sat vremena vožnje?
don't even have a music class?
nemaju časove muzičke kulture?
learning and reading material
prije 2 ili 3 godine?
this unlawful feeling in my belly,
osjećaj nezakonitosti u svom stomaku,
that I wasn't supposed to be doing;
nešto što nisam smjela raditi;
that I was being exposed to
kojima sam bila izložena
da ih nisam baš trebala imati.
fully equipped athletic facilities,
potpuno opremljene atletske objekte,
theatre departments
izvođačkim umjetnostima.
fully resourced biology or chemistry labs,
labaratorije za hemiju i biologiju,
od vrata do vrata,
for this amazing opportunity
na ovoj sjajnoj prilici
of other kids just like me,
only exclusive to the rich?
dostupno samo bogatima?
of survivor's remorse.
žaljenja preživjelog.
were experiencing
su doživljavali
kroz vožnju autobusom.
was being treated and educated.
polovina bila tretirana i obrazovana.
justify the disparity.
tu nejednakost.
from which I sought refuge.
od kojeg sam tražila zaštitu.
that were given to me as a student,
meni kao učeniku,
access to those same tools
tim istim sredstvima
when I've cried in frustration,
sam preplakala u frustraciji,
the way that I was taught,
djecu onako kako sam ja bila podučavana,
to the same resources or tools
tim istim sredstvima
our heads again this term:
razlika u postignuću!“
and these kids don't?
a ova ne?
and call it was it really is.
i zvati to onime što to stvarno jeste.
resources that were never invested
koja nikada nisu bila uložena
and brown child over time.
u američkoj historiji
created specifically for people of color
kreirana posebno za tamnopute ljude
for another TED Talk.
za neki drugi TED Govor.
was built, bought and paid for
je izgrađen, kupljen i plaćen
from the slave trade and slave labor.
trgovine robljem i radom roblja.
and prohibited from schooling,
i dok im je obrazovanje bilo zabranjeno,
the very institution
educational policy, reform,
obrazovno načelo, reforma,
to retrofit the design,
da se nadogradi dizajn,
and acknowledging:
of American educational history.
američke obrazovne historije.
the whole slavery thing.
znate, cijela ta priča o ropstvu.
of philanthropic white people,
things were indeed separate,
stvari su zaista bile odvojene,
of Topeka, Kansas in 1954;
Topeke, Kanzas 1954.;
is now illegal.
to all of the court cases since then,
na sve sudske slučajeve od tada,
promised land for every child
zemlju za svako dijete,
namjeravao provesti.
are now more segregated
više nego ikada,
to desegregate them in the first place.
da ih razdvoje.
the Little Rock Nine,
o Little Rock Nine,
the voice of a child ask,
to cultivate in my kids a love of reading.
usadim svojoj djeci ljubav prema čitanju.
from secondhand shops,
da sam upravo najavila rat.
called DonorsChoose,
internetsku stranicu DonorsChoose,
and just make a wish list
were sent to my room piece by piece.
je u moju učionicu komad po komad.
and my kids would exclaim with glee,
djeca bi uzvikivala sa oduševljenjem:
these books come from?"
wanted you to have these."
su željeli da ih imate.“
for me when one of my girls,
kada je jedna od mojih djevojčica,
knjigu tankih korica, rekla:
I figured you bought these books,
mislila sam da ste vi kupili ove knjige,
are always buying us stuff.
kupujete te stvari.
someone I don't even know,
neko koga uopšte ne znam,
will take care of you
koja mojoj djeci nije priuštena.
signing out books to take home,
da knjige nose kući,
with the exclamation,
"Take out a book and read,"
„Uzmite knjigu i čitajte,“
if the resources were there.
done right by the black and brown child.
dobro nije uradio za tamnoputu djecu.
How did we get here?"
Kako smo došli dovdje?“
the right to be surprised
is the new "it" term for the moment.
nejednakosti je trenutno riječ.
kao država.
is directly proportionate
direktno proporcionalan
can get a high-quality education
gdje svako dijete može dobiti
bez obzira gdje živi,
on a macro level.
na makro nivou.
be decided by property taxes
od poreza na imovinu
to benefit from state aid,
državnu pomoć,
having food and resources
konstantno uzimana
city council members --
članovi gradskog vijeća –
public education public education,
zvati javnim obrazovanjem,
call it what it really is:
onime što ono zaiste jeste:
od 1954."
that education is the "great equalizer,"
da je obrazovanje jednakost,
equal and equitable.
jednako i pravedno.
in our democratic education.
demokratskom obrazovanju.
of the black and brown child
obrazovanje tamnopute djece
on the philanthropy of others.
or nephew or neighbor
nećakinja, komšija
to adopt an impoverished school
osiromašenu školu
in communication
uključivanjem u komunikaciju
kao što je DonorsChoose
to do something about it.
Kandice Sumner - EducatorKandice Sumner thinks we've been looking at the "achievement gap" in education all wrong.
Why you should listen
Kandice A. Sumner, M.Ed. teaches humanities (a combination of history and English) for the Boston Public Schools and is a Doctoral student in Urban Educational Policy. Sumner created and facilitates a professional development curriculum entitled R.A.C.E. (race, achievement, culture and equity) to engage professionals of all ages on how to conduct courageous critical conversations concerning race for the betterment of today’s youth. As the subject of the documentary film Far From Home, Kandice speaks publicly and consults with organizations on facilitating difficult conversations about race and education.
Born and raised in urban Boston, Kandice graduated from a suburban school system through a voluntary desegregation program (METCO). She then matriculated Spelman College (a historically Black liberal arts college) and graduated Phi Beta Kappa. From being one of a few Blacks in her school to learning at a historically Black college to teaching in the underserved and predominately Black and Latino neighborhoods of Boston, Sumner has spent a lifetime traversing the lines of race, class and gender.
Kandice Sumner | Speaker | TED.com