Tania Luna: How a penny made me feel like a millionaire
Tania Luna: Com un cèntim em va fer sentir milionària
Tania Luna co-founded Surprise Industries, a company devoted to designing surprise experiences. Full bio
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del meu petit grup d'amics
un treballador de l'hospital.
amb caricatures a dins,
durant una setmana sencera.
on la meva família s'allotja.
que és un alberg per a sense sostres.
un hotel amb un munt de rates.
a les escombraries,
i ens observa des de la porta.
d'anada i tornada de la feina cada dia
quan vam arribar als Estats Units.
Aquest és un alberg per a sense sostres".
fins que poguessin pagar la factura.
estava plena d'escarabats.
que duia amb ell a tot arreu,
com a esquer en baralles de gossos.
i així es posessin més agressius abans de la lluita.
noves fustracions i desil·lusioins
Tania Luna - SurprisologistTania Luna co-founded Surprise Industries, a company devoted to designing surprise experiences.
Why you should listen
Tania Luna has an unusual title: she calls herself a “surprisologist.” The co-founder and CEO of Surprise Industries, Luna thinks deeply about how to delight, and how to help individuals and teams thrive in uncertain circumstances and develop the bonds needed to get through them.
When Luna was invited to take part in TED’s Worldwide Talent Search in 2012, she expected to give a talk about surprise and the importance of not being attached to outcomes. However, she was inspired to tell a more personal story -- one many of her closest friends didn’t know -- about her Ukrainian family getting asylum in the United States when she was 6-yeard-old and arriving in New York with virtually nothing. She sees her work as connected to her upbringing -- in which a piece of Bazooka bubble gum, a thrown-out toy or a mis-delivered pizza was magical -- because it gave her an appreciation for the joy of little surprises.
Tania Luna | Speaker | TED.com