Amel Karboul: The global learning crisis -- and what to do about it
Amel Karboul: La crisis mundial de aprendizaje, y qué hacer al respecto
Dr. Amel Karboul builds bridges between the private, public sector and civil society to solve today’s global challenges in education. Full bio
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of a bold leadership decision.
de liderazgo audaz.
became independent,
cuando Túnez se independizó,
of the country's national budget
del presupuesto nacional del país
incluso con los estándares actuales.
even by today's standards.
roads and running water?
y el agua corriente?
infrastructure we have are minds,
que tenemos es la mente,
free, high-quality education
educación gratuita y de alta calidad
of other Tunisians,
to that historic decision.
con esa decisión histórica.
a global learning crisis.
una crisis mundial de aprendizaje.
and not education crisis,
y no crisis educativa,
the quarter of a billion children
de niños y jóvenes,
or failing to learn.
o no podrán aprender.
I joined the Education Commission.
me uní a la Comisión de Educación.
by former UK Prime Minister
el ex primer ministro del Reino Unido
for Global Education Gordon Brown.
para la educación mundial, Gordon Brown.
el alcance del problema?
from schooling to learning,
de la escolarización al aprendizaje,
how many bodies are in classrooms
hay en las aulas
crisis mundial tan vasta y silenciosa,
about this big, vast, silent,
en la escuela aprendiendo
invent the wheel to do so.
la rueda para lograrlo.
from the best in class,
de los mejores en su clase,
we looked at countries by income level:
por nivel de ingresos:
altos ingresos.
fastest improvers in education do,
que más aceleran la mejora educativa,
at the same rate as the fastest improvers
de los factores más dinámicos
in school and learning.
en la escuela aprendiendo.
"You should move as fast as Finland."
"Debes moverte tan rápido como Finlandia".
for primary and secondary pupils
alumnos de primaria y secundaria
assessment for literacy and numeracy,
de alfabetización y aritmética,
than in other developing countries,
que en otros países en desarrollo,
are made public.
se hacen públicos.
Student Assessment --
Internacional de Estudiantes --
many wealthy economies,
un experto en educación,
"¿Qué hay de nuevo y diferente?
and make those achievements public?"
de los estudiantes y publican sus logros?"
at primary school,
del aprendizaje en primaria,
at lower secondary school.
de la escuela secundaria.
their attention on delivering results,
su atención en conseguir resultados,
to prioritize education spending
priorizarán el gasto en educación
if children are learning?
deliver results.
entregue resultados.
into broken systems
en sistemas rotos
y no aprenden,
and political parties can say,
y partidos políticos puedan decir:
so much money on education,
en educación,
education systems to deliver results
actuales para obtener resultados
suficientes profesores cualificados?
we won't have enough qualified teachers?
became a teacher --
se hiciera maestro
tertiary education became a teacher --
universitarios se hiciera maestro --
en campos de refugiados,
of the thousands of communities
las miles de comunidades
tiene 20 familias.
attending grade 11 in 2015.
en bachillerato en 2015.
in the northwest of Brazil.
del noroeste brasileño.
the size of Germany,
más grande que Alemania,
in jungle and rivers.
de jungla y ríos.
and his fellow student
or stopping studying altogether,
o dejar de estudiar por completo,
Brasil aprobó una nueva ley
a guarantee for every Brazilian
para cada brasileño
to implement this by 2016.
de implementarla antes de 2016.
to high-quality education,
de alta calidad,
is huge and expensive.
es una tarea enorme y costosa.
math and science and history teachers
de matemáticas, ciencia e historia
and entrepreneurship.
y espíritu emprendedor.
del centro de medios.
trained content teachers in Manaus
especializado en Manaos
in those scattered communities.
esas comunidades dispersas.
by a more generalist tutoring teacher
de tutoría más generalista
in those communities
de tutoría en esas comunidades
to the context and time.
al contexto y el tiempo.
and tutoring teacher important?
y maestro de tutoría?
because in many countries,
porque en muchos países,
suficientes maestros cualificados.
enough qualified teachers.
teachers do too many things
hacen demasiadas cosas
o se supone que no deberían hacer.
or not supposed to do.
of the spectrum here,
inferior del espectro aquí,
on average, every doctor
de media, cada médico
with 20, 40, 70 patients
con 20, 40, 70 pacientes
doing it all by themselves:
absurd and impossible,
all over the world every day
de los maestros en el mundo
and tutoring teachers is amazing
de contenidos y tutoría es increíble
the paradigm of the teacher,
el paradigma del maestro,
lo que mejor puede hacer
are not just in school
no solo estén en la escuela
maestros de contenido,
the status of the profession
el estatus de la profesión
wanted to become teachers.
quisieran ser maestros.
the paradigm of the teacher.
el paradigma del maestro.
technology for learning.
para el aprendizaje.
can present information back.
pueden enviar información de regreso.
is not always perfect.
no siempre es perfecta.
of the classrooms
or internet not working.
o Internet que no funciona.
of over 300,000 students
de más de 300 000 estudiantes
the media center solution
del centro de medios
no es solo un complemento
and can help us bring school to children
y puede acercar la escuela a los niños,
los niños a la escuela.
all over the world?"
en todo el mundo?"
even to implement the best ideas.
implementar las mejores ideas.
we started two initiatives
comenzamos dos iniciativas
Generation" a reality.
del aprendizaje una realidad.
the Pioneer Country Initiative.
Iniciativa de País Pionero.
education their priority
de la educación su prioridad
systems to deliver results.
para entregar resultados.
called the delivery approach.
enfoque a la entrega.
we take everyone into a room --
llevamos a todos a una sala:
asociaciones de padres,
parent associations,
ONGs, a todos...
and the solution we come up with
que se nos ocurra
y cuenten con el apoyo de todos.
and supported by everyone.
focus on follow-up.
despiadado en el seguimiento.
what was supposed to be done,
physically to the district or school
físicamente al distrito o la escuela
just hoping that it happened.
en vez de esperar que suceda.
suene a sentido común,
for students in secondary education
estudiantes de educación secundaria
in just over two years.
en poco más de dos años.
generación del aprendizaje una realidad
to make the Learning Generation a reality
the backbone of education investment.
la columna vertebral de la inversión.
about Vietnam earlier
les hablé sobre Vietnam
increasing their investment
ha aumentado su inversión
of their national budget in two decades.
nacional en dos décadas.
pedir prestado dinero para educación?
want to borrow money for education?
to build a bridge or a road,
construir un puente o una carretera,
of a bridge and show it to everyone
de un puente y mostrarla a todos
the middle income trap,
de la trampa del ingreso medio,
or not poor, thankfully, anymore,
pobres o no son pobres, por suerte,
or interest-free loans,
de becas o créditos a bajo interés,
interests on their loans.
en sus préstamos.
in a finance facility for education,
un fondo financiero para la educación,
para la educación.
more finance for education.
or even eliminate completely,
eliminaremos por completo,
sobre los préstamos
se comprometan con las reformas
and pay this money over time
este dinero a lo largo del tiempo
from a better-educated population.
una población mejor educada.
in the last G20 meeting in Germany,
la última reunión del G20 en Alemania,
education is on the international agenda.
está en la agenda internacional.
nuevamente al plano personal,
to the personal level,
to invest a young country's budget,
el presupuesto de un país joven,
budget in education,
un país joven en educación,
been able to go to school,
the transition phase.
la fase de transición.
de Túnez en 2015
that emerged from the Arab Spring
que surgió de la Primavera Árabe
leadership decision.
de liderazgo.
por los derechos civiles,
of our generation.
de nuestra generación.
that we've got to win.
que tenemos que ganar.
Amel Karboul - Education pioneerDr. Amel Karboul builds bridges between the private, public sector and civil society to solve today’s global challenges in education.
Why you should listen
Amel Karboul nurtures and inspires a new generation of responsible leaders, teams and organizations to create breakthroughs in their thinking, to transform themselves and to work towards a just and sustainable future.
Together with the Education Commission team, she has played a leading role in a major global initiative engaging world leaders, policymakers and researchers, and she has developed a renewed and compelling investment case and financing pathway for achieving equal educational opportunity for children and young people.
Karboul has also built The Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF) as a non-partisan think- and do-tank, and with her team she has engaged a new type of conversation between public and private audiences and nurtured new solutions for education (including de-radicalisation), employment, leadership and gender equality. She also co-lead the establishment of first democratic society in Arab nation, began economic reform and created and deployed effective pioneering digital media engagement between government and citizen on very limited budget as cabinet minister.
Karboul published her book, Coffin Corner, outlining a new leadership culture suited to the complexity and dynamics of the 21st century. Nominated as one of ten leading young African politicians, her professional brand is first and foremost that of a highly intelligent, well connected, creative and inspirational go-getter with a track record of making things happen.
Karboul received a Master's degree with honors in mechanical engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany and holds a Doctorate in Coaching and Mentoring from Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom. She has held leadership roles at numerous firms including Mercedes-Benz, DaimlerChrysler and worked in senior consultant roles at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Beratergruppe Neuwaldegg as well as visiting faculty at DukeCE. Her two daughters, meditation and yoga keep her sane.
Amel Karboul | Speaker |