Michael Green: What the Social Progress Index can reveal about your country
Michael Green: Mitä Yhteiskunnallisen Kehityksen Indeksi paljastaa maastasi?
Michael Green is part of the team that has created the Social Progress Index, a standard to rank societies based on how they meet the needs of citizens. Full bio
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everyone in this room today,
jokaisen meidän elämään,
everyone on this planet.
ja tällä planeetalla.
he delivered was called
toimii pohjana miten
success of countries:
Gross Domestic Product,
the success of countries,
and shape our lives
dominate our lives.
struggling to respond.
tienneet miten reagoida.
know what was going on.
eivät tienneet mitä tapahtuu.
the U.S. economy
mitä Yhdysvaltojen
of the slump.
national income
bite in the world,
language of the economist.
economic performance.
of our well-being.
to all decision making.
kaikkea päätöksentekoa.
Kuznetsin varoituksen huomiotta.
GDP goes up.
are going up
are going down,
ja vankilat ovat kehitystä.
tai yhteisöllisyyttä.
about fairness or justice.
of environmental disaster
to measure our societies,
things that matter to real people.
sille millä on merkitystä.
I'm not discriminated against?
jossa minua ei syrjitä?
prevented from environmental destruction?
suojassa ympäristön tuholta?
eikä tule olemaan vastausta.
we have the technology
vihdoin teknologia niin tehokkaaseen
unimaginable to Kuznets.
siitä edes unelmoida.
to the Social Progress Index.
yhteiskunnallisen kehityksen indeksin.
well-being of society,
of looking at the world.
the basic needs for survival:
kaikilla perustarpeet täytetty:
to improve their lives:
and sustainable environment?
ja puhtaaseen luontoon?
individual have access
most advanced knowledge?
how countries are performing.
mitata maan toimintakykyä.
a country spends on healthcare,
käyttää terveydenhoitoon.
quality of people's lives.
pass laws against discrimination,
lakeja syrjintää vastaan.
experience discrimination.
vai mitä?
vertical axis social progress.
yhteiskunnallisen kehityksen.
is GDP per capita.
En ole käynyt. Pitää mennä.
yhteiskunnallista kehitystä,
kuin Uusi-Seelanti,
yhteiskunnallisessa kehityksessä.
social progress than Chad,
kehityksessä kuin Tšad
the countries of the world,
mukaan vertailuun
onnistuneet mittaamaan,
emerging economies,
pleased to say, is Brazil.
country with a lot of GDP
mutta ei kovin mairitteleva
of social progress —
as some Western European countries,
hipova yhteiskunnallinen kehitys,
a little cluttered
kehityksen suhteen.
for more social progress,
we've seen over the last 20, 30 years,
todistaneet viimeiset 20-30 vuotta,
of the world's population
14,000 dollars a year.
14 000 dollaria vuodessa
Brasilia on viivan yläpuolella.
want to go on social progress?
yhteiskunnallista kehitystä.
social progress from its GDP,
yhteiskunnalliseen kehitykseen,
pelkkä talouskasvu riitä.
yhteiskunnallisen kehityksen ohella.
Progress Index does:
kehityksen indeksi on hyvä:
in people's lives.
nonprofit here in Brazil,
Social Progress Index.
yhteiskunnallisen kehityksen indeksin.
Europe, 24 million people,
-- 24 miljoonaa ihmistä -- ja
parts of the country.
business and civil society
kolmannelta sektorilta
people's lives,
precious global asset
korvaamattoman arvokasta
city or municipality.
alueelle, kaupungille tai kunnalle.
sometimes talk about it,
God on tablets of stone. (Laughter)
kivitauluina taivaasta.
invented in the 20th century
of the 20th century.
ilmastonmuutos jne.
their economic contribution,
to social progress.
yhteiskunnalliseen kehitykseen.
politicians to account
pitää poliitikkoja vastuussa
civil society, me, you —
minä ja sinä ―
century of social progress.
tulee yhteiskunnallisen kehityksen vuosisata.
Michael Green - Social progress expertMichael Green is part of the team that has created the Social Progress Index, a standard to rank societies based on how they meet the needs of citizens.
Why you should listen
In his book Philanthrocapitalism (co-authored with Economist business editor Matthew Bishop), Michael Green defined a new model for social change built on partnerships between wealthy businesses, governments and community organizations. Shortly thereafter, Bishop floated the idea of a “Social Competiveness Index,” the idea that one day countries would compete with one another to be the most socially advanced, in the same way as they now compete to be economic top dog. Green loved it and decided to turn it into reality.
Teaming up with Avina's president Brizio Biondi-Morra, Sally Osberg of the Skoll Foundation and many other thought leaders from businesses and foundations, he began work on what would become the Social Progress Imperative, of which he's now CEO. Later they were joined by Harvard management guru Michael E. Porter, who became chairman of the SPI's advisory board. The first Social Progress Index was published in 2014.
Michael Green | Speaker | TED.com