Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks
Nancy Duarte believes that ideas are the most powerful tools people have. Her passion is to help every person learn to communicate their world-changing idea effectively. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to change the world.
every single one of you
leghatalmasabb eszköz.
for others to contend with,
hogy megbirkózzanak vele,
have tried to convey your idea
ötletét megosztani,
or average idea was adopted.
mindennapi ötletet fogadtak el.
is in the way it was communicated.
közlésük mikéntje volt.
in a way that resonates,
and you can change the world.
meg tudjuk változtatni.
plakátokat gyűjtünk.
these vintage European posters.
we go to the dealer there,
és világos képi megfelelőjük.
that conveys the idea.
They're really big.
mint egy matrac, de nagyok.
but they're big.
elmond egy sztorit –
as he turns the pages.
I was flanked by my two kids
and this poster is underneath,
and they are like,
about this poster was the irony.
headed into battle --
little Suavitos baking spices,
life and limb to promote this thing.
hajlandó lenne vásárra vinni a bőrét.
those little Suavitos baking spices
Suavitos sütőfűszereket
to be fired up about presentations.
előadások miatt feltüzeltnek lenni.
to change the world
megváltoztatni a világot,
effectively through them.
with one single idea.
or it won't be effective.
másképp nem lesz hatékony.
hogy mások is lássák.
the most effectively is through story.
módja pedig a történetmesélés.
their values and their culture
értékrendjüket és kultúrájukat
about a story structure
a történet felépítésében,
you get a physical reaction;
testi reakciót vált ki belőlünk:
"Oh, I got a chill down my spine"
in the pit of my stomach."
when someone is telling us a story.
történetet mesél nekünk.
a story can be told,
a történet megállja a helyét.
it completely flatlines.
teljesen megszűnnek.
with rapt attention during a story,
feszülten ülve figyelünk,
incorporate story into presentations.
történetet szőni előadásokba.
back at the shop --
ezelőtt a műhelyben.
of presentations, actually,
of a really bad presentation.
és irodalmat tanulok,
and figure out what was going on
mi történik, mi a hiba.
some of the findings
as a presentation form.
alakjának felismeréséhez.
rendszerével kezdtünk:
a beginning, a middle and an end.
have that in its most simple form.
sem követi ezeket.
to studying hero archetypes,
vizsgálatára, azt gondoltam:
they're the star of the show."
that you're the star of the show.
a műsor sztárjának éreznünk magunkat.
that that's really broken.
I can put it out there,
and hold it as dear,
and the world is never changed.
a világ változatlan marad.
the presenter isn't the hero,
Joseph Campbell's hero's journey,
utazásait nézzük –
some really interesting insights there.
belátásra tehetünk szert.
in an ordinary world,
kind of brought out of balance.
bele akarok-e vágni ebbe".
if I want to jump into this,"
from their ordinary world
You're not Luke Skywalker, you're Yoda.
that actually helps the audience
and into your new special idea,
az új, egyedi ötletünk felé.
it's a three-part structure of a story.
háromlépcsős felépítésűek.
and that's the basic structure.
és ennyiben áll az alapszerkezet.
a Gustav Freytag's pyramid --
felvázolt piramisával nem találkoztam.
there is a five-act structure,
and a denouement,
or the resolution of the story.
So we talk about shapes.
well, an arc is a shape.
having a shapeliness to it.
arányosságot tennénk hozzá.
if presentations had a shape,
az előadásoknak,
communicators use that shape,
it was a Saturday morning.
it was a couple of years of study --
"Oh my gosh, if this shape is real,
two completely different presentations
"I Have a Dream" speech,
Van egy álmom beszédét
Iphone-bemutatóját elővenni.
2007 iPhone launch speech,
"I've been given this gift,"
it's pretty astounding.
nagyon elképesztő.
and I want to walk you through it.
Menjünk végig rajta!
I went through speeches, everything --
beszédek során mentem át.
follows the shape.
you need to establish what is.
meg kell állapítani, ami van.
here's what's going on.
to compare that to what could be.
as big as possible,
a lehető legnagyobbnak kell lennie,
of the status quo,
with the loftiness of your idea.
mondandónk magasröptűségével.
here's the past, here's the present,
but look at that problem removed.
let's annihilate the roadblock.
the inciting incident in a movie.
the audience has to contend
állást kell foglalnia:
with this and align with it or not?"
beálljak a sorba vagy nem?"
should support that.
azt erősítse, hogy igen.
what is and what could be,
and the normal unappealing,
visszataszítóvá tegyük,
lehetséges jövő felé tereljük.
in the future with your idea adopted.
people are going to resist.
lesznek, akik majd ellenállnak.
they may love the world the way it is.
a világot tán olyannak szeretik, amilyen.
have to move back and forth.
and there is wind resistance,
és a légellenállás miatt
and back and forth.
capture the resistance
if you capture the wind just right
jó irányból fogjuk be,
sail faster than the wind itself.
between what is and what can be,
hogy ami van és ami lehetne,
them towards your idea
between what is and what could be,
a "van" és a "lehetne" között,
is a call to action,
but at the very end.
as a new bliss.
the world is going to look,
and we solve this big problem."
I could use this as an analysis tool."
"Hiszen elemzésre is használhatnám."
how much they map to this tool.
with the very two people
has completely changed the world.
teljesen megváltoztatta.
changed the music industry
és a zeneipar világát,
to change the mobile device industry.
átalakítása felé tart.
of his iPhone launch 2007,
and you can see he starts with what is,
and ends with what could be.
és azzal fejezi be, ami lehetne.
is him speaking, he's talking.
you'll see popped up there,
and he cuts to demo.
hozzá átvált a demóra.
talking the whole time.
you'll see a blue line,
kind of interesting:
meg a közönséget.
is when he made them laugh.
is when he made them clap.
to what he is saying,
you have the audience in your hand.
az ujjunk köré csavarjuk.
forward to for two and a half years."
for a couple of years.
more than the audience laughs or claps.
a közönség nevet vagy tapsol.
Isn't this beautiful?"
"Nem óriási? Nem gyönyörű?"
what he wants them to feel.
hogy közönsége érezzen.
of compelling them to feel a certain way.
éreznie a közönségnek.
"Every once in a while,
mindent megváltoztatva felbukkanna."
that changes everything."
and talk about his new product.
he actually keeps the phone off.
is pretty white up until this point,
igencsak fehér eddig a pontig.
and here's the sucky competitors.
és a pocsék versenytársak,
and here's the sucky competitors."
és a pocsék versenytársak."
he has the star moment --
for the first time,
sucked out of the room.
that they'll always remember.
amire örökké emlékeznek.
you can see the blue,
the line breaks.
this heightened sense of excitement.
the technology didn't work.
to keep the audience involved.
érdekében mesébe kezd.
he ends with the new bliss.
az új Édennel fejezi be.
to build revolutionary new products.
forradalmi termékei fejlesztését.
quote that I love:
nekem kedves mondása:
not to where it has been.'
és ne oda, ahol már volt.«
at Apple since the very beginning
working hard for equality.
folyó küzdelemre tette fel.
of the "I Have a Dream" speech.
between what is and what could be,
a "van" és a "lehetne" között,
which is the famous part we all know.
amelyet mindannyian jól ismerünk.
a little bit here,
I put the actual transcript there
mentén helyeztem el.
I broke the line,
most people hadn't heard that,
amit legtöbben nem tudnak.
that was really new for people there.
ami az ottaniaknak újnak számított.
these lines of text with a bar
as an information device here.
how he actually spoke to the people.
hogyan is beszélt a néphez.
are going to be when he used
of repetition.
a lot of metaphors and visual words.
és képszerű szavakat használt.
really complicated ideas
összetett gondolatokat
and knowledgeable, so people got it.
és felejthetetlenné tegyünk.
with his words to make it
hozott létre szavaival,
songs and scriptures that he used.
és a Bibliából is idézett.
that you're seeing.
a lot of political references
that were made to the people.
a "van"-nak a legeslegvégén,
the very first end of what is,
was the very first time
and roared really loud.
what he did is he said,
the Negro people a bad check,
marked insufficient funds."
nincs elegendő fedezet."
to not have money in your account.
ha számlánkon nincs pénz.
people were very familiar with.
they really screamed was:
és a jog biztonságát követeljük."
and the security of justice."
what currently is to what could be.
a jelennel azt, ami lehetne.
a little farther in the model,
at a more frenzied pace.
tempóban ugrál oda-vissza.
back and forth, and back and forth.
and so you can actually do this
sense of excitement.
and live out the meaning of its creed.
és valóra váltja hitvallása értelmét.
that all men are created equal.'"
hogy mindenki egyenlőnek született."
to remind them of the promise
ott emlékezteti őket az ígéretre,
or that this country had made.
vagy az ország tett.
I have a dream that one day,
Van egy álmom, hogy egy nap,
it gets really interesting.
you can look at the four shades of green,
which was a lot of repetition --
ami ismétléseket jelöl –
of songs and scriptures.
utalás dalokra és a Bibliára.
from the Book of Isaiah.
was "My Country, 'Tis of Thee."
that was specifically very significant
nagy jelentőséggel bírt
chose to change the words to as an outcry,
felháborodásuk fejezték ki.
a stanza from "My Country, 'Tis of Thee."
egy idézett versszak az Americaból.
Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!"
Hála Teremtőnek, végre szabadok!"
inside of the hearts of the audience.
hogy szívükbe férkőzzön.
which is important.
that they'd sung together
összetartására és megindítására.
to connect and resonate with the audience.
of this new bliss,
that they already held as sacred.
dolgokat emelte be.
He had a big, big dream.
you guys have really big dreams.
akiknek álmai hatalmasak.
he was stabbed with a letter opener,
őt leszúrták egy levélbontóval,
be required to pay that kind of sacrifice.
hogy ilyet árat fizessen azért.
like that basic story structure.
a történet alapsémájához.
you encounter roadblocks,
"I had this idea,
and butt up against the roadblocks
to let the struggle transform us
hogy a küzdelem átformáljon,
and have a dream and make it real.
és az álmokat valóra váltanánk.
if I can do this, anybody can do this.
bárki meg tudja tenni.
and emotionally starved environment.
környezetben nőttem fel.
with my sister, I was abused.
húgommal, ahol bántalmaztak.
it was just the most aggressive.
csak a legagresszívabb.
they married each other three times,
házasodtak össze egymással.
and when they weren't fighting
Amikor nem veszekedtek,
some alcoholic that was living with us
segítettek kijózanodni.
when I was sixteen years old.
16 éves koromban.
of my home and of my siblings.
testvéreimnek és a háznak.
Egy évet jártam főiskolára.
bright, young girl should do --
okos, fiatal lánynak kellene.
I was eighteen years old.
in the story of my life I had a choice.
válaszút előtt álltam.
die inside of me.
magamban elhalni.
life is too hard to change the world.
a világ megváltoztatásához.
there's people in this room --
Suavitos baking spices
"You know, It's not that big a deal."
the whole world I can change."
that you have control over,
that we're going to go.
Bless you. God bless you.
Nancy Duarte - CEO, presentation designerNancy Duarte believes that ideas are the most powerful tools people have. Her passion is to help every person learn to communicate their world-changing idea effectively.
Why you should listen
Nancy Duarte is an expert in presentation design and principal of Duarte Design, where she has served as CEO for 21 years. Nancy speaks around the world, seeking to improve the power of public presentations. She is the author of Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations as well as Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences and the recent HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations.
Watch Duarte's recent webinar on making presentations remotely >>
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