Will MacAskill: What are the most important moral problems of our time?
Will MacAskill: Apa masalah moral yang paling penting di zaman sekarang ini?
Will MacAskill is a cofounder of the effective altruism movement, a philosophy that tries to answer the question: How can we do as much good as possible? Full bio
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of human civilization.
peradaban manusia
200.000 tahun terakhir]
over the last 200,000 years]
on the equivalent of one dollar per day,
setara satu dolar per hari, dan...
extraordinary happened:
sesuatu yang luar biasa terjadi:
in terms of power to change the world,
dalam hal daya mengubah dunia,
dalam sejarah manusia,
in human history,
belum dapat memahami fakta ini.
hasn't yet caught up with this fact.
baik pemahaman kita akan dunia
our understanding of the world
yang berlimpah ini
bounty of resources
suatu program filsuf dan penelitian
a philosophy and research program
to these radical changes in our world,
perubahan radikal di dunia,
untuk mencoba menjawab pertanyaan ini:
to try to answer this question:
you've got to address
or your political engagement,
who to work with.
paling mendasar.
fundamental problem.
yang dihadapi oleh dunia,
that the world faces,
on trying to solve first?
diperhatikan untuk dicoba diatasi?
for thinking about this question,
untuk memikirkannya,
and the more neglected it is.
dan lebih dapat diabaikan.
jika kita pecahkan masalahnya.
if we do solve the problem.
dengan lebih sedikit waktu dan uang.
with less time or money.
because of diminishing returns.
karena mengurangi keuntungan.
invested into solving a problem,
dicurahkan untuk memecahkan masalah,
membuat kemajuan tambahan.
to make additional progress.
to leave with you is this framework,
adalah kerangka ini,
in the effective altruism community
di komunitas altruisme efektif
yang kami percayai teramat penting,
that we believe are unusually important,
pada kerangka ini.
dalam kesehatan global.
in global health.
malaria, dan diare
malaria, diarrheal disease
melenyapkan cacar air.
over 60 million lives.
menyelamatkan lebih dari 60 juta jiwa.
jika kita mencapai perdamaian dunia
than if we'd achieved world peace
dengan membagikan kelambu yang awet
long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets
is factory farming.
adalah peternakan massal.
used every year for food,
untuk bahan pangan setiap tahunnya,
are factory farmed,
of horrific suffering.
yang hidup sengsara di Bumi,
the worst-off creatures on this planet,
hidup mereka secara signifikan
significantly improve their lives
di peternakan massal
more animals in factory farms
of the philanthropic funding.
seperlimapuluh dari pendanaan filantropis.
resources in this area
that I want to focus on the most,
yang paling saya ingin fokuskan,
risiko keberlangsungan hidup:
of existential risks:
atau pandemi global
or a global pandemic
mengacaukan peradaban
of the human race.
kepunahan umat manusia.
yang amat tinggi pada kerangka ini.
this is such a big priority
a truly existential catastrophe?
bencana keberlangsungan?
of all seven billion people on this planet
tujuh miliar orang di planet ini
and everyone you know and love.
yang Anda kenal dan cintai.
of unimaginable size.
yang tak terbayangkan.
potensi masa depan manusia,
of humanity's future potential,
potensi manusia itu besar.
potential is vast.
for about 200,000 years,
sejak sekitar 200.000 tahun,
spesies mamalia pada umumnya,
as a typical mammalian species,
sampai sekitar dua juta tahun.
for about two million years.
were a single individual,
isn't a typical mammalian species.
bukan spesies mamalia pada umumnya.
dua juta tahun saja.
after only two million years.
for 500 million years to come.
selama 500 juta tahun lagi.
kita bisa tinggal di bintang,
for billions more.
miliaran tahun lagi.
is going to be really big,
berkesempatan amat besar,
untuk dipertahankan?
even really worth preserving?
how things have been getting worse,
berbagai hal memburuk,
we take the long run,
tingkat harapan hidup sepanjang waktu.
is life expectancy over time.
not living in extreme poverty.
yang tak hidup dalam kemiskinan parah.
that have decriminalized homosexuality.
yang telah melegalkan homoseksual.
that have become democratic.
yang telah berasaskan demokrasi.
there could be so much more to gain again.
akan ada lebih banyak lagi pencapaian.
yang saat ini tak dapat ditangani.
that are intractable today.
of how humanity has progressed
bagaimana manusia berkembang
sepanjang waktu,
flourishing over time,
akan gambaran perkembangan masa depan.
future progress to look like.
dalam kemiskinan parah.
to live in extreme poverty.
everyone to be better off
setiap orang menjadi lebih baik
the fundamental natural laws
menemukan hukum alam dasar
an entirely new form of art,
bentuk seni baru yang sama sekali berbeda,
belum dapat kita dengarkan.
the ears to hear.
the next few thousand years.
beberapa ribu tahun ke depan.
seberapa tinggi pencapaian manusia.
that human accomplishment might reach.
dan juga sangat baik,
and it could be very good,
kita tak mencapai semua ini?
we could lose this value?
kemajuan teknologi yang sangat pesat,
tremendous technological progress,
risiko global perang nuklir
the global risks of nuclear war
perubahan iklim yang ekstrim.
of extreme climate change.
berharap melihat pola yang sama lagi.
the same pattern again.
yang amat dahsyat di sini.
powerful technologies on the horizon.
the power to create viruses
kemampuan menciptakan virus
yang belum ada sebelumnya.
contagiousness and lethality.
to dramatically alter the earth's climate.
untuk memulihkan iklim Bumi.
kemampuan untuk menciptakan agen intelejen
the power to create intelligent agents
of these risks are particularly likely,
risiko-risiko ini dapat terjadi,
matter a great deal.
and you're kind of nervous,
dan Anda agak takut,
dengan berkata,
peluang kecelakaan. Jangan khawatir."
chance of crashing. Don't worry."
the future of humanity
mempertahankan masa depan manusia
yang saat ini kita hadapi.
that we currently face.
yang mempengaruhi generasi masa depan
that affect future generations
don't participate in markets today.
tidak terlibat dalam perdebatan saat ini.
representing the interests
yang mewakili kepentingan mereka
the decisions we make today.
keputusan yang kita buat saat ini.
a paltry amount on these issues:
untuk isu-isu ini sangatlah kecil:
only a few tens of millions of dollars
hanya beberapa puluh juta dolar
to the 390 billion dollars
dibandingkan 390 miliar dolar
oleh filantropis AS.
you can support organizations
dari kebijakan satu tombol nuklir AS,
off hair-trigger alert,
kebijakan meminimalisir kerusakan
develops policy to minimize the damage
which does technical research
yang melakukan penelitian teknis
aman dan dapat diandalkan.
are safe and reliable.
yang peduli dengan risiko ini,
that care about these risks,
kerjasama internasional yang lebih luas.
greater international cooperation.
there is so much that you can do.
banyak yang dapat dilakukan.
and policymakers and organization leaders,
pembuat kebijakan dan pemimpin organisasi,
manajer, dan asisten
and managers and assistants
that are tackling these problems.
yang menangani masalah-masalah ini.
of effective altruism
that we don't know.
yang belum kita ketahui.
yang kita pelajari sejauh ini,
dengan berpikir seksama
that are big, solvable and neglected,
yang besar, dapat diatasi, dan terabaikan,
difference to the world
yang teramat besar di dunia
Will MacAskill - Moral philosopher, writerWill MacAskill is a cofounder of the effective altruism movement, a philosophy that tries to answer the question: How can we do as much good as possible?
Why you should listen
Will MacAskill is the author of Doing Good Better and the cofounder of the organization Giving What We Can and the social-impact-career advice project 80,000 Hours. He is a trustee of the Centre for Effective Altruism. As he writes: "I'm an associate professor of moral philosophy at Oxford University. I helped to create the philosophy of effective altruism: the use of evidence and reason to figure out how to do the most good we can.
"While growing up, I tried my best to do good things: I donated to high street charities, I worked at an old folks' home, I taught English in Ethiopia. But when I was a graduate student I realized that I'd never asked myself the question of whether these were the truly best ways of improving the world. So, being a nerd, I started doing some research to try to find out what activities would do the most to make the world a better place. Ten years later, I'm still asking that question.
"I'm still far from certain about what the best ways of doing good are, but I have learned that each and every one of us can do a tremendous amount to make the world a better place, whether that's by donating to buy bednets to protect children from malaria, campaigning to improve living conditions for animals in factory farms or working to ensure that the benefits of new technology are harnessed while avoiding the risks."
Will MacAskill | Speaker | TED.com