Simona Francese: Your fingerprints reveal more than you think
Simona Francese: Sidik jari Anda mengungkap lebih banyak dari yang Anda kira
Simona Francese is a chemist by training who is passionate about forensics. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
during a romantic dinner,
Apakah Anda pernah berpikir sejenak,
all over my wine glass."
di sekeliling gelas anggur ini."
when you visit a friend,
pernahkah Anda khawatir
on every surface that you touch?
di setiap tempat yang Anda sentuh?
to sit without touching anything?
agar tidak menyentuh apapun?
the power of fingerprints, too.
juga meremehkan kekuatan sidik jari.
the twisted parting of lines
garis-garis yang saling terpelintir
an entire world of information
informasi yang begitu luasnya
seringnya tak terlihat.
are made up of molecules
terbuat dari molekul
in very different amounts ...
dalam jumlah yang sangat berbeda,
and then we sweat out
kemudian keluar jadi keringat,
our fingertips with
mencemari ujung jari Anda
like blood, paint, grease,
seperti darah, cat, minyak,
the storytellers of who we are
berdongeng tentang siapa kita
the right technology to make them talk.
untuk membuat mereka berbicara.
of unthinkable capabilities.
tentang kemampuan yang tak terbayangkan.
in the woods three days later,
ditemukan di hutan
the search from over 20 men
dari lebih dari 20 orang
in that area on the same day.
terlihat di sekitar lokasi itu.
overlapping fingerprints
dan tumpang tindih
wrapped around Katie's neck.
cannot help the police
tumpang tindih tidak bisa membantu polisi
this might have been the end of the road,
rasanya seperti jalan buntu,
we can make the difference.
kami bisa melakukan sesuatu.
our cutting-edge technology
teknologi mutakhir kami
spektrometri massa
dan terapkan lebih lanjut
analysis of fingerprints.
pencitraan analisis sidik jari.
a UV laser at the print,
laser UV pada cetakan sidik jari,
of the molecules from the print,
dari cetakan sidik tersebut,
by the mass spectrometer.
oleh spektrometer massa.
the weight of the molecules --
berat dari molekul --
they indicate that mass.
itulah massa-nya.
molekul-molekul itu,
forensically speaking.
lebih jahat.
to the evidence that we have
pada bukti yang kami miliki
of condom lubricants.
pelumas kondom.
that enable us to even suggest
yang memungkinkan kami mengetahui
yang mungkin telah digunakan.
kepada polisi,
have obtained a search warrant
surat perintah penggeledahan
of condom in Dalton's premises.
dengan merek yang sama di tempat Dalton.
also having records for sexual assaults,
catatan kekerasan seksual,
the less likely suspect.
dari daftar tersangka.
enough to make an arrest?
sebagai dasar penangkapan?
with our investigation.
yang lebih dalam.
of other two very interesting molecules.
yang menarik perhatian.
and consume cocaine at the same time.
dan kokain di waktu yang sama.
the effects of cocaine,
memperkuat efek kokain,
on the state of mind
tentang kondisi mental
whilst perpetrating the crime.
kejahatan tersebut.
Thomson is a drug addict,
Thomson adalah pecandu narkoba,
for psychotic episodes,
atas keadaan psikotis,
the antidepressant was prescribed.
obat antidepresan.
the more likely suspect.
where these molecules are coming from,
dari mana molekul-molekul ini berasal,
can help us further.
membantu kami lebih jauh.
these molecules are on a fingerprint.
yang mana molekul-molekul itu berada.
corresponds to a mass,
terhubung dengan sebuah massa,
by selecting each of those molecules,
mengetahui letak molekul di jari seseorang
on a fingermark.
of the same mark --
dari tanda yang sama --
of the same fingerprint --
dari sidik jari yang sama --
that we have detected.
yang berhasil kami deteksi.
kemungkinan besar,
from different individuals,
yang berbeda-beda,
is not identical,
tidaklah identik,
to visualize those unique molecules
untuk menunjukkan bahwa molekul unik itu
and not in the other one.
dan tidak pada yang lainnya.
the two ridge patterns.
yang saling tumpang-tindih.
to identify one of the two fingerprints,
mengidentifikasi satu dari dua sidik jari,
the two separate images
perbandingan dua gambar
setelah ia meninggal.
on one fingerprint only --
hanya pada satu sidik jari,
molecules that I've seen?
yang sebelumnya saya lihat?
show me where they are.
tunjukkan letaknya.
of the killer's fingerprint show up.
dari sidik jari si pembunuh yang muncul.
in the killer's print.
pada sidik jari si pembunuh.
start matching very nicely
antara temuan molekuler kami
is still not good enough
masih belum cukup kuat
of the same fingerprint,
ratusan gambar dari satu sidik jari,
semua gambar tersebut
of continuity and clarity?
menjadi berkesinambungan dan jelas?
of the fingerprint
yang sangat jelas,
through the database.
dalam basis data mereka.
adalah Thomson.
of the crime aren't real,
yang diceritakan tadi adalah rekayasa,
we've been confronted with,
di mana kami juga terlibat,
that we can provide --
yang dapat kami berikan --
to provide the police.
kepada kepolisian.
that after nine years of intense research,
setelah penelitian intens selama 9 tahun,
to police investigations.
untuk penyelidikan polisi.
lebih luas lagi,
more about the suspect,
tentang tersangka,
for criminal profiling.
identifikasi pelaku kejahatan.
of behavioral patterns
atas pola-pola perilaku
to belong to a certain type,
sebagai karakter dari jenis
but subjective evaluation,
yang mengevaluasi secara subjektif,
of the fingerprint,
susunan molekuler sidik jari,
bisa saling melengkapi.
bahwa molekul adalah pendongeng,
your routines,
rutinitas Anda,
the storytellers of our secrets
semua rahasia kita
Simona Francese - Analytical chemistSimona Francese is a chemist by training who is passionate about forensics.
Why you should listen
Simona Francese is a Professor of Forensic and Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. As she writes: "I have been fascinated by forensics since I was 17, and I was determined to pursue an educational route that eventually would enable me to contribute to secure societies. As always in life, nothing is straightforward. I enrolled in the chemistry course because it was the closest degree at the time that could lead me to where I wanted to be. I ended up doing a PhD and post-doctorate fellowships working with viruses and diseases. But I was always focused on my ultimate objective, and throughout I developed a strong expertise in mass spectrometry, which is an extremely versatile analytical technique. This was crucial.
"When I obtained my first lectureship, I had the freedom to build my own research, and I used mass spectrometry imaging to develop ways to profile individuals from their fingermarks, thus helping police with their investigations. What has the suspect been handling? What is their lifestyle? What did he do prior to or while committing the crime? These are some of the questions that the developed technology can answer, and we are working on providing additional information -- for example, on the pathological or pharmacological state of the individual, just from looking at their fingermark! A fantastic achievement for me, but the best accomplishment was keeping the focus for 14 years and remaining determined to finally be able to do what I have always been so passionate about."
Simona Francese | Speaker |