Floyd E. Romesberg: The radical possibilities of man-made DNA
Floyd E. Romesberg: Kemungkinan luar biasa dari DNA buatan manusia
Floyd E. Romesberg uses chemistry, biology and physics to study how biomolecules work and to create biomolecules with new forms and functions. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to the information in DNA.
as the English language
that, when combined into words,
digabungkan menjadi kata
yang akan saya ceritakan,
I'm going to tell you today,
that, when combined into genes,
yang, saat digabungkan menjadi gen,
that fold up into complex structures
menjadi struktur rumit
that allow a cell to do what it does,
sebuah sel bisa berfungsi,
and the genetic alphabet has four.
dan abjad genetik ada empat.
Maybe you've heard of them.
Mungkin Anda pernah dengar.
referred to as G, C, A and T.
G, C, A, dan T, saja.
that all the diversity of life
adalah hasil dari empat huruf genetik
if the English alphabet had four letters.
mempunyai empat huruf.
would you be able to tell?
lebih banyak huruf?
had more letters?
dapat menceritakan kisah beda,
be able to tell different stories,
Research Institute in La Jolla, California
Research Institute di La Jolla, California
with the goal of creating living organisms
tujuan menciptakan organisme hidup
yang terdiri dari enam huruf,
of a six-letter genetic alphabet,
plus two additional new man-made letters.
dua huruf yang dibuat oleh manusia.
pertama yang pernah dibuat.
form of life ever created.
kehidupan semisintetis
than life ever has before.
daripada kehidupan sebelumnya.
than the 20 normal amino acids
20 asam amino
untuk membuat protein.
and molecular biology
dan biologi molekul
dengan DNA enam huruf.
from your high school biology
pair together to form two base pairs.
untuk membentuk dua pasangan dasar.
new candidate letters,
calon huruf baru,
berpasangan dengan satu sama lain.
to selectively pair with each other.
together really well,
ada dua yang sangat cocok,
memasukkan X dan Y ke dalam sel,
was find a way to get X and Y into cells,
yang melakukan hal yang mirip di alga
that does something similar in algae
was to show that with X and Y provided,
menunjukkan bahwa dengan X dan Y,
and hold on to X and Y in their DNA.
berpegangan pada X dan Y dalam DNA-nya.
diselesaikan lebih lama dari harapan --
took longer than I had hoped --
worked faster than I dreamed,
bekerja lebih cepat daripada mimpi saya,
grew bacteria with six-letter DNA.
bakteri dengan DNA enam huruf.
to introduce you to them right now.
semisynthetic organisms.
semisintetis yang pertama.
that's really cool, right?
itu keren sekali, kan?
are still wondering why.
yang masih heran mengapa.
sedikit tentang motivasi kami,
about some of our motivations,
thought about life, what it is,
apa itu kehidupan,
from things that are not alive,
kehidupan adalah sempurna,
life as being perfect,
as evidence of a creator.
adanya pencipta.
because a god breathed life into them.
Tuhan yang menghidupkannya.
a more scientific explanation,
yang lebih ilmiah,
menganggap molekul hidup istimewa.
the molecules of life to be special.
for billions of years, right?
mereka selama miliaran tahun, kan?
it would seem pretty impossible
sepertinya mustahil
membangun bagian baru
and build new parts
the natural molecules of life
molekul kehidupan alami
really screwing everything up.
created or evolved are we?
kita diciptakan atau berevolusi?
are the molecules of life?
bahkan untuk ditanyakan saja,
impossible to even ask,
to compare life to.
kehidupan dengan apapun.
kerja kami mengatakan
aren't that special.
begitu istimewa.
isn't the only way it could be.
bukan satu-satunya cara.
mungkin kita bukan solusi yang terbaik,
maybe not even the best solution,
fundamental issues about life,
dasar tentang kehidupan.
what sort of new stories
vocabulary could tell,
dengan banyak kosa kata,
are the proteins that a cell produces
protein yang dihasilkan oleh sel
with new types of functions
make and maybe even use?
organisme semisintetis kita?
to make proteins for us, for our use.
protein untuk kita, untuk penggunaan kita.
range of different applications,
soldiers from injury
tentara dari luka,
dangerous compounds,
senyawa berbahaya,
is protein drugs.
adalah obat protein.
revolutionized medicine,
and it's manufactured as a drug
dan insulin dibuat sebagai obat
how we treat diabetes.
are really hard to make
sangat susah dibuat
is to get cells to make them for you.
menghasilkannya menggunakan sel.
proteins with the natural amino acids,
dengan asam amino alami,
those proteins can have,
dimiliki proteinnya,
they could be developed for,
of those amino acids
strung together to make a protein,
untuk membuat sebuah protein,
they're not that different-looking.
mereka tidak terlalu berbeda.
that many different functions.
fungsi yang banyak.
different functions available.
banyak fungsi berbesa.
ahli kimia sintetis buat sebagai obat.
that synthetic chemists make as drugs.
a much broader range of diverse things.
hal yang lebih beragam.
how different they are.
melihat perbedaannya.
that make them great drugs
membuatnya obat bagus
what sort of new protein drugs
macam apa yang bisa dibuat
proteins from more diverse things.
sangat menggoda.
organisme semisintetis
new and different amino acids,
asam amino yang baru dan beda,
selected to confer the protein
untuk memberikan proteinnya
when you inject them into people.
disuntikkan ke dalam tubuh.
dihilangkan dengan cepat
menjadi obat.
protein dengan asam amino baru
with new amino acids
from being degraded or eliminated,
penghilangan atau pengurangan,
dengan jari-jari kecil
with little fingers attached
grab on to other molecules?
failed during development as drugs
pengembangan sebagai obat
specific enough to find their target
of the human body.
dan menjadikannya bagian asam amino baru
and make them parts of new amino acids
to their target?
bernama Synthorx.
called Synthorx.
that's what you do with biotech companies.
dengan perusahaan biotek.
that recognizes a certain receptor
yang mengenal reseptor khusus
of those same cells,
sel yang sama,
protein itu yang diubah
a variant of that protein
with that second bad receptor is shielded,
reseptor kedua dilindungi,
with that first good receptor?
dengan reseptor yang pertama?
with the normal amino acids,
specifically designed for that purpose.
didesain khusus untuk tujuan ini.
to act as little factories
sebagai pabrik kecil
really interesting application,
yang sangat menarik,
that allow cells to do what they do.
selnya melakukan tugasnya.
protein baru dengan fungsi baru,
new proteins with new functions,
that natural cells can't do?
melakukan tugas yang sel alami tidak bisa?
semisynthetic organisms
organisme semisintetis
seek out cancer cells
mencari sel kanker
secrete a toxic protein that kills them?
membuat protein beracun yang membunuhnya?
yang memakan jenis minyak berbeda,
that eat different kinds of oil,
tumpahan oli
of the types of stories
dengan lebih banyak kata bisa ceritakan.
with an expanded vocabulary can tell.
organisms into people,
dalam tubuh manusia,
of our bacteria into the ocean
actually it sounds really scary.
in order to survive,
precursors of X and Y.
prekursor kimia X dan Y.
than anything that exists in nature.
semua benda yang ada di alam.
or the ability to make them.
kemampuan untuk membuatnya.
in the controlled environment of the lab,
dalam lingkungan terjaga lab,
lots of the unnatural food.
yang tidak biasa.
in a person or out on a beach
tubuh atau di pantai
have access that special food,
makanan istimewa itu
they can survive for a little,
mereka bisa bertahan hidup sedikit,
to perform some intended function,
to run out of the food.
and they just disappear.
dan menghilang begitu saja.
menceritakan kisah baru,
to tell new stories,
to tell those stories.
kapan dan di mana untuk menceritakannya.
I told you that we reported in 2014
saya mengatakan bahwa pada tahun 2014
that store more information,
semisintetis yang menyimpan
X dan Y dalam DNAnya.
that we just talked about
baru membicarakan
untuk membuat protein,
to make proteins,
that the cells could take DNA with X and Y
sel-sel mengambil DNA dengan X dan Y
the working copy of DNA.
salinan bekerja DNA.
menggunakan X dan Y untuk membuat protein.
use X and Y to make proteins.
semisynthetic organisms.
yang pertama.
they're making a protein that glows green.
sebuah protein yang bercahaya hijau
actually, from jellyfish
sebenarnya, dari ubur-ubur,
in its natural form
dalam bentuk alaminya
Anda yang membuatnya.
natural life can't build proteins with.
digunakan kehidupan untuk membuat protein.
setiap sel yang pernah hidup,
and making protein
dan membuat protein
the genetic alphabet of other cells,
abjad genetik sel lain,
on more complex organisms.
organisme yang lebih rumit.
that I want to say to you,
yang ingin saya sampaikan,
of semisynthetic life is here.
kehidupan semisintetis di sini
Floyd, ini menakjubkan sekali.
Floyd, this is so remarkable.
about the possibilities for life,
tentang kemungkinan untuk kehidupan,
or so much of our assumptions are based
atau banyak dari asumsi kita berdasarkan
it's got to be DNA,
pasti DNA,
of self-replicating molecules
bagi molekul mereplikasi diri
even just DNA with six letters?
bahkan DNA dengan enam huruf?
Absolutely, I think that's right,
Tentu saja, menurut saya itu benar,
ditunjukkan kerja kami
there's been always this prejudice
bahwa ada sebuah prasangka
Tuhan membuat kita seperti ini,
right alongside the natural ones,
disamping molekul alami,
that any molecules
bahwa setiap molekul
of chemistry and physics
kimia dan fisika
the natural molecules of life do.
bisa dilakukan sel alami.
dalam banyak cara,
many different ways,
with other types of DNA,
dengan jenis DNA lain,
to look something like a DNA molecule,
menjadi seperti molekul DNA,
that can still self-reproduce
yang masih bisa memperbanyak diri
is that if we found new life,
adalah jika kita menemukan kehidupan baru,
with the search for Goldilocks planets
planet pas-pasan
with water and whatever,
dengan air dan lain-lain,
assumption, perhaps.
you can talk to, then maybe not,
yang bisa berbicara, mungkin tidak,
looking for any form of life,
mencari bentuk kehidupan saja,
looking for life under the light post.
mencari kehidupan di bawah tiang lampu.
Thank so much, Floyd.
kita semua. Terima kasih banyak, Floyd.
Floyd E. Romesberg - Chemist, synthetic biologistFloyd E. Romesberg uses chemistry, biology and physics to study how biomolecules work and to create biomolecules with new forms and functions.
Why you should listen
Floyd E. Romesberg is the director of a talented team of researchers at The Scripps Research Institute who are working to understand how evolution tailors protein function, to develop novel antibiotics and aptamers and to expand on the potential of evolution through the expansion of the genetic alphabet. A chemist by training, Romesberg works beyond the traditional divides between scientific disciplines.
Since the last common ancestor of all life on earth, biological information has been stored in a four-letter alphabet consisting of G, A, T and C. In 1998, Romesberg wondered: Is DNA limited to four letters? The answer is a resounding "No!" Romesberg and his research group have designed, tested and optimized hundreds of unnatural DNA letters, and they have achieved impressive milestones including replication and amplification of six-letter DNA in a test tube; the use of six-letter DNA to produce novel materials; and most recently the creation of semi-synthetic life that stores and retrieves the increased information. The advances led to Romesberg founding Synthorx, Inc., a biotechnology company that uses the expanded genetic alphabet to develop novel protein therapeutics.
Floyd E. Romesberg | Speaker | TED.com