eL Seed: A project of peace, painted across 50 buildings
eL Seed: Proyek perdamaian yang dilukis melalui 50 gedung
French-Tunisian artist eL Seed blends the historic art of Arabic calligraphy with graffti to portray messages of beauty, poetry and peace across all continents. Full bio
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an art piece in Manshiyat Naser,
satu karya seni di Manshiyat Naser,
garbage collectors in Egypt,
bahwa proyek ini
that I would ever live.
terhebat yang pernah saya alami.
this humanist intention
and neglected neighborhood
miskin dan terabaikan
shining light on this isolated community.
dan berharap bisa menerangi komunitas ini.
this Christian Coptic community
komunitas Kristen Koptik ini
under the regime of Hosni Mubarak
Mesir di bawah rezim Hosni Mubarak
using the pretext of H1N1 virus.
dengan alasan penyebaran virus H1N1.
are fed with the organic waste
sampah organik
it felt like a maze.
rasanya seperti labirin.
on the top of the Muqattam Mountain.
Gunung Muqattam.
then right again, then left
the trucks overpacked with garbage
mengelak dari truk-truk sampah kepenuhan
in the neighborhood.
di lingkungan itu.
unloaded from those trucks was intense,
truk-truk itu begitu kuat
was loud and overbearing.
begitu keras dan ribut.
in those warehouses along the way.
gudang-gudang di sepanjang jalan.
but everything is perfectly organized.
tapi semuanya teratur dengan sempurna.
they call themselves,
sampah kota Kairo
selama berpuluh-puluh tahun.
neighborhood for decades.
one of the most efficient
on a global level.
di tingkat global.
as dirty, marginalized and segregated
terpinggirkan dan terpisah
with the trash.
was to create an anamorphic piece,
satu karya anamorfik,
from one vantage point.
satu sudut pandang.
by painting over several buildings
secara artistik
from one point on the Muqattam Mountain.
dari satu titik di Gunung Muqattam.
is the pride of the community.
kebanggaan komunitas ini.
the St. Simon Monastery,
Biara St. Simon,
that they carved into the mountain itself.
orang yang dipahat langsung di gunung.
I stood on top of the mountain
saya berdiri di puncak gunung itu
bagaimana saya akan bisa
will I convince all those owners
mengizinkan saya melukis gedung mereka?
to convince was Father Samaan,
saya yakinkan adalah Bapa Samaan,
I needed to convince Mario,
saya harus meyakinkan Mario,
who moved to Cairo 20 years ago
pindah ke Kairo 20 tahun lalu
of the Cave Church.
di Gereja Gua.
Dia adalah kunci dari proyek ini.
He was the key of the project.
a meeting with Father Samaan,
dengan Bapa Samaan
by what I was going to write.
apa yang akan saya tulis.
I write messages
saya menuliskan pesan
to the place where I am painting
relevan dengan tempat saya melukis
can relate to it.
bisa memahaminya.
dalam bahasa Arab
the words of St. Athanasius of Alexandria,
seorang uskup Koptik di abad ke-3,
mentari dengan jelas
to see the sunlight clearly
dengan kata-kata ini.
felt connected to the words.
semangat proyek ini dengan tepat.
reflecting the spirit of the project.
seluruh penghuni disana.
all the residents on board.
a dozen blue manual lifts,
selusin lift manual biru,
pulang-balik ke Kairo,
Prancis, Afrika Utara, Timur Tengah dan AS
North Africa, Middle East and the US,
mengatur logistik, di sanalah kami,
and logistics, there we are,
from the local community
dari komunitas lokal
spread over 50 buildings,
tersebar di 50 gedung,
of the calligraphy
there some orange.
on the top of the buildings
membongkar lift-lift tersebut
and disassembling those same lifts
the different buildings.
buildings on my sketch,
dalam sketsa saya,
antara kami dan komunitas di sana.
with the community.
became family names.
menjadi nama.
Paman Ibrahim.
was the house of Uncle Ibrahim.
penuh semangat.
an enthusiastic person.
saya dari kerbau miliknya
saved me from his bull
on the fourth floor.
jendela dan keluar ke teras.
and came out on the balcony.
duduk-duduk di teras
hanging out on the balcony
sembari saya melukis.
go to the mountain for 10 years,
sejak dia naik gunung,
siapa yang akan mengurusi sampah?
who will stop the garbage?
at the end of the project,
untuk melihat karya ini.
to look at the piece.
to see his house painted,
sebuah proyek perdamaian dan --
was a project of peace and --
of peace and unity
proyek perdamaian dan persatuan
banyak orang.
towards the project changed,
komunitas ini juga berubah,
the community changed also,
bukan sampah mereka.
is disgusted by is not theirs.
They live from the garbage.
mereka hidup dari sampah.
saya dan berpikir,
of this whole project?
dengan membawa seni ke dalamnya.
a place by bringing art to it.
memulai dialog
and opening a dialogue
dengan komunitas yang tidak kita kenal.
with communities that we don’t know.
naik gunung dan melihat karya ini.
on the mountain to look at the piece.
membuat saya menyadari
every day made my realize
this anamorphic piece.
sebenarnya dari seseorang,
the real image of somebody,
seperti ini,
to work in such environments,
while you paint
ketika sedang mengecat,
to reach a lift.
untuk mencapai lift.
of the heights, the swinging lifts,
ketinggian, lift yang bergoyang,
of not finishing on time.
membuat kami melupakan semua itu.
made us forget everything.
of Uncle Bakheet and Aunty Fareeda.
Paman Bakheet dan Tante Fareeda.
ada istilah "Ahsen Nas,"
this expression that says, "Ahsen Nas,"
in front of their houses,
depan rumah mereka,
oleh anak-anak Manshiyat Naser.
by the kids of Manshiyat Naser.
mereka selalu menolak apapun
refusing anything we were offering them,
bahkan snack atau minuman.
Tante Fareeda, "Kenapa?"
their kids to refuse anything
anak-anak mereka untuk menolak apapun
needs it more than they do.
daripada mereka.
benar-benar adalah konteks ideal
was the ideal context
miskonsepsi dan penilaian kita
our level of misconception
perbedaan mereka.
based on their differences.
di rumah Paman Ibrahim
on Uncle Ibrahim's house
that hold the lifts.
and Aunty Fareeda
Paman Ibrahim
proyek perdamaian dan persatuan,
a project of peace and unity,
that people were coming together.
orang-orang berkumpul.
with a smile, offering us a drink
menawarkan minuman
untuk makan siang.
own house for lunch.
lantai 1 sebuah gedung,
at the first level of a building,
and offers you some tea.
on the second floor.
sebanyak di Mesir.
as I did in Egypt.
selesai lebih cepat,
we could have finished earlier,
karena banyak istirahat minum teh.
because of all those tea breaks.
which is "Nawartouna,"
"Kamu membawa cahaya bagi kami."
mengatakannya pada kami.
they were always telling us this.
yang bercahaya di kegelapan
for the calligraphy
beberapa proyektor cahaya hitam
we rented some black light projectors
who brought light to us.
yang membawa cahaya bagi kami.
are strong, honest, hard workers,
yang kuat, jujur, pekerja keras,
call them "the Zabaleen,"
orang-orang di Manshiyat Naseer
the people of Manshiyat Naser
memproduksi sampah, bukan mereka.
who produce the garbage, not them.
sesuatu bagi komunitas ini,
to this community,
memberi sesuatu pada hidup kami.
who left something in our lives.
was just a pretext
akan hilang, lenyap,
will disappear, vanish,
yang membangun lantai 2
who is building a second floor
dan mengecat di atasnya.
and paint over it.
yang harus kita pikirkan
that we should all think about
the sunlight clearly
mentari dengan jelas
eL Seed - ArtistFrench-Tunisian artist eL Seed blends the historic art of Arabic calligraphy with graffti to portray messages of beauty, poetry and peace across all continents.
Why you should listen
Born in Paris to Tunisian parents, eL Seed travels the world, making art in Paris, New York, Jeddah, Melbourne, Gabes, Doha and beyond. His goal: to create dialogue and promote tolerance as well as change global perceptions of what Arabic means. In 2012, for instance, he painted a message of unity on a 47-meter-high minaret on the Jara mosque in Gabes, Tunisia. This piece and others can be found in his book, Lost Walls: Graffiti Road Trip through Tunisia
Most recently he created a sprawling mural in the Manshiyat Naser neighborhood of Cairo that spans 50 buildings and can only be viewed from a local mountaintop. Intending to honor the historic garbage collectors of the Manshiyat Naser neighborhood, the piece reads, "Anyone who wants to see the sunlight clearly needs to wipe his eye first."
eL Seed | Speaker | TED.com