Jessica Pryce: To transform child welfare, take race out of the equation
Jessica Pryce: Per cambiare l'assistenza all'infanzia, togliamo la razza dall'equazione
Jessica Pryce creates strategies to reduce the impact of racial bias in child protective services. Full bio
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a Child Protective Services worker.
per la protezione dei bambini
to a report of child abuse.
a una denuncia di abuso di minore.
unexpected, certainly uninvited.
inaspettati, sicuramente senza invito.
in the middle of the room, on the floor.
nel mezzo della stanza, per terra.
sopra e dormono.
with a couple of ashtrays,
con un paio di posacenere
grosse trappole per topi,
the kids lie asleep.
through the entire home.
è osservare tutta la casa.
where there's very little food.
dove trovate pochissimo cibo.
in the bedroom, on the floor,
per terra in camera da letto,
with her infant child.
two things may happen.
possono succedere due cose.
and removed from the home,
e vengono portati via da casa
for a specified period of time.
per un certo periodo di tempo.
con la loro famiglia
provides help and support.
supporto e aiuto.
per la protezione dei bambini,
Protective Services worker,
yourself in that home,
in quella casa
vi sia passato per la mente.
your opinion of that family?
sulle vostre opinioni di quella famiglia?
did you think the family was?
pensate fosse quella famiglia?
that if those children were white,
se quei bambini fossero bianchi
stays together after that visit.
la famiglia rimanga unita dopo la visita.
the University of Pennsylvania
alla University of Pennsylvania
have access to more help and more support
le famiglie bianche
dai servizi sociali per i minori.
to go through a full investigation.
siano investigati completamente.
if those kids are black,
more likely to be removed,
di essere portati via,
of time in foster care,
a stable foster placement.
un affido a lungo termine.
an immediate shelter of protection
come rifugio immediato
and traumatic exit from the family.
e sconcertante dalla famiglia.
the University of Minnesota
all'Università del Minnesota
che sono stati in affido
who went through foster care
and internalized issues
e disturbi interiorizzati
while receiving help and support.
con le proprie famiglie
is not uncommon.
non è affatto raro.
living in low-income housing
a basso reddito con i suoi quattro figli.
tenere cibo in casa,
almost impossible to keep food,
to have her children taken from her?
vengano portati via?
un avvocato di famiglia,
a family court attorney,
in a poor neighborhood,
often unreachable standards
spesso ingiusti e non ragionevoli
with very little money.
i figli con pochi soldi.
vengano portati via o no
their kids are removed.
e dalla loro etnia.
in prima linea come assistente sociale
on the front lines of child welfare,
con posta alta in gioco.
how my personal values impacted my work.
avessero un impatto sul mio lavoro.
at Florida State University,
alla Florida State University
ed efficace sull'assistenza all'infanzia.
and effective child welfare research.
twice as many black kids in foster care,
il doppio di bambini neri in affido,
population, 14 percent.
generale, il 14%.
several reasons why,
something you're not aware of.
una cosa di cui non siamo consapevoli.
e quelle opinioni
about certain groups of people.
certi gruppi di persone.
in the background
è ciò che sta in agguato
che prendiamo.
that I want to share.
che voglio condividere con voi.
going into foster care.
che vengono dati in affido.
che la contea di Nassau,
the number of black kids being removed.
di bambini neri che vengono portati via.
into that community with my team
con il mio team
of blind removal meetings.
di allontanamento "alla cieca."
to a report of child abuse.
a una denuncia di abuso di minori.
vengano portati via,
must come back to the office
deve tornare in ufficio
neighborhood, race,
il quartiere di residenza, la razza,
che li possa identificare.
family strength, relevant history
della famiglia, storie pertinenti,
to protect the child.
di proteggere il bambino.
the committee makes a recommendation,
il comitato prende una decisione,
a drastic impact in that community.
un impatto drastico su quella comunità.
going into foster care were black.
in affido erano neri.
that is down to 21 percent.
alla cieca, la percentuale è scesa a 21.
from talking to some of the case workers.
con alcuni assistenti sociali.
with the department,
ha un passato con il dipartimento,
contro di loro,
to do things differently."
le cose in modo diverso."
apartment building,
in una certa palazzina,
because it's an emotional field.
molto soggettivo, perché emotivo.
emotions around this work.
in questo lavoro.
all of your stuff at the door
il proprio fardello alla porta
of race and neighborhood out of it,
alla razza e al quartiere
bringing us closer
ci portino più vicino
in foster-care decisions.
del pregiudizio implicito
e apprendimento dei computer
and machine learning
to other states.
agli altri stati.
l'assistenza all'Infanzia.
si impegnino
of their employees.
nei loro impiegati.
are driven by ethics and safety.
siano guidate da etica e sicurezza.
that focuses on partnering with parents,
all'infanzia che si concentra
la responsabilizzazione delle famiglie,
come fallimento.
instead of pulling them apart.
più forti unite, anziché separarle.
Jessica Pryce - Child advocate, social scientistJessica Pryce creates strategies to reduce the impact of racial bias in child protective services.
Why you should listen
Jessica Pryce curates child welfare research that focuses on answering legislative questions and informing social policy. She has conducted research at the state and national level while publishing and presenting her work nationally and internationally. Her research has focused on the training and education of the workforce, racial disparity in child welfare decisions, and the disproportionality in our country's foster care system. Pryce is executive director of a research center at Florida State University
After earning her PhD at Howard University and working in New York state for two years, Pryce was appointed in 2016 the new Executive Director of the Florida Institute for Child Welfare, where she mobilizes social scientists devoted to improving the intractable issues that have negatively impacted the lives of vulnerable children and their families. She is currently engaged in a multi-year project focused on illuminating the experiences of black parents as they matriculate through child protective services. That same year, Pryce published an article illuminating strategies for the promotion of racial equity in a community on Long Island, NY.
In 2018, she was selected as a TED Resident. During the residency, she worked to disseminate strategies to child welfare agencies with the goal of their adopting Blind Removals, a racial equity strategy in child protection. Understanding the negative impact of removing children from their parents unnecessarily, Pryce has also written on the lingering, historical trauma of sanctioned family separations in the US.
Jessica Pryce | Speaker |