Thomas Pogge: Medicine for the 99 percent
Philosopher Thomas Pogge wants to ensure medications get to those who need it most. He has published on a wide range of subjects such as global justice and human rights. Full bio
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for the indefinite future.
insofar as we have health problems,
to take care of them.
있어야 한다는 점이죠.
and they're very effective --
굉장히 효과적입니다.
than the alternatives:
기분 좋은 것도 사실이죠.
emergency rooms, the morgue ...
that we have pharmacologists around,
새로운 약을 개발하는
and develop new medicines.
감사히 여겨야 합니다
that we have a pharmaceutical industry
and you can tell from the fact
제약산업이 사랑받지 못하는
industry isn't well-loved.
just about with the tobacco companies
정도밖에 되지 않습니다.
I want to talk with you about today.
이야기하고 싶은 것입니다.
the pharmaceutical industry?
어떻게 제약산업을 조직하실 건가요?
how would you do it?
어떻게 하실 거죠?
of three main principles.
생각해볼 수 있습니다.
to all the important medicines.
있게 해야 합니다.
생산할 수 있다는 것을 명심하세요.
are very cheap to produce.
should have access
that pharmaceutical companies do,
the most important, the most damaging.
획기적인 일을 할 것입니다.
for the greatest health impact.
the whole system to be efficient.
that goes into the system to go to waste,
체계를 구축할 것입니다.
for red tape, and so on and so forth.
간접 비용들 에게요.
on all these three counts.
전혀 다릅니다.
do not have access to medicines,
and that's the problem.
극심한 것이 문제입니다.
these medicines are very cheap to produce,
낮은 단가로 생산됨에도,
during the time that they're under patent,
가격이 어마어마하죠.
that rich people can pay a lot of money.
지불할 수 있기 때문입니다.
have a temporary monopoly;
they forget about the poor.
부유층에 맞춰 값을 매깁니다
that do the most damage,
초점을 두지 않습니다.
into the phrase "the 10/90 gap."
라고 표현하곤 하죠.
on pharmaceutical research
that account for ninety percent
of the money is spent on diseases
of the global burden of disease.
where we spend the research money
가장 큰 문제가 발생하는 접점에
and the problem with access --
of the human population.
상위 25%의 인구입니다.
of the global household income.
재산이 많죠.
on the other hand,
of global household income.
3%조차 되지 않습니다.
and you look for profit opportunities,
기회비용을 따졌을 때,
"Where's the money?
"어디서 수익을 낼까?"
of there being only one way
make money under the present system,
제약회사가 돈을 벌고 있는
through markups.
돈을 버는 방법이죠.
the people have the most income.
눈을 돌릴 것입니다.
효율성이 떨어집니다.
for lobbying politicians
즉, 특허권 연장을 위해
to "evergreen," as it's called.
뒷주머니로 흘러가게 되는 셈이죠.
같은 것들 말입니다.
companies to delay entry, for example.
진출을 막는 겁니다.
in all the different jurisdictions.
우리의 권리를 가져 갑니다.
amounts – for litigation.
소송으로 쓰입니다.
against brand-name company,
대기업과 중소기업을 상대로
against generic company ...
make a lot of profit.
수익을 많이 낸다고 생각합니다
goes to these wasteful activities.
수익은 많은데 대다수가 낭비됩니다.
even tell you what they are,
예시는 따로 설명안드릴 겁니다.
that pharmaceutical companies make
to try this medicine.
of course, are a pure waste,
정말로 쓸모 없습니다.
to get patients over to their drug,
in the developing countries.
fifty percent of what's sold,
싼 제품 보여드릴게요" 라며
I can offer you a cheaper version."
보이기도 합니다.
or it's completely inert.
that is spent on pharmaceuticals --
now, per annum --
is absolutely going to waste,
it should be going,
of new medicines
of ones that we already have.
that the solution to the problem
on pharmaceutical companies.
have moral obligations,
도덕적 의무가 부과되죠.
and saving a human life,
to spend the money
companies be any different?
차별점이 있어야 할까요?
to expect pharmaceutical companies
or maybe I might act.
are bound to their shareholders.
주주에게 진 의무입니다.
wouldn't last very long
or she, for good purposes,
for the shareholders.
in fierce competition with one another,
than the other company,
driven out of the market.
증가할 것입니다.
is dependent for its income
to be sustainable.
on helping poor people
and you lose this money;
with your innovative activities.
it's just unrealistic
도덕심에 기반해
will solve the problem
해결해야 한다고 생각합니다.
have to do better
the pharmaceutical industry,
giving them the right incentives,
that really matter.
each day, each year,
사망원인의 3분의 1은
in the developing world.
die prematurely from these diseases.
질병 때문에 단명합니다.
all the diseases
in the rich countries:
치료와 약이 없어서
including good medicines.
사망하는 경우가 자주 있습니다.
are not getting the best medicine.
처방 못 받는 환자들이 많습니다.
that insurance companies won't cover it,
보험회사가 보험료를
is so absolutely ridiculous.
and patients are falsely influenced
of pharmaceutical companies.
How can we change the system?
체계를 바꿀 수 있을까요?
in which we can better incentivize
the provision [of] medicines
장려할 수 있는 방법을
(보건영향기금-통칭 HIF)입니다.
opening up the second track
can be rewarded for their activities.
with patent-protected markups,
현 체계를 고집하느냐
of the health impact
they have their choice.
partly on the other,
the Health Impact Fund work?
reward pool every year.
that the world spends on pharmaceuticals
1조달러 라는 것을 생각하면
six billion is a drop in the bucket.
60억 달러는 세발의 피입니다.
but it would work with six billion,
HIF를 도입한다면
if we introduced the Health Impact Fund
본전을 뽑을 만한 가치가
and you want to register it
for a period of 10 years.
of these annual reward pools.
보상 받으실 수 있습니다.
your share of the health impact achieved
for eight percent of the health impact
건강 영향에 8%를 기여한다면
of the reward money that year.
your product goes generic,
대중화가 될 것이고
any further income from it.
없어지게 됩니다.
from your product would be evaluated,
보건 영향은 평가되고,
from the Health Impact Fund,
you can't mark up the price.
가격을 인상할 수 없습니다.
that the pharmaceutical company tells us
of determining what the real cost is
약을 만들고 제조하는 진짜 비용은
the production of the medicine
compete for the production,
the product from the cheapest supplier
공급하는 상품을 살 것이고
lowest possible price to patients.
환자에게 팔 것입니다.
at all on selling the product,
수익을 얻진 못하지만,
from the health impact rewards.
대체할 수 있을 것입니다.
of the introduction of a medicine?
영향을 어떻게 평가할까요?
to the preceding state of the art.
비교하여 평가하는 것이 좋습니다.
before the medicine came along,
그들은 치료를 하게 됩니다.
treatment, because it's cheap;
between being treated
안받느냐의 차이가
is better than the old products,
새 제품이 낫고
to a better product,
for the difference the new product makes.
영향을 지불해 줍니다.
on the Health Impact Fund
그 제품으로
from an existing product
and it's no better,
to the existing system,
똑같이 여러분의 제품으로
for switching somebody from one product
지금까지의 시스템과는
does not pay for that.
인정해주지 않습니다.
of quality-adjusted life years.
건강에 끼치는 영향을 수량화 시킵니다.
for about 20 years,
as a kind of plank.
높이 1인치인 널빤지로요.
before you reach 80,
이르게 죽는다면
the time that you live,
medicines can restore,
약이 회복시킬 수 있거나
the taking away of these parts.
each year, we have to assess.
평가를 해야겠죠.
a considerable amount of money
with the Health Impact Fund
굉장한 도움이 됩니다.
This is a similar method.
이것도 비슷한 방법이죠.
significant sample,
수치의 예시를 찾은 후
what the health impact of the medicine is
in different demographic groups ...
at the actual world --
꼼꼼히 비교 해봐야겠죠.
are today rewarded.
상황과는 정 반대입니다.
based on performance,
trials, in the laboratory, if you like,
would look at real-world impact.
at the quality of a drug,
to target those patients
is used in the field.
어떻게 잘 쓰이는지 관리합니다.
stronger incentives than they do now
who takes the drug
to optimal effect.
장려금을 받아야합니다.
translated into local languages,
현지언어로 번역이 되어있지 않아서,
don't make the best use of the product.
사용하지 못하는 것은 당연한 일입니다.
as I said, could start
not a lot of money,
투자되는 돈에 비하면,
spending on pharmaceuticals.
물론 적은 돈도 아니지요.
is as a new way of paying
namely, new medicines.
최선의 방법입니다.
through the tax system,
with the other hand,
these medicines for cheap.
얻을 수 있기 때문이죠.
해당되지 않습니다.
Fund registered medicines at cost,
가격으로 HIF에 등록된
politically, is that we have to make sure
큰 난관이 한 가지 있습니다
visibility for innovators,
that the money is actually there,
나올 것을 알고 있습니다.
to fund the Health Impact Fund,
투자해줄 필요가 있습니다.
predictable commitments
registration is voluntary,
a self-adjusting reward rate.
and drive the rate down.
비율을 낮출 것입니다.
to register, and the rate will recover.
보상 비율은 회복됩니다.
at a reasonable level.
합리적인 수준에 머물 것입니다.
is beneficial for all parties.
by giving them a new market,
their public relations problems
홍보 문제를 극복하면서
to get the right medicine,
약품을 얻을 수 있고
medicines to be developed,
사람들이 필요로 하게
or taxpayers, if you like,
물론 도움이 됩니다.
of pharmaceutical innovation
영구적 원천을
directs pharmaceutical innovation
대처해 이끌어 나갈
that don't even exist yet.
will always channel innovation
필요한 곳에 달려가는
조금씩 거들고 있습니다.
who have agreed to help us,
사람들이 보이실 겁니다.
maybe to talk with your government
우리를 지지해주고, 정부와
the Health Impact Fund scheme.
아이디어를 가지신 분들이 필요합니다.
for the moment
into one jurisdiction
to the cost of the medicine for the sales,
소득을 올릴 것이고,
on the basis of the health impact.
추가적인 보수를 받을 것입니다.
funding for the assessment,
자금이 필요하고,
political support
a pilot of that sort.
don't hesitate to write us
망설이지 말고
Thomas Pogge - PhilosopherPhilosopher Thomas Pogge wants to ensure medications get to those who need it most. He has published on a wide range of subjects such as global justice and human rights.
Why you should listen
Originally from Germany, Thomas Pogge received a PhD in philosophy from Harvard in 1983. Since then, he has taught philosophy, political science, and ethics at universities around the world. His 2002 book, World Poverty and Human Rights, offers proposals on how to achieve global economic equality. In 2008, he co-authored The Health Impact Fund, which lays out the plan to make life-saving medicines accessible for everyone. He is currently Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs at Yale.
Thomas Pogge | Speaker |