Dena Simmons: How students of color confront impostor syndrome
디나 시몬스(Dena Simmons): 유색인종 학생들이 가면 증후군과 맞서는 법
Dena Simmons believes that creating a safe environment for children is an essential component of education. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
in the Bronx, New York,
이민자인 어머니와 함께요.
서로 어울렸고
over domino playing.
활기찬 대화를 나눴어요.
knew the block where we lived,
우리가 어디 사는지 알고 있었어요.
to buy weed and other drugs.
사러 오는 곳이었거든요.
to the sound of gunshots.
잠을 청하는 날도 종종 있었어요.
걱정을 하며 보냈습니다.
would overtake our lives;
우리 삶에 지배할까 걱정하셨어요.
we lived and shared space
공간을 공유하는 이웃들이
spurred her into action,
행동에 박차를 가하셨죠.
so fast to Connecticut --
코네티컷으로 떠났습니다.
with full scholarships in tow.
전액 장학금을 받고 말이죠.
the power of a mother
다닐 수 있었고요.
a night sky full of stars.
올려다 볼 수도 있었어요.
속하지 않는다고 느꼈습니다.
the right way,
말하지 않는다는 걸 알았고
the proper ways of speaking,
frequent lessons, in public,
공개적으로 연습을 시켰습니다.
to enunciate certain words.
말하는 방법을요.
in the hallway:
like you're running around with an axe.
도끼(axe) 들고 뛰어다니는 것 같잖니.
the snickers of my classmates,
낄낄대는 걸 상상하실 수 있겠죠.
into 'ass' and 'king,'
단어를 쪼개보렴.
to say it correctly --
바르게 발음하는 거야
that reminded me that I didn't belong.
깨닫게 하는 다른 순간들도 있었죠.
a classmate's dorm room,
her valuables around me.
자기 귀중품을 경계하는걸 봤어요.
I thought to myself.
저는 혼자 생각했어요.
walked into my dorm room,
저의 기숙사 방에 들어와서는
hair grease to my scalp.
제가 머리 기름을 바르고 있었거든요.
when young people can't be themselves,
받는 감정적 상처가 있어요.
in order to be acceptable.
바꿔야할 때 그렇지요.
success story.
전형적인 성공 사례입니다.
and college in New England,
뉴잉글랜드의 대학에 진학했고요.
to be a middle school teacher.
브롱크스로 다시 돌아왔죠.
at Columbia University.
that I've been able to accomplish
제가 성취할 수 있었던
가면 증후군을 가지고 있습니다.
because I'm a token,
제가 상징적이기 때문이고
someone needed to check off.
the people I love behind.
뒤로 하고 떠났다는 겁니다.
pay for learning while black.
교육을 받기 위해 지불하는 대가입니다.
아니면 아프로로 해야 하나?
be reduced to: "She's angry?"
라는 오해만 살 것인가?
of getting that better education,
교육을 받는 과정에서
of erasing what made me, me --
브롱크스 출신의 흑인 여자아이라는
raised by an Antiguan mother?
트라우마를 견뎌야만 했을까요?
education reform initiatives,
교육 개혁안을 생각할 때
learning about themselves?
자신에 대해 무엇을 배우고 있습니까?
are suspended and expelled
백인 학생들보다 3배나 더 많이
than white students,
for the same infractions.
더 엄격한 처벌을 받는다고요.
of their lives and narratives
그들의 삶과 이야기가 없음을 배우죠.
did a review of nearly 4,000 books
거의 4천 권의 책을 검토했는데
were about African-Americans.
미국인에 대한 책이었어요.
that look like them.
이런 것들을 배웁니다.
for Education Statistics
pre-K to high school students
고등학생까지 인구 중 45%가
엄청난 대가를 치르고 있어요.
sends them the message
메시지를 보냅니다.
their identities at home
두고 와야 한다고요.
교육을 받을 자격이 있습니다.
보장하는 교육말입니다.
and physically safe classrooms
안전한 교실을 만드는 것은 가능합니다.
목표를 달성하면서요.
저희 교실에서 해냈거든요.
브롱크스로 돌아왔을 때요.
and identities of my students.
정체성을 두었어요.
because I wanted my students to know
학생들이 알기를 바랬거든요.
was supporting them
너희가 최고의 자신이 될 수 있도록
the instability of their homes,
that kept them from sleep,
통제할 순 없지만
교실을 제공했습니다.
깨달을 수 있는 교실이요.
or say the word "asking,"
단어를 듣거나 말할 때마다
so that I speak in a way
듣고 싶어하는 방식으로
will want to listen.
두 단어를 하나로 합칩니다.
into a double bind;
하지 않는 방법이에요.
to trust their instincts
in their own creative genius.
믿음을 가지도록 가르치는 방법입니다.
Dena Simmons - EducatorDena Simmons believes that creating a safe environment for children is an essential component of education.
Why you should listen
Dena Simmons, Ed.D., is a lifelong activist, educator and student of life. A native of the Bronx, New York, Simmons grew up in a one-bedroom apartment with her two sisters and immigrant mother. There, she learned and lived the violence of injustice and inequity and decided to dedicate her life to educating and empowering others. As the Director of Education at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, she supports schools throughout the nation and world to use the power of emotions to create a more effective and compassionate society.
Prior to her work at the Center, Simmons served as an educator, teacher educator, diversity facilitator and curriculum developer. She is a leading voice on teacher education and has spoken across the country about social justice pedagogy, diversity, education reform, emotional intelligence and bullying in K-12 school settings, including the United Nations and two TEDx talks. She writes and has written for numerous outlets including Teaching Tolerance, Bright on Medium, Feminist Teacher and Feministing. Simmons has been profiled in the Huffington Post, the AOL/PBS project, "MAKERS: Women Who Make America," and a Beacon Press Book, Do It Anyway: The New Generation of Activists.
Simmons is a recipient of a Harry S. Truman Scholarship, a J. William Fulbright Fellowship, an Education Pioneers Fellowship, a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship, a Phillips Exeter Academy Dissertation Fellowship and an Arthur Vining Davis Aspen Fellowship among others. She is a graduate of Middlebury College and Pace University. She received her doctorate degree from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Simmons's research interests include teacher preparedness to address bullying in the K-12 school setting as well as the intersection of social and emotional learning and culturally responsive pedagogy -- all in an effort to ensure and foster justice and safe spaces for all.
Dena Simmons | Speaker |