Gerard Ryle: How the Panama Papers journalists broke the biggest leak in history
Жерард Райл: Түүхэн дэх хамгийн том мэдээллийг Панамын баримтын сэтгүүлчид задалсан нь
As director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Gerard Ryle is one of the key figures behind the Panama Papers. Full bio
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to figure out the information
цаана буй
болгох хэрэгтэй бол яах вэ?
хэсэг сэтгүүлчид
had to face late last year.
calling himself John Doe
nearly 40 years of records
Панамын хуулийн фирмийн
Mossack Fonseca.
дөнгөсөн байлаа.
Британийн Виржини арлууд шиг
in offshore tax havens
who like to keep secrets.
олон фирмийн нэг юм.
every spreadsheet from this firm,
бүхий л санхүүгийн хүснэгт,
мэдээллийг хуулж чаджээ.
into the tax haven system
нууцлалтай мэдээллийн
to investigative journalism.
асар том сорилт болсон юм.
11.5 million documents,
11.5 сая бичиг баримт
from more than 200 different countries.
агуулж байна гээд бодоод үз дээ.
with such a vast resource?
хаанаас нь эхлэх вэ?
into every corner of the globe,
any person in any language,
яаж нөлөөлөх нь ч тодорхойгүй
they don't even know yet.
to two journalists
"Зюддойчэ Цайтунг" сонингийн
Süddeutsche Zeitung.
by -- and I quote --
that the documents would reveal."
байдлын цар хүрээ байсан" гэжээ.
манай байгууллага болох
of Investigative Journalists.
холбоо"-нд хандсан.
that was the very opposite
сэтгүүлчдийн хувьд заалгасан
to do as journalists:
яг эсрэг нь байсан.
reporters are lone wolves.
ганцаараа ажилаж дассан байдаг.
бүх чадлаараа,
we tell them what we have,
хэлсэн мөчид
байдаг шүү дээ.
that we live in a shrinking world,
амьдарч байгаа ба
been slow to wake up to this.
удаан байна.
are more and more transnational.
үндэстэн дамнасан шинжтэй болж байна.
on a global level.
үйл ажиллагаагаа явуулж байна.
crises are global.
дэлхий нийтийг хамарч байна.
and financial crises.
мөн адил.
that journalism has been so late
дэлхийн хэмжээнд мэдээллэхдээ
байгаа юм л даа.
that journalism has been so slow
that technology brings,
тэдгээрийг ашиглалгүй
are scared of technology is this:
are going through tough times
байдал өөрчлөгдснөөс болж
that people are consuming news.
хүндхэн нөхцөлд байгаад юм.
that have sustained reporting are broken.
бизнесийн загварууд хоцрогдсон.
journalism into crisis,
to reexamine how they function.
дахин цэгнэхэд хүргэж байна.
known as the Panama Papers
тулгарсан хамгийн эхний сорилт бол
searchable and readable.
to be scanned and indexed,
хоёр сая PDF баримт,
and other kinds of documents.
баримтууд байлаа.
in a safe and secure location
байлгах хэрэгтэй байсан.
to have a look at the documents.
харуулахаар сэтгүүлчдийг урьсан юм.
than 100 media organizations
хэрэгслийг цуглуулав.
we called it, the idea being,
уг санаагаа нэрлэсэн юм.
who was important to Nigeria
гэдгийг хэлэх вэ?
илүү хэн бэ?
for everyone who was invited:
дүрмийг дагах ёстой байлаа:
that we found with everybody else,
хуваалцах ба
together on the same day.
тохирсон юм.
previous smaller collaborations
бий болсон итгэл болон
that jumped out from the documents.
үндэслэн сонгосон.
of less than 20 people
ашгийн бус байгууллагад
reporters from 25 language groups.
алдагдсан мэдээлэл
journalism collaboration in history:
хамтын ажиллагааг бий болгосон юм.
what journalists normally never do,
хийгээд байдаггүй зүйлээ хийж байв.
the biggest kind of noise,
the biggest kind of silence.
хэрэгтэй байсан.
over the many months it would take,
удирдахын тулд бид
систем ашиглаж,
designed search engine.
around the themes
or exotic art, for instance,
бүтээл сонирхогчид
the offshore world was being used
хэрхэн нууц наймаа хийдэг талаарх
of those commodities.
could share information
were putting their image rights
ашиглах эрхийг
улсынхаа татвараас
where they plied their trade.
хуваалцаж болно.
and elect politicians
дэлхийн удирдагчид
Петро Порошенко,
of Vladimir Putin in Russia
дотно зөвлөхүүд,
David Cameron, who is linked
өөрийн нас барсан аав
were secret offshore entities,
аж ахуйн нэгжүүд нуугдаж байв.
to the sitting Icelandic prime minister.
компани байлаа.
we invited to join the project,
дэлхийн хамгийн ганцаардмал хүн
over the windows of his home
нүднүүдээс сэргийлж
during the long Icelandic winter.
to explain his many absences,
шалтгаанаа тайлбарлах хэрэггүй болсон ч
мэдээлэл дээр ажиллаж байсан.
the leader of his country.
and you make an amazing discovery,
гайхалтай зүйл олж илрүүлвэл,
to a secret offshore company,
нууц оффшор компанитай холбоотой
interest in Icelandic banks --
санхүүгийн ашиг сонирхолтой бол
is to scream out very loud.
чангаар орилмоор санагдана.
that he could speak to,
цөөхөн хэдэн хүнтэй
a kind of gallows humor.
хошигнолыг хуваалцдаг байлаа.
шүтэн бишрэгчид.
wanted to scream,
хашгирмаар болохдоо
those screams into stories
мэдээ болгохдоо
to court records,
шүүхийн протокол,
to those that we intended to name.
асуусан асуултыг ашигласан.
the reporters to look at the world
бусдаас өөр өнцгөөс
from everybody else.
олгосон юм.
happened in Brazil.
Бразилд болсон.
хөлбөмбөгийн ертөнцийг удирддаг
the world of professional soccer.
ял тулгаж эхэлсэн.
actually had unique insights
үйл явдал бүрийн тухай
and the ego dramas
болох байсан дарамт,
what we were trying to do.
байгаа байх.
in 76 countries.
мэдээгээ нийтэлсан юм.
one of the biggest stories of the year.
мэдээний нэг болсон юм.
the day after we published.
Исландад болсон үйл явдал.
had to resign.
such as Lionel Messi,
дэлхийн хамгийн алдартай хөлбөмбөгчин
soccer player in the world.
unintended consequences.
бас байсан.
of a Mexican drug cartel were arrested
сэжиг бүхий гишүүдийн
about their hideout.
дараагаар баривчилсан.
in what we've been able to do.
нэг ёжтой зүйл байв.
that has broken the business model
технологи болох интернет
journalism itself.
боломж өгч байна.
байгаагүй их хэмжээний
of transparency and impact.
бий болгож байна.
can effect change across the world
өөрчлөлт бий болгож болдгийг
and old-fashioned journalism techniques
сэтгүүл зүйн
аргуудыг ашиглаж харуулсан.
around what was given to us by John Doe.
маш чухал болгосон.
санхүүгийн асуудлаас болж зөвшөөрдгөөс
media organizations allow these days,
from just about anywhere,
бичиж болдог ба
battleground to defend your work.
хамгаалж болдог гэдгийг харуулсан.
of a story in 76 different countries.
олж авах гээд үз л дээ.
I got a three-word text from Johannes:
надад 3 үгтэй мессеж илгээсэн:
has a new era for journalism.
шинэ эрин ирсэн байж магадгүй.
that applause to the 350 journalists
алга ташилтыг
I would like to ask.
асуумаар байна.
in secrecy for over a year
from all over the world --
350 гаруй хүнтэй ажиллаа.
releasing some information
хэн нэгэн олж мэдсэн зарим
of crises along the way,
хямралтай тулгарсан.
was happening in the world,
тэр дор нь нийтлэхийг хүссэн.
wanted to publish right away.
was a week before publication.
7 хоногийн өмнө болсон.
to the associates of Vladimir Putin,
хэдэн асуулт явуулсан боловч
a press conference and denounced us,
биднийг буруутган,
as being, I guess, a plot from the West.
хуйвалдаан гэж мэдэгдсэн.
it was just about him.
тухай гэж бодож байсан юм.
around the world
олон эрхлэгчийн
was going to get out.
of time they'd spent,
money spent on this.
the last week calming everyone down,
хүмүүсээ тайвшруулж л өнгөрөөсөн.
where you're holding your troops back:
барьж буй мэтээр
of course, they all did.
as an open database
мэдээллийн сан болгон дэлгэсэн нь
via keyword, essentially.
олгосон байсан.
about the offshore world
байх хэрэгтэй
the underlying documents
such as the name of a person,
оффшор компани болох
and the name of that company,
бүгдийг нь
of its kind basically is out there now
тэнд байгаа юм.
Gerard Ryle - Investigative journalistAs director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Gerard Ryle is one of the key figures behind the Panama Papers.
Why you should listen
Gerard Ryle is the director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) in Washington, DC.
When journalists at the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper in Germany got hold of the documents from a whistleblower, their volume and complexity pushed them to turn to the ICIJ, which brought together 376 investigative journalists from more than 100 news organizations in 76 countries.
The reporters spent months collaborating in researching and checking the documents, using protected communication channels, bespoke search engines and other specialized tools built by ICIJ, and ICIJ coordinated the release of the information across the world. It was the biggest cross-border collaboration in journalism history. The Panama Papers resulted in resignations or political outcries in Britain, Iceland, Spain, Malta and Pakistan and triggered dozens of official inquires around the world.
Before joining as the ICIJ's first non-American director in September 2011, Ryle spent more than 25 years working as an investigative reporter, author and editor in Australia and in Ireland. He has more than 60 journalism awards from six countries, including honors from the George Polk Awards, Harvard University and the University of Liege. Reporters Without Borders has described his work with ICIJ as "the future of investigative journalism worldwide."
(Photo: Le Monde / Melissa Golden)
Gerard Ryle | Speaker |