Anote Tong: My country will be underwater soon -- unless we work together
Anote Tong: Mój kraj wkrótce zatonie, jeśli nie zaczniemy współpracować
Anote Tong has built worldwide awareness of the potentially devastating impacts of climate change. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
by just telling us about your country.
powiedzmy coś o pańskim kraju.
Those dots are pretty huge.
is about the size of California.
by saying how deeply grateful I am
że jestem niezmiernie wdzięczny za to,
with people who do care.
ludziom, których to interesuje.
a lot of people who don't care too much.
których jego los nie obchodzi.
of three groups of islands:
is perhaps the only country
in the four corners of the world,
półkuli południowej,
in the Southern Hemisphere,
od linii zmiany daty.
of the International Date Line.
made up of coral atolls,
nad poziomem morza.
two meters above sea level.
dwóch kilometrów szerokości.
than two kilometers in width.
I've been asked by people,
why don't you move back?"
dlaczego nie odsuniecie się od morza?".
of what it is that's involved.
"Well, you can move back."
to wpadniemy do wody z drugiej strony.
on the other side of the ocean. OK?
that people don't understand.
just a picture of fragility there.
że Kiribati zagraża niebezpieczeństwo?
impending peril for your country?
has been one that has been going on
kilkadziesiąt lat temu.
at the United Nations General Assembly,
na Zgromadzeniu Ogólnym ONZ,
bo wśród naukowców nie było zgody,
this controversy among the scientists
działalnością człowieka,
whether it was real or it wasn't.
was fairly much concluded in 2007
Report of the IPCC,
that it is real, it's human-induced,
że to prawdziwe zjawisko
some very serious scenarios
dla krajów takich jak mój.
byliśmy zaniepokojeni.
the predictions came in 2007,
gdy w 2007 roku pojawiły się te prognozy.
I think, that by 2100,
perhaps three feet.
it's higher than that, for sure,
ta liczba jest jeszcze większa.
to a skeptic who said,
sceptykowi, który mówi:
six feet above sea level.
180 cm nad poziomem morza".
it's got to be understood
jest położona nisko.
we are getting the swells at the moment.
o kilkadziesiąt centymetrów.
będzie miała miejsce w przyszłości.
that is happening in the future.
bottom end of the spectrum.
who already have been dislocated.
były zmuszone do przesiedlenia.
and every parliament session,
otrzymuję skargi od różnych społeczności,
from different communities
w budowie opasek brzegowych,
rezerwuarów wody słodkiej.
about the freshwater lens
to the different islands,
radzić sobie z utratą roślin uprawnych,
with the loss of food crops,
perhaps leaving, having to relocate,
będą musiały się przenieść.
pierwszy cyklon, jest to jakoś powiązane?
suffered its first cyclone,
What happened here?
that when you're on the equator,
We're not supposed to get the cyclones.
wysyłamy je na północ albo południe.
either north or south.
at the beginning of this year,
pierwszy raz wrócił do nas cyklon.
which destroyed Vanuatu,
the very edges of it actually touched
najbardziej wysunięte na południe.
when Hurricane Pam struck.
fale przykrywały połowę lądu.
from my own constituency,
które miały kilkadziesiąt lat,
which had been there for decades,
rosnącym poziomie morza
about the rising sea level,
that happens gradually.
z wiatrami, z przybojami,
it comes with the swells,
is the change in the weather pattern,
i to jest pilniejszy problem.
than perhaps the rising sea level.
wcześniej niż podniesieniem poziomu morza.
is already seeing effects now.
co możecie zrobić?
as a country, as a nation?
this story every year.
żeby ludzie zrozumieli ten problem.
to try and get people to understand.
I think I spoke in Geneva
kiedy byłem w Genewie.
who was interviewing me
at floating islands,"
"Myślimy o pływających wyspach".
but somebody said,
These people are looking for solutions."
Ci ludzie szukają rozwiązań".
at floating islands.
in building floating islands.
we have made a commitment
zrobić wszystko,
we will try as much as possible
i pozostać jednym narodem.
ogromnego nakładu pracy.
something quite significant,
to continue to stay out of the water
żeby nie dosięgała nas woda,
and as the storms get more severe.
a sztormy przybiorą na sile.
very, very difficult
pozyskać na to fundusze.
that we would need.
is some form of forced migration.
byłaby przymusowa migracja.
that nothing comes forward
od społeczności międzynarodowej.
like what's happening in Europe.
jak imigranci w Europie.
at some point in time.
to give the people the choice today,
mieszkańcom Kiribati już teraz.
and want to do that, to migrate.
that they are forced to migrate
bez możliwości przygotowania się.
our society is very different,
są bardzo odmienne.
into a different environment,
of adjustments that are required.
in your country's past,
byli już zmuszeni się przesiedlić.
or the day before yesterday,
gdzie mieszkali wcześniej?
I think somebody was asking
żeby tam pojechać.
to visit that place.
a community of Kiribati people
żyje duża społeczność Kiribatyjczyków.
of the Solomon Islands,
z wysp Feniks w latach 60.
from the Phoenix Islands, in fact,
could not continue to live on the island,
przez dotkliwą suszę.
to live here in the Solomon Islands.
to meet with these people.
to było niezwykłe doświadczenie.
They hadn't heard of me.
nie słyszeli o mnie.
the opportunity to welcome me formally.
was very interesting
zobaczyć swoich rodaków.
they spoke back, they replied,
i oni odpowiedzieli,
not to be able to speak Kiribati properly.
this lady with red teeth.
o czerwonych zębach.
a na Kiribati tego nie robimy.
the local people here,
muszą nastąpić zmiany.
there are bound to be changes.
a certain loss of identity,
looking for in the future
jeśli będziemy emigrować.
just an extraordinarily emotional day
to musiał być niezwykle emocjonalny dzień.
ci ludzie bardziej odczuli swoją stratę.
an emphasized sense of what they had lost.
you're going to fight to the end
na terenie Kiribati jest inspirujące.
the nation in a location.
a very difficult decision for me.
trudna decyzja.
to leave your island, your home,
opuścić swojego kraju, swojego domu.
on a number of occasions,
"Jak się z tym czujesz?".
i próbowałem z tym żyć.
and I've tried to live with it,
of not trying to solve the problem
że nie próbuję rozwiązać problemu.
to be done collectively.
and as I've often argued,
when we come to the United Nations --
the Pacific Island Forum countries
państw członkowskich Forum Wysp Pacyfiku.
i Nowa Zelandia.
are also members,
usłyszeć o tym w mediach.
that to cut emissions,
ograniczyć emisji,
that they're unable to do
negatywnie na przemysł.
to weigh this, these moral issues.
przemysł kontra przetrwanie narodu".
the survival of a people.
what made you angry,
But then you paused.
Chyba to właśnie cię zdenerwowało.
statement at the United Nations.
moje oświadczenie na szczycie ONZ.
and then depressed.
sfrustrowany i przygnębiony.
że moje działania są daremne,
that we have no hope of winning.
której nie możemy wygrać.
posłuchają kogoś rozsądnego.
to somebody who was rational,
radykalnie racjonalny.
whatever that is.
of your nation's identity is fishing.
twojego narodu jest rybołówstwo.
is involved in fishing in some way.
związany z rybołówstwem.
every day, every day,
that our rate of consumption of fish
należy do najwyższych na świecie.
both at the local level
na poziomie lokalnym,
that the country receives
na światowych połowach tuńczyka.
dokonaliście radykalnej zmiany.
you took a very radical step.
right here in the Phoenix Islands.
of what fish means for us.
czym jest dla nas rybołówstwo.
tuna fisheries remaining in the world.
łowisk tuńczyka na świecie.
something like 60 percent
łowisk tuńczyka na Pacyfiku.
for some species, but not all.
stosunkowo zdrowe, ale nie dla wszystkich.
major resource owners,
właścicieli zasobów tuńczyka.
percent of our revenue
szpitale, szkoły i tak dalej.
schools and what have you.
obiekt światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.]
and it was a very difficult decision.
locally, it was not easy,
że musimy to zrobić,
that the fishery remains sustainable.
that some of the species,
głównie opastun,
was under serious threat.
był poławiany w ogromnych ilościach.
and so that was the reason I did that.
the international community
społeczność międzynarodową,
in order to fight climate change,
w walce ze zmianą klimatu.
there has got to be commitment.
to make a sacrifice,
need to make that sacrifice.
na chronionym obszarze wysp Feniks
what that loss would be
at the beginning of this year,
na początku tego roku.
wysokość utraconego dochodu.
of the lost revenue.
playing into this.
it may prompt healthier fisheries.
mogą być zdrowsze łowiska.
to move the price up
na pozostałych łowiskach?
have been very difficult,
to raise the cost of a vessel day.
wysokość opłaty dziennej.
to come in to fish for a day,
wynosiła 6000 albo 8000 dolarów
it was $6,000 and $8,000,
that significant increase.
what's important to note is,
mogły złowić około 10 ton w ciągu dnia,
and maybe catch 10 tons,
because they've become so efficient.
ponieważ są bardziej wydajne.
odpowiednio zareagować.
because the technology has so improved.
bo technologia bardzo się rozwinęła.
moved from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
brazylijską flotę z Atlantyku na Pacyfik.
if they could, per se.
mają na to sposoby, są bardzo wydajni.
and they've become so efficient.
of what it's like in those negotiations?
setki milionów dolarów.
of dollars at stake, essentially.
którzy prowadzą podobne negocjacje?
with the same companies
the most for your country,
dla swojego państwa i dla łowisk?
too often on licensing
na zyskach z licencji.
wartości połowu w porcie,
from license fees
of the landed value of the catch
not in the retail shops.
to do over the years
bardziej zaangażować się w ten przemysł,
our participation in the industry,
a w końcu i sprzedaż.
aby zwiększyć rentowność.
we have to become more involved.
restrukturyzacja przemysłu.
that the world has changed.
że świat się zmienił.
for your local fishermen,
Are the waters depleted?
i jest im trudniej?
on a sustainable basis?
zaopatrują tylko domowy rynek.
in the commercial fishing activity
entirely for the foreign market,
wyłącznie rynki zagraniczne,
europejski i japoński.
tuńczyka żółtopłetwego.
to be able to catch yellowfin
out of the water by the hundreds of tons
w ogromnych ilościach.
of beautiful girls from your country.
dziewczynki z Kiribati.
would you have for the world?
that we really have to do something
zareagować na zmiany klimatyczne,
the future of these children.
about the same age as these young girls,
jak te dziewczynki.
że chodzi tu o nasze dzieci,
their own national interest,
regrettably, unfortunately,
zmianę klimatu za problem krajowy.
as a national problem. It's not.
we got into recently with our partners,
z Australią i Nową Zelandią.
"We can't cut any more."
reprezentujący Australię,
the Australian leader, said,
bardziej ograniczać emisji,
we are cutting back.
Why don't you keep it?
Może zatrzymają ją dla siebie?
the rest of your emissions
na terenie swojego kraju,
within your borders,
you're sending it our way,
na przyszłość naszych dzieci.
the future of our children.
of the problem of climate change today.
at the end of this year,
spotkamy się w Paryżu.
as a global phenomenon,
postrzegać to jako globalne zjawisko,
individually, as nations,
oddzielnie jako kraje,
to do anything about it,
reagować na zmianę klimatu
dealt with collectively.
at responding to graphs and numbers,
nie przemawiają do ludzi.
at responding to that sometimes.
very possible that your nation,
albo właśnie z ich powodu,
the intense problems you face,
światłem ostrzegawczym dla świata.
to the world that shines most visibly,
w imieniu nas wszystkich
I'm sure, on behalf of all of us,
and for being here.
Anote Tong - President of the Republic of KiribatiAnote Tong has built worldwide awareness of the potentially devastating impacts of climate change.
Why you should listen
His Excellency Anote Tong is the fourth President of the Republic of Kiribati. He was first elected as President on 10 July 2003 and subsequently won two more elections in 2007 and in 2012. He is now serving his last term, which will end in mid-2015. Under his leadership, President Anote Tong also holds the portfolio of Head of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration.
Anote Tong was born in 1952 on Fanning Island (also known as Tabuaeran) in the Line Islands and is a member of the Kiribati House of Parliament from the constituency of Maiana Island in the central Kiribati group.
Educated in New Zealand and in England at the University of Canterbury and the London School of Economics respectively, President Tong holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Economics under his belt.
Since the beginning of his presidency, President Anote Tong has become a strong climate change advocate and has built worldwide awareness of the potentially devastating impacts of climate change.
He has stated on many occasions that Kiribati may cease to exist altogether and that its entire population may need to be resettled not as climate change refugees but as citizens who migrate on merit and with dignity.
With one of the lowest carbon-emission footprints in the world, Tong has often described Kiribati as a “frontline country” that has been among the first to experience dramatic climate change impacts.
As an extraordinary measure to set an example for the rest of the world, President Tong created the Phoenix Islands Protected Area, one of the largest marine protected areas in the world with a size of 408,250 square kilometers which was inscribed as a United Nations World Heritage site in 2008.
President Tong has won a number of awards and recognition that acknowledges his contribution and leadership on climate change and ocean conservation.
Anote Tong | Speaker |