Victoria Pratt: How judges can show respect
Victoria Pratt: Cum pot judecătorii să demonstreze respect
Judge Victoria Pratt is inspiring a global revolution in criminal justice. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
I want to tell you something.
by a transgender prostitute
sitting next to her,
I look better than the girl you're with."
Arăt mai bine decât prietena ta.”
numele de bărbat suficient de încet
be picked up by the record,
towards counselor's table with dignity.
la masa executorului judecătoresc.
also known as procedural fairness,
sau echitate procedurală
of an African-American garbageman
unui gunoier afro-american
in the segregated South.
în Sudul segregat.
you're still paying attention.
for a better life for her unborn children.
pentru viitorii ei copii.
you meet with dignity and respect,
cu demnitate și respect,
no matter how they dress,
it would be the most important lesson
cea mai importantă lecție
to the Newark Municipal Court bench.
până la Tribunalul Municipal din Newark.
off the playground
de pe terenul de joacă
to translate for family members
a le traduce membrilor familiei
to the United States,
în Statele Unite,
for a person, a novice,
unei persoane, unui novice,
and around the globe,
that is foreign, intimidating
about the nature of their charges,
acuzațiilor care li se aduc,
with the police
their relationships, their finances
asupra relațiilor, a finanțelor acestora
who encounters our courts.
care ajung la tribunalele noastre.
going through court security.
controalelor de securitate,
they walk around the building,
din tribunal, merg prin clădire,
the same question
unor persoane diferite
to where they're supposed to be,
when they encounter the courts.
când ajung în tribunale.
people's court experience,
oamenilor din tribunale,
the public's trust
is procedural justice
they are treated fairly
Yale professor Tom Tyler found
as far back in the '70s
see the justice system
percep sistemul judiciar
to impose rules and regulations,
care impune norme și regulamente,
that they were treated fairly
begins with what?
to court participants.
cu părțile participante din tribunal.
a reserve seat to a tragic reality show
un loc rezervat la un reality show tragic,
deprimați, înfometați
of appearing vulnerable on the bench,
de a părea vulnerabilă,
did I need to do something,
nu doar că trebuia să fac ceva,
of procedural justice are easy
dreptății procedurale sunt ușoare
as quickly as tomorrow.
that it can be done for free.
să vorbească
not going to let them speak.
să vorbească.
that's going to hurt your case."
care să vă defavorizeze cazul.”
of giving them voice.
de a se exprima.
college student an essay.
să scrie un eseu.
minor ce a consumat alcool.
and his hands trembling,
had become an alcoholic like his mom,
un alcoolic, aidoma mamei sale
due to alcohol-related liver disease.
din cauza consumului de alcool.
to my father, a letter to my son,
către tatăl meu, sau către fiul meu,
positive thing about myself,
un singur lucru bun despre mine,
to be introspective,
that goes beyond their criminal record
care transcende trecutul lor infracțional
in the justice system,
în sistemul judiciar
to be favoring one side over the other.
ca favorizând un om în detrimentul altuia.
not to say things like,
conștientă și nu să spună:
"my defense attorney."
„avocatul meu al apărării”.
when we work in environments
când lucrăm în medii
assigned to your courts,
instanțelor tale,
in and out of your courts as well.
din instanțele tale.
a new Rutgers Law grad
am fost proaspăt absolventă de Drept,
and I was greeted by two grey-haired men
și am fost salutată de doi bărbați cărunți
the last game of golf they played together
la ultimul lor joc de golf
a fair shot in that forum.
de o hotărâre echitabilă în acel for.
understand the process,
să înțeleagă procesul,
is the language we use to confuse.
îl folosim pentru a-i deruta.
who appear before me,
their second language.
was when I was a young judge --
când eram o tânără judecătoare -
a senior judge comes to me,
un judecător senior a venit la mine
has mental health issues,
au probleme psihice,
and you can get your evaluation."
pentru a le evalua.”
was a mental health issue,
and I started to ask questions.
să pun întrebări:
um, psychotrop --
with a psychiatrist before?"
was suffering from mental illness.
că persoana suferea de o boală mintală.
to scrap the script and ask one question.
am decis să arunc lista și să întreb:
to clear your mind?"
să vă limpeziți gândurile?”
for my schizophrenia,
iau Haldol pentru schizofrenie
to clear your mind?"
pentru a vă limpezi gândurile?”
no medication to clear my mind.
pentru a-mi limpezi gândurile.
to stop the voices in my head,
understand the question,
to make meaningful decisions
să ia deciziile corecte
of the other principles can work.
nu funcționează celelalte principii.
"Good morning, ma'am."
„Bună dimineața, dnă!”
who is standing before you,
pe cel din fața ta în ochi
"Um, how are you doing today?
„Cum sunteți astăzi?
actually interested in the response.
interesat de răspuns.
dintre a spune:
in the paperwork?"
read and write, can't you?"
nu-i așa?”
there's a literacy issue.
nu poate să scrie și să citească.
is that it's contagious.
respectful to other folks
că ești respectuos cu alții
that respect to themselves.
the transgender prostitute was telling me.
și prostituata transsexuală
as you think you may be judging me.
că mă judeci tu pe mine.
to change the culture at my courthouse
pentru a schimba mentalitatea la Tribunal
timp de șapte luni
to the criminal court,
nu era o veste bună.
as the worst courtroom in the city,
cea mai rea sală de judecată din oraș,
că e cea mai rea din tot statul.
with revolving door justice,
cu uși turnante,
of low-level offenders --
de rang mic -
with quality-of-life tickets,
and the misguided young people --
și tinerii fără o țintă în viață -
doing a life sentence
o pedeapsă de 30 de zile.
decided that Newarkers deserved better,
locuitorii lor merită mai mult,
with the Center for Court Innovation
cu Center for Court Innovation
to punishment with assistance.
cu asistență.
otherwise get a jail sentence
de altfel, ar primi închisoare,
individual counseling sessions,
sesiuni de consiliere individuale,
as well as community giveback,
pentru ajutorare,
that this wonderful program
e că acest minunat program
and was going to be housed where?
se va desfășura unde anume?
de acolo era groaznică.
the attitudes were terrible there
care erau trimiși acolo,
pentru a fi pedepsiți.
being sent there as punishment.
disciplinary actions at times,
cu probleme de disciplină,
a 30-day jail sentence on their rotation,
de 30 zile de închisoare prin rotație,
they were being hazed
că sunt tratați nedrept
sorority or fraternity.
dintr-un colegiu
an attorney who worked there
care lucra acolo
as "the scum of the earth"
„gunoaiele planetei”
with those people? They're so nasty.
de specimene? Sunt dezgustători.
we criminalize social ills,
incriminează problemele sociale,
and say, "Do something."
și le spune: „Faceți ceva!”
to lead by example.
prin exemplul personal.
came when a 60-something-year-old man
în vârstă de 60 de ani
was showing the signs of drug withdrawal.
și corpul îi trăda renunțarea la droguri.
and he said, "30 years."
și el mi-a răspuns: „ De 30 de ani.”
I have a 32-year-old son."
„Am un fiu în vârstă de 32 de ani.”
had the opportunity
„Deci nu ați avut niciodată șansa
because of your addiction."
din cauza dependenței de droguri.”
I'm going to let you go home,
some assistance for your addiction."
vă vom ajuta să treceți peste dependență.”
and he was sitting the courtroom.
cele două săptămâni și a revenit.
"Judge, I came back to court
„Dnă. judecător, m-am reîntors
than I had for myself."
față de mine decât eu însumi.”
he heard love from the bench?
Dumnezeule, a simțit el bunăvoința mea?
when the court behaves differently,
atunci când curtea se comportă diferit,
you can go to for assistance,
poți căuta asistență
schizophrenic homeless woman
schizofrenice și fără adăpost,
and screams, "Judge!
Am venit doar să vă văd ce mai faceți.”
for a couple of months,
a couple of weeks ago.
acum câteva săptămâni.
of coaxing by the judge,
de către judecător,
să urce în ambulanță
was terrible, Judge.
„Serviciul comunitar a fost îngrozitor.
and it was full of empty heroin envelopes,
care era plin cu pungi goale de heroină,
to do community service,
when I wasn't high,
când nu eram drogat
the children playing there."
care se jucau acolo.”
lowered their head.
și-a aplecat capul.
mai bine această lecție?
its relationship with the community,
relația sa cu comunitatea,
through the court program.
prin intermediul programului.
at an office cleaning company,
de prestare servicii de curățenie,
after the interview,
chiar după interviu,
how bad I wanted the job."
cât de mult doream să muncesc acolo.”
when a person in authority
când o persoană cu autoritate
who struts down the aisle
care vine să mă întrebe:
do you notice anything different?"
a referral from the program,
după finalizarea programului comunitar
to replace the old teeth
din cauza dependenței de heroină.
of years of heroin addiction.
aceste principii
that judges will use these tools
pe care o deservesc.
the communities that they serve.
are not miracle cure-alls,
to where we want to be,
de locul unde vrem să ajungem.
în sălile de judecată
that people enter our halls of justice
cu demnitate și respect
with dignity and respect
will be served there.
Victoria Pratt - ProfessorJudge Victoria Pratt is inspiring a global revolution in criminal justice.
Why you should listen
Judge Victoria Pratt has gained national and international acclaim for her commitment to reforming the criminal justice system. As the Chief Judge in Newark Municipal Court in Newark, New Jersey, a busy urban court, she spent years gaining a deep understanding of how justice could be delivered to court participants in a manner that increased their trust in the legal system. While presiding over Newark Community Solutions, the Community Court Program, she provided alternatives to jail to low-level offenders. These alternatives included community service, individual and group counseling sessions, and her signature assignment of introspective essays. Her respectful approach has had a positive effect on court participant’s court experience -- and how the community viewed the court.
Pratt is now serving as a Professor at Rutgers Law School in Newark, an institution that has always been committed to social justice. Her teaching load includes problem-solving courts and restorative justice. As a graduate of Rutgers Law, she is excited by the opportunity to influence the minds of future lawyers and judges with innovative and humane ways of dealing with court participants. She also continues to champion criminal justice reform through her consulting firm Pratt Lucien Consultants, LLC, by sharing her skills and approach with others.
Pratt’s work has been featured in The Guardian and Rutgers Magazine (both written by Pulitzer-winning author Tina Rosenberg.) As a nationally recognized expert in procedural justice and alternative sentencing, she has been asked by numerous professional organizations and jurisdictions to share her story and philosophy. Judge Pratt has also appeared on MSNBC's "Melissa Harris Perry Show," the Emmy-winning PBS show "Due Process," and National Public Radio's "Conversations with Allan Wolper."
Pratt is licensed to practice law in both New Jersey and New York and is admitted to the US Supreme Court. She also facilitates empowerment sessions to help people live their best lives.
(Photo: Erik James Montgomery)
Victoria Pratt | Speaker |