Ben Saunders: To the South Pole and back — the hardest 105 days of my life
Ben Saunders: Na južný pól a späť – najťažších 105 dní v mojom živote
In 2004, Ben Saunders became the youngest person ever to ski solo to the North Pole. In 2013, he set out on another record-breaking expedition, this time to retrace Captain Scott’s ill-fated journey to the South Pole on foot. Full bio
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intelligentsia that is TED,
stuff around cold places.
po studených miestach.
for most of my adult life,
vediem polárne expedície
Tarka L'Herpiniere and I
Tarkom L'Herpiniereom
expedition I've ever attempted.
o aké som sa kedy pokúsil.
transported straight here
zrazu ocitol tu na pódiu
straight to the TED stage.
that hasn't been entirely seamless.
prechod nebol úplne plynulý.
memory is entirely shot.
je z toho celkom mimo.
in the next 17 minutes.
príliš nehromžil a nenadával.
about this expedition,
o tejto expedícii.
or building space telescopes,
ani konštrukciu vesmírneho teleskopu,
we had to achieve something
zo seba všetko, aby sme dokázali to,
find some food for thought.
expedition in Antarctica,
highest altitude continent on Earth.
najsuchší a najvyššie položený kontinent.
It's a huge place.
Obrovský svetadiel.
as China and India put together.
in the last few days,
may get at TED in a few years' time,
zažije na TED-e až o niekoľko rokov.
with Lindblad for our anniversary."
s Lindbladom na výročie svadby.“
for the marathon?"
69 marathons back to back
69 maratónov po sebe za 105 dní.
on foot from the coast of Antarctica
z antarktického pobrežia
journey in history by more than 400 miles.
podpory o viac než 600 kilometrov.
here to San Francisco,
odtiaľto z Vancouveru do San Francisca,
and walking back again.
most succinctly here
of Business Insider Malaysia.
Business Insider Malaysia.
That Killed Everyone The Last Time It Was Attempted"]
ktorú naposledy nikto neprežil.]
veľmi výrečne o strachu,
and indeed the odds of survival.
a vlastne o šanci na prežitie.
attempted this journey before us,
ktorí sa vydali na túto cestu pred nami,
to attempt this expedition.
Sir Ernest Shackleton
the first to reach the South Pole,
dosiahnuť po prvý raz južný pól,
the interior of Antarctica,
the moon through telescopes.
a century ago, uncharted.
z väčšej časti neznáma.
Terra Nova Expedition in 1910,
Terra Nova v roku 1910
siege-style approach.
depots of food and fuel
vo vopred určených bodoch.
would travel to the Pole,
postupoval smerom k pólu,
back to the coast again on foot.
vrátiť na pobrežie.
in January 1912
by a Norwegian team led by Roald Amundsen,
skupina pod vedením Roalda Amundsena
this journey has remained unfinished.
výpravu nikto nedokončil.
on the return journey.
na spiatočnej ceste zahynulo.
the high-water mark?
pešo 2 500 kilometrov.
of human endurance,
ľudskej vytrvalosti
human athletic achievement
podmienkach na Zemi.
predictable combination of curiosity,
a predvídateľná kombinácia zvedavosti,
to try to finish the job.
mne by sa to mohlo podariť.
there were just two of us,
my sme boli len dvaja.
of Antarctica in October last year,
v októbri minulého roku.
nazýval „ľudský záprah“.
here to San Francisco and back,
odtiaľto do San Francisca a späť,
something that weighs a shade more
čo váži len o chlp viac
of Scott's ponies pulled.
asi 0,8 kilometra za hodinu.
attempted this journey until now,
výpravu žiaden človek nevydal
stupid enough to try.
nikto dostatočne hlúpy.
sense of the word —
or mapping any uncharted valleys —
a nemapovali neznáme údolia,
territory in a human sense.
na neznáme územie z ľudského hľadiska.
there is an area of the human brain
keď človek sám seba preklína,
spends 90 percent of their time indoors.
trávi 90 percent času vnútri.
for nearly four months.
boli stále vonku.
three times in 105 days
prezliekol trikrát za 105 dní
30 square feet on the canvas.
na 9 štvorcových metroch celty.
that Scott could never have imagined.
o akej sa Scottovi ani nesnívalo.
from the tent via a laptop
blogovali zo stanu cez laptop
panel over the tent.
fotovoltaický panel.
literature of adventure and exploration,
dobrodružná literatúra o objaviteľoch
here this week
sme tu všetci videli
the power of storytelling.
challenges that Scott faced
what Scott called glide,
nazýval „glide“, či „kĺzanie“,
the sledges and the snow.
we experienced was in the -70s,
za veterného počasia bola -70°
what's called white-out,
in the world, the Beardmore glacier.
z najväčších a najnebezpečnejších.
is what's called blue ice.
povrchu tvorí takzvaný modrý ľad.
shimmering steel-hard blue surface
ligotavý, oceľovo tvrdý ľadovec
and thousands of crevasses,
up to 200 feet deep.
mať hĺbku aj 60 metrov.
chance of being rescued.
na záchranu bola takmer nulová.
after 61 days on foot,
something of an anticlimax.
bolo to určité sklamanie.
at the South Pole.
they have a canteen,
as a movie theater.
ktoré slúži aj ako kino.
365 days of the year
and movie theaters,
a lot of empty cardboard boxes.
prázdnych kartónových škatúľ.
this photograph,
from the South Pole.
po vlastných, bez pomoci,
than anyone in history.
and flown home,
the eminently sensible thing to do,
the right tools, the right technology,
správne vybavenie a technológiu,
and enough determination,
a dostatok odhodlania,
very cold, very dry, we were exhausted.
chladno a sucho a boli sme vyčerpaní.
that didn't exist for Scott,
zariadení, ktoré Scott nepoznal,
limits as human beings.
našich ľudských možností.
ako sa trápiť deň čo deň
of starvation day after day
full of food.
in sponsorship proposals
of human endurance,
a very frightening place to be indeed.
bolo naozaj strašidelné.
headwind, which slowed us down.
protivetra, a to nás spomalilo.
of eating half rations.
dní jedli polovičné porcie.
in the sledges to make this journey,
the calories we should have been eating.
kalórií na polovicu.
increasingly hypoglycemic —
prehlbujúca sa hypoglykémia,
levels day after day —
to the extreme cold.
with hypothermia.
something I hadn't experienced before,
Nič také som ešte nezažil.
like to think, as I do,
of person who doesn't quit,
to lie down and quit.
si len ľahnúť a skončiť.
to be debilitated to that degree.
byť takto veľmi oslabený.
stanovišťom so zásobami
for our return journey —
jedlo a palivo na návrat –
could melt snow to get water —
na roztopenie snehu na vodu –
to call for a resupply flight,
a požiadať o zásobovací let,
to tide us over that gap.
aby sme preklenuli toto okno.
from the other side of Antarctica.
z druhého konca Antarktídy.
the toughest decisions of my life.
z najťažších rozhodnutí v mojom živote.
standing here now with a sort of belly.
asi vyzerám ako klamár.
in the last three weeks.
som pribral asi 13 kíl.
an interesting mental scar,
zvláštne podpísal na psychike,
every hotel buffet that I can find.
hotelový bufet v dosahu.
and in quite a bad way.
veľmi hladní a bolo to hrozné.
for that plane for a second,
že som zavolal o pomoc,
telling this story.
was never part of the plan,
nebola súčasťou plánu
is still struggling with.
the spikes on our boots
over this blue ice on the glacier —
skoro každú hodinu.
of the Beardmore Glacier.
Beardmorovho ľadovca.
in the gap on the horizon.
by sa vošiel celý Manhattan.
Mount Hope and Mount Kiffin.
Mount Hope a Mount Kiffin.
as I did in Antarctica.
taký malý ako v Antarktíde.
to the mouth of the glacier,
the dozens of deep crevasses.
trhliny zahalil čerstvý sneh.
crossing this sort of terrain
opísal prechod takýmto terénom
of a railway station.
streche železničnej stanice.
than I can remember,
or a boot through the snow.
the way up to our armpits,
after 105 days,
týždňami, po 105 dňoch,
inauspicious finish line,
neprajnou cieľovou čiarou,
on the New Zealand side of Antarctica.
na novozélandskej strane Antarktídy.
ski trail of nearly 1,800 miles.
stopa dlhá skoro 3 000 kilometrov.
polar journey on foot,
pešiu polárnu výpravu,
of doing for a decade.
much thought to what happens
že som nepomyslel na to, čo sa stane,
most of your adult life to,
still figuring that bit out.
že ešte vždy premýšľam, čo s tým.
superficial signs that I've been away.
že som niekde bol.
covered in makeup now, frostbite scars.
bledých jaziev po omrzlinách.
each cheek, from where the goggles are,
tam, kde som mal okuliare,
different person indeed.
and humbled me so deeply
a pokorila tak hlboko,
to put it into words.
nikdy vyjadriť slovami.
together my thoughts.
aby som si utriedil myšlienky.
telling this story
accomplish great things,
hard enough, as Sting said,
snom, ako tu povedal Sting,
saying, you know what,
more important than the destination?
pobrežiu Rossovho ostrova,
that the biggest lesson
to najväčšie ponaučenie,
might be teaching me
a finish line,
us seem to dream of
o ktorej toľkí snívajú,
here, today, now, on our journeys
dnes, tu a teraz, na ceste
that we all inhabit,
the half-finished to-do lists,
v tom, čo sme nedokončili,
and in front of hotel buffets.
a chodím po hotelových bufetoch.
of character to fight it. (Laughter)
a prekonám to. (smiech)
Ben Saunders - Polar explorerIn 2004, Ben Saunders became the youngest person ever to ski solo to the North Pole. In 2013, he set out on another record-breaking expedition, this time to retrace Captain Scott’s ill-fated journey to the South Pole on foot.
Why you should listen
Although most of the planet's surface was mapped long ago, there's still a place for explorers in the modern world. And Ben Saunders' stories of arctic exploration -- as impressive for their technical ingenuity as their derring-do -- are decidedly modern. In 2004, at age 26, he skied solo to the North Pole, updating his blog each day of the trip. Humble and self-effacing, Saunders is an explorer of limits, whether it's how far a human can be pushed physically and psychologically, or how technology works hundreds of miles from civilization. His message is one of inspiration, empowerment and boundless potential.
He urges audiences to consider carefully how to spend the “tiny amount of time we each have on this planet.” Saunders is also a powerful advocate for the natural world. He's seen first-hand the effects of climate change, and his expeditions are raising awareness for sustainable solutions.
Being the youngest person to ski solo to the North Pole did not satiate Saunders' urge to explore and push the boundaries. In 2008, he attempted to break the speed record for a solo walk to the North Pole; however, his journey was ended abruptly both then and again in 2010 due to equipment failure. From October 2013 to February 2014, he led a two-man team to retrace Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s ill-fated 1,800-mile expedition to the South Pole on foot. He calls this journey the hardest 105 days of his life.
Ben Saunders | Speaker |