Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed
Bill Gross: Hlavný dôvod, prečo sú startupy úspešné
Bill Gross founded Idealab, an incubator of new inventions, ideas and businesses. Full bio
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prekvapujúcich zisteniach
succeed the most,
spoločnostiam úspech
for startup success.
startupov najväčšiu váhu.
ako urobiť svet lepším miestom.
to make the world a better place.
so správnymi akciami
with the right equity incentives
doteraz nevídaným spôsobom.
in a way never before possible.
unbelievable things.
organizácia taký skvelý,
organization is so great,
záleží, pokiaľ ide o úspech startupov.
actually matters most
pokúsiť byť systematický,
to be systematic about it,
and maybe misperceptions I have
a chybným predstavám, ktoré mám
I've seen over the years.
ktoré som už videl.
since I was 12 years old
predával cukríky na zastávke,
in junior high school,
solárnu energiu na strednej
solar energy devices,
zakladal som softvérové spoločnosti.
I started software companies.
I started Idealab,
založili viac ako sto firiem,
we started more than 100 companies,
a zlyhanie spoločností.
success and failure.
the idea was everything.
že myšlienka je všetko.
for how much I worship
spoločnosť Idealab,
keď vám napadne myšlienka.
come up with the idea.
realizácia, prispôsobivosť,
the execution, adaptability,
viac ako na myšlienke.
TED citovať boxera Mikea Tysona,
boxer Mike Tyson on the TED stage,
päsťou do tváre.“ (smiech)
punched in the face." (Laughter)
pravda aj v biznise.
about business as well.
pästiam do tváre od zákazníka.
in the face by the customer.
was the most important thing.
pozerať na biznis model.
at the business model.
k získavaniu tržieb od zákazníkov?
generating customer revenues?
in my thinking
most for success.
výrazne dostávajú financie.
intense amounts of funding.
the timing.
naň ešte nie je pripravený?
the world's not ready for it?
and you have to educate the world?
má priveľkú konkurenciu?
already too many competitors?
pozrieť na tých päť faktorov
at these five factors
sto firiem Idealab
Idealab companies,
something scientific about it.
NetZero, –
NetZero, --
Desktop Factory, Peoplelink –
Desktop Factory, Peoplelink --
but didn't succeed.
všetky tie vlastnosti
of those attributes
jednotlivým spoločnostiam darilo.
on each of those dimensions.
I looked at wild successes,
sledoval som divoké úspechy,
YouTube a LinkedIn.
and Youtube and LinkedIn.
dokonca biznis model,
in some cases,
na najdôležitejšie faktory
actually accounted the most
all of these companies,
between success and failure.
the uniqueness of the idea,
jedinečnosť nápadu –
že nápad nie je dôležitý,
the idea isn't important,
nie je tou najdôležitejšou vecou.
the idea wasn't the most important thing.
ako bol nápad načasovaný.
it was actually timed.
a financovanie, mi dávajú zmysel.
made sense to me actually.
je logicky tak nízko,
makes sense to be that low
without a business model
chcú to, čo vytvárate.
are demanding what you're creating.
ale získavate popularitu,
but you're gaining traction,
intense funding.
vlastnosti niekoľko príkladov.
examples about each of these.
divoký úspech, ako Airbnb.
that everybody knows about.
si posúvalo mnoho chytrých investorov,
passed on by many smart investors
v dome cudzincovi.“
in their home to a stranger."
dobrého nápadu a realizácie,
a good idea, great execution,
right during the height of the recession
vlastného domu cudzincom.
their own home to a stranger.
incredible business model,
skvelá realizácia.
into the system.
to bolo veľmi, veľmi dôležité.
it was very, very important.
came out when people needed web pages.
prišiel, keď ľudia chceli webstránky.
actually at TED in 1998,
na TED v roku 1998,
cost-effective ways to get traffic.
efektívne zvýšenie návštevnosti.
zrejme dôležitejšie.
maybe more important.
ktorá sa venovala online zábave.
it was an online entertainment company.
mali sme skvelý biznis model,
we had a great business model,
skvelý hollywoodsky talent.
Hollywood talent to join the company.
roku 2000 málo rozšírený.
was too low in 1999-2000.
video content online,
and do all this stuff,
kodeky a podobne,
went out of business in 2003.
was solved by Adobe Flash
crossed 50 percent in America,
v Amerike prekročilo 50 percent,
a business model when it first started.
nemal ani biznis model.
that would work out.
beautifully timed.
consumers are really ready
zákazníci skutočne pripravení
výsledky, ktoré vidíte,
any results that you see,
chcete to posúvať dopredu,
you want to push it forward,
ohľadom načasovania.
about that factor on timing.
a urobiť svet lepším miestom.
and make the world a better place.
have a slightly higher success ratio,
come to the world
you've been a great audience.
boli ste skvelým publikom.
Bill Gross - Idea guyBill Gross founded Idealab, an incubator of new inventions, ideas and businesses.
Why you should listen
Bill Gross is the founder of Idealab, a business incubator focused on new ideas. (He's now the chair and CEO.) He helped create, the first sponsored search company. He also created the Snap! search engine, which allows users to preview hyperlinks.
Gross has been an entrepreneur since high school, when he founded a solar energy company. In college, he patented a new loudspeaker design, and after school he started a company that was later acquired by Lotus, and then launched an educational software publishing company. Now, he serves on the boards of companies in the areas of automation, software and renewable energy.
Bill Gross | Speaker |