Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed
Bill Gross: Cel mai important factor în succesul start-up-urilor
Bill Gross founded Idealab, an incubator of new inventions, ideas and businesses. Full bio
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care m-au surprins
succeed the most,
cel mai mult la început.
for startup success.
to make the world a better place.
de a face lumea un loc mai bun.
pe care îi stimulezi corect financiar
with the right equity incentives
in a way never before possible.
cum nu s-a mai pomenit.
lucruri incredibile.
unbelievable things.
sunt atât de bune
organization is so great,
actually matters most
pentru succesul unei companii tinere.
to be systematic about it,
pe care le-aș fi putut avea
and maybe misperceptions I have
de-a lungul timpului.
I've seen over the years.
since I was 12 years old
încă de la 12 ani:
vindeam bomboane în stația de autobuz;
in junior high school,
solar energy devices,
cu energie solară
I started software companies.
companii de software.
I started Idealab,
we started more than 100 companies,
peste 100 de companii,
determinau succesul sau eșecul.
success and failure.
the idea was everything.
for how much I worship
deoarece prețuiam
come up with the idea.
când îți vine o idee.
the execution, adaptability,
echipa, execuția şi adaptabilitatea
boxer Mike Tyson on the TED stage,
pe boxerul Mike Tyson pe scenă la TED,
punched in the face." (Laughter)
un pumn în nas.” (Râsete)
about business as well.
in the face by the customer.
când e lovită în față de client.
că poate echipa e cea mai importantă.
was the most important thing.
modelul de business.
at the business model.
de a obţine venit de pe urma clienţilor?
generating customer revenues?
in my thinking
conta cel mai mult pentru succes.
most for success.
intense amounts of funding.
Poate asta e cel mai important?
the timing.
și lumea nu e pregătită pentru ea?
the world's not ready for it?
că trebuie să educi lumea ?
and you have to educate the world?
fiindcă deja ai prea mulţi competitori?
already too many competitors?
la mai multe companii.
at these five factors
și 100 de companii non-Idealab,
Idealab companies,
din spatele succesului.
something scientific about it.
la companiile Idealab,
NetZero, --
Desktop Factory, Peoplelink
Desktop Factory, Peoplelink --
but didn't succeed.
of those attributes
după cele 5 criterii.
on each of those dimensions.
le-am luat pe cele cu succes răsunător:
I looked at wild successes,
and Youtube and LinkedIn.
sau Youtube și LinkedIn., Flooz și Friendster.
au avut finanțare intensă
in some cases,
dar nu au reușit.
ce factori au contat cel mai mult
actually accounted the most
iar rezultatul m-a surprins.
all of these companies,
între succes şi eşec.
between success and failure.
a fost pe locul trei.
the uniqueness of the idea,
– ideea e importantă –
the idea isn't important,
cel mai important factor.
the idea wasn't the most important thing.
momentul aplicării ei.
it was actually timed.
finanțarea, mi-au părut logice.
made sense to me actually.
deoarece poți porni afacerea fără un model
makes sense to be that low
without a business model
dacă clienţii cer ce creezi tu.
are demanding what you're creating.
la public, mai ales în zilele noastre,
but you're gaining traction,
intense funding.
examples about each of these.
despre care știe toată lumea.
that everybody knows about.
cu vederea de mulți investitori
passed on by many smart investors
nu o să-și închirieze casa unui străin.”
in their home to a stranger."
pentru care au reușit,
a good idea, great execution,
ideea şi execuția formidabilă,
right during the height of the recession
perioada maximă a recesiunii
să depăşească teama
their own home to a stranger.
execuție superbă.
incredible business model,
pentru introducerea șoferilor în sistem.
into the system.
a fost foarte important.
it was very, very important.
a ieşit când se cereau pagini web.
came out when people needed web pages.
în 1998 la TED,
actually at TED in 1998,
cost-effective ways to get traffic.
modalități ieftine pentru trafic.
maybe more important.
a fost mai important.
de divertisment online –
it was an online entertainment company.
un model de afacere bun,
we had a great business model,
de la Hollywood.
Hollywood talent to join the company.
era în prea puține case în 1999-2000.
was too low in 1999-2000.
video content online,
and do all this stuff,
aşa că compania a dat faliment în 2003.
went out of business in 2003.
a fost rezolvată de Adobe Flashplayer
was solved by Adobe Flash
aveau conexiune de mare viteză,
crossed 50 percent in America,
a business model when it first started.
un model de afacere când a început.
Dar momentul a fost perfect.
that would work out.
beautifully timed.
evident, foarte mult.
consumers are really ready
sunt pregătiţi pentru ce le oferi.
să nu contestaţi rezultatele observate,
any results that you see,
vreţi să meargă,
you want to push it forward,
în legătură cu momentul.
about that factor on timing.
and make the world a better place.
și o pot face un loc mai bun.
să vă ajute să aveți mai mult succes,
have a slightly higher success ratio,
extraordinar lumii,
come to the world
you've been a great audience.
ați fost un public minunat.
Bill Gross - Idea guyBill Gross founded Idealab, an incubator of new inventions, ideas and businesses.
Why you should listen
Bill Gross is the founder of Idealab, a business incubator focused on new ideas. (He's now the chair and CEO.) He helped create, the first sponsored search company. He also created the Snap! search engine, which allows users to preview hyperlinks.
Gross has been an entrepreneur since high school, when he founded a solar energy company. In college, he patented a new loudspeaker design, and after school he started a company that was later acquired by Lotus, and then launched an educational software publishing company. Now, he serves on the boards of companies in the areas of automation, software and renewable energy.
Bill Gross | Speaker |