Rich Benjamin: My road trip through the whitest towns in America
Rich Benjamin: Moja cesta po najbelších mestách Ameriky
The author of "Whitopia," Rich Benjamin sharply observes modern society and politics. Full bio
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greet your children by name;
zdravia vaše deti po mene.
just 20 minutes
dvojročný výlet
and whitest counties in America.
miest Ameriky.
six percent population growth since 2000.
6 % nárast populácie od roku 2000.
comes from white migrants.
pochádza od bielych migrantov.
has an ineffable charm,
neopísateľný šarm,
Whitopias are ticking,
Whitopii tikajú hodinky,
do troch jej miest.
apiece in three of them:
a beautiful town of red rock landscapes.
pokrytá červeným kameňom.
vyslal rodiny do mesta St.George,
dispatched families to St. George
horúcej a suchej klíme.
of the hot, arid climate.
mesta sa používa dodnes.
and the name sticks to this day.
like an anthropologist.
som sa staval ako antropológ.
the power brokers in the communities,
o najvplyvnejších ľuďoch v komunite.
O miestach, ktoré som chcel navštíviť.
where I needed to be,
in these communities.
o územnom plánovaní,
and Republican clubs.
a republikánske kluby.
a home at the Entrada,
komunít v meste.
premier gated communities.
or Howard Johnsons for me.
alebo Howard Johnsons.
nie ako návštevník.
and not like a visitor.
symbol of Whitopia.
som golfovú palicu nedržal.
at least three times a week.
golf aspoň trikrát za týždeň.
cesty sa odohrali na golfovom trávniku.
during my trip were on the golf courses.
do súkromného golfového klubu,
invited me to golf in his private club
jeden muž ma musel naučiť
this fellow had to teach me
dolárovým bankom.
klamali o kartách, ktoré dostali.
about the hands that they drew,
about their social beliefs.
sociálnych hodnotách.
debát, ktoré som mal
salty conversations I ever had
pri pokrovom stole.
many dinner parties, and in return,
večere a na oplátku
and to their pool parties,
v tejto Whitopii.
a big issue in this Whitopia.
nelegálnej imigrácie
on Illegal Immigration
proti imigrácii,
against immigration,
is what a hot debate this would become.
sa tu stáva stále vážnejšou.
and so it has become.
sa neskôr naozaj stalo.
a cabin I rented for myself
ktorú som si prenajal
North Idaho panhandle.
pásme North Idaho.
for myself, also by phone.
takisto cez telefón.
Before You Die" lists Coeur d'Alene --
pred smrťou“ obsahuje aj Coeur d´Alene,
prevozníkov a rybárov.
boatmen and fishermen.
sa mi zišli v Coeur d´Alene.
came in handy in Coeur d'Alene.
z policajného zboru v L.A.
11 000 rodín a policajtov
po rasových nepokojoch
after the L.A. racial unrest,
an expatriated community.
vysťahovaleckú komunitu.
týchto policajtov,
has a strong gun culture.
má silnú politiku zbraní.
has more gun dealers than gas stations.
dílerov zbraní ako čerpacích staníc.
aby zapadol?
the gentleman behind the counter
môj vodičský preukaz z NYC.
my New York City driver's license.
as I thought I might have been.
ako som si myslel.
is the peculiar brand of paranoia
o zvláštnom druhu paranoje,
také množstvo policajtov a zbraní.
when so many cops and guns are around.
more Confederate flags than black people.
konfederácie než černochov.
vlajky konfederácie
from my hidden lake cabin
chaty pri jazere
árijských národov,
the religious arm of Aryan Nations,
počas mojej návštevy.
retreat during my visit.
I'm aware of ever to have done so.
ktorý to kedy spravil.
episodes of that retreat...
momentoch toho večierku...
sidled up next to me.
ku mne prisadol.
len chcem, aby si vedel jednu vec.
Rich, I just want you to know one thing.
We are white separatists.
Sme bieli separatisti.
are neither white supremacists
nie sú ani bieli rasisti,
for explicitly racial reasons at all.
rasových dôvodov.
security, safety --
to whiteness in itself.
s bielosťou samou.
north of Atlanta.
severne od Atlanty.
in this Whitopia
at First Redeemer Church,
that it has golf carts
mal dokonca golfové vozíky,
po rôznych parkoviskách na kampuse.
its many parking lots on campus.
I was more comfortable in this Whitopia
v tejto Whitopii cítil lepšie
or even a suburban Boston.
alebo dokonca na okraji Bostonu.
ľudia historicky bližší.
historically familiar to one another.
až tak exotický.
is a push-pull phenomenon,
and alluring pulls,
a vábivých ťahov,
vedomej a nevedomej zaujatosti.
of conscious and unconscious bias.
rasistických dôvodov,
not for racist reasons,
utláčaní nelegálnymi imigrantmi,
density, crowded schools.
hustotou, preplnenými školami.
poháňaní pocitom zásluhy,
privatized places, privatized people,
privatizované miesta, privatizovaní ľudia,
že krajina môže mať rasizmus bez toho,
how a country can have racism
liberálnych priateľov
na takúto cestu.
on such a venture.
are affable and kind.
sú vľúdni a milí ľudia.
– to, ako sa k sebe správame –
how we treat each other as human beings --
mojich rodičov.
my parents' generation.
do Whitopie pred 40 rokmi?
to Whitopia 40 years ago?
and educationally segregated today
vzdelania a obydlia tak,
to cook for each other,
ako navariť jeden pre druhého,
treat each other as communities?
ako sa k sebe správame ako komunity?
ktorý ma naozaj dostal,
that really hit me
a delightful dinner guest;
je príjemný hosť,
my Whitopian journey was the year 2042.
stále mal na mysli rok 2042.
populáciou Ameriky.
the American majority.
ešte viac Whitopií?
that the more segregation we have,
že čím viac segregácie máme,
vedomú a nevedomú zaujatosť.
conscious and unconscious bias.
27,000 mile journey
dlhú 27 000 míľ,
a ako bieli ľudia utekajú,
white people are fleeing,
so much fun on my journey.
so much about myself.
toľko o sebe samom.
in a Whitopia --
every chance I get.
and megachurches back in Whitopia.
a obrovské kostoly vo Whitopii.
Rich Benjamin - Social observerThe author of "Whitopia," Rich Benjamin sharply observes modern society and politics.
Why you should listen
In his essays, book reviews and other writing, Rich Benjamin gives thoughtful commentary on the changing nature of politics and culture. For his 2009 book Whitopia, he took a 26,909-mile journey through the heart of America's whitest locales, small towns and exurbs where white populations are concentrating as America, meanwhile, becomes ever more diverse. His book asks America to imagine itself in 2042, when whites are no longer the majority. What form will diversity take?
Benjamin is a senior fellow at Demos, a multi-issue think tank, and is just completing a novel on money, loss and heterosexual melancholy.
Rich Benjamin | Speaker |