Fawn Qiu: Easy DIY projects for kid engineers
Fawn Qiu: Jednoduché „Urob si sám“ projekty pre malých inžinierov
Fawn Qiu is a multi-disciplinary technologist who introduces the creative side of engineering through playful projects. Full bio
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a stredných škôl.
and high school students,
that are pretty unexpected.
ktoré sú pomerne neočakávané.
from problems in my daily life.
z môjho každodenného života.
to go to a comic convention,
na komixový festival,
minúť priveľa peňazí,
because my favorite mobile game,
pretože moju obľúbenú mobilnú hru,
or never play Flappy Bird again.
alebo už nikdy nehrať „Flappy Bird“.
that made sense to me.
čo mi dávalo zmysel.
hry „Flappy Bird“,
taken off the app store.
z obchodu s aplikáciami nestiahnu.
were also pretty addicted to the game,
na tejto hre tiež celkom závislí,
just as infuriating as the original game.
úplne rovnako ako tá pôvodná.
of this project online,
in just a few days.
ako dva milióny pozretí.
are people's comments.
wanted to make it their own,
that through a creative project,
že pomocou tvorivých projektov
všetkým študentom našej triedy,
in our classroom
svoju vlastnú hru v škatuli.
in engineering and programming.
zo strojárstva a programovania.
so they could finish the game as well.
aby si tiež mohli prejsť celú hru.
engineering projects to teach students.
strojárskych projektov pri výučbe.
na vyššom stupni základnej školy,
from a standard technology kit.
robota zo štandardnej technickej súpravy.
a lot of them seemed bored.
že mnohí z nich vyzerali znudene.
started taking pieces of paper
začali brať útržky papiera
more interested in the project.
for more creative ways
kreatívnejšie spôsoby,
available in school
technických súprav v školách
that you can't customize.
ktoré nemožno upravovať.
they're all very expensive,
for most classroom budgets.
with those since we were kids,
s nimi hrávali už od detstva
anywhere around the house.
can create a light-up creature
vytvoriť svietiace stvorenie
each other in classrooms,
and discussing the project.
their own creativity into the project.
svoju vlastnú kreativitu.
more engineering projects
vo vytváraní ďalších projektov
these workshops outside of school
tieto tvorivé dielne zo školy
skutočne zaujímavé.
from very diverse backgrounds
začalo navštevovať
z veľmi rozmanitých prostredí.
and minorities than I expected,
než som očakávala
at a traditional engineering workshop.
v klasickej technickej dielni.
at a major technology company in 2016.
veľkej technologickej firmy z roku 2016.
of the technology workforce.
technologickej pracovnej sily.
make up only four percent.
tvoria iba 4 percentá.
a high school robotics club,
in the technology force.
medzi technologickými zamestnancami.
through creative projects.
pomocou tvorivých projektov.
could solve everything,
uviesť ľudí,
wouldn't be interested in it
portrayed and taught in school.
vykreslené a učené na školách.
the perception of technology?
spôsob vnímania technológií?
that it's boring or unwelcoming,
že sú nudné a odradzujúce,
following three principles.
na základe troch princípov.
is easy to get started.
sa dá jednoducho začať.
we asked students to learn
take very long to learn,
that we're removing the financial barrier
že odstraňujeme finančnú bariéru,
from completing a project.
lightbulb and a battery,
medenej fólie, žiarovky a batérie
for under a dollar.
za menej ako 1 dolár.
is having a high ceiling.
a lot of room to grow,
veľký priestor pre rast
constantly being challenged.
a light-up creature,
iba svietiaca potvorka,
and microcontrollers,
senzory a mikroradiče
to interact with its environment.
aby komunikovalo so svojím okolím.
this project relevant to anyone.
prispôsobiť komukoľvek.
každodenných materiálov –
of using everyday materials;
using paper and fabric.
sa úpravy robia veľmi ľahko.
je o Justinovi Bieberovi,
is about Justin Bieber,
from getting caught by the LAPD --
losangeleská polícia.“
Učiteľka: „Nemal už dosť posmechu?“
Yeah, but he's changing so --
Študentka: „Hej, ale už sa mení...
Fawn Qiu - TechnologistFawn Qiu is a multi-disciplinary technologist who introduces the creative side of engineering through playful projects.
Why you should listen
When Qiu managed product development in the technology industry, she noticed a significant lack of women and minorities in her company, so she began to experiment with introducing engineering to people in a more creative and accessible way. From costumes that blink to robots that move to a physical version of the popular app Flappy Bird, these projects engaged people from diverse backgrounds, especially women and minorities. As a result, she founded Make Anything, an organization that empowers people from all technological backgrounds through creative technology workshops.
Qiu was a former research assistant at the MIT Media Lab. She has also developed and launched several mobile applications at major technology companies. Her interactive art installations have been featured in festivals and galleries around the world. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from The University of Pennsylvania and a Master’s Degree from Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Fawn Qiu | Speaker | TED.com