Siegfried Woldhek: The search for the true face of Leonardo
Siegfried Woldhek o tem, kako je našel pravi obraz Leonarda
Siegfried Woldhek knows faces -- he's drawn more than 1,100 of them. Using sophisticated image analysis and his own skills as an artist, he's come up with a fascinating discovery about Leonardo Da Vinci. Full bio
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glede njegovega videza.
mnogi umetnostni zgodovinarji ne priznavajo.
živali, pokrajino, stavbe, vodo, vse.
take, kot jih vidite tu --
kakršen je bil Leonardo,
in iskali avtoportrete,
da imamo Leonardov obraz ves čas pred očmi.
kot smo videli prej.
ki so nerazločni ali zelo stilizirani.
samo 3 kandidati ustrezajo vsem pogojem.
ki ga je Leonardo kdaj narisal - "Glasbenik".
od kod imam pravico o njih govoriti.
Oprostite, samo tekom 30 let.
in malo umetnikov je narisalo toliko obrazov.
saj ko zumiramo njihove obraze,
vodoravne obrvi,
in majhno dobro razvito brado.
nisem mogel verjeti svojim očem.
da bi si ti portreti morali biti podobni.
Se to ujema?
ko je ustvaril te tri portrete.
na katerih je potencialno ista oseba
ki je splošno priznana.
spet vidimo, da gre za povsem iste poteze.
in povezuje identiteto Leonarda
ta zgodba še ni bila objavljena.
na dogodku TED slišite in vidite prvi.
Siegfried Woldhek - IllustratorSiegfried Woldhek knows faces -- he's drawn more than 1,100 of them. Using sophisticated image analysis and his own skills as an artist, he's come up with a fascinating discovery about Leonardo Da Vinci.
Why you should listen
The work of illustrator Siegfried Woldhek is a familiar sight in the European press. His witty pen and sharp eye for faces helps him capture political and literary figures in his home country, the Netherlands, and around the world (he estimates he's drawn 1,100 faces). He's also an accomplished illustrator of nature, and was the longtime CEO of the Dutch branch of the World Wildlife Fund.
Woldhek is the founder of, "the global neighbor network." On, villages in developing communities can connect with volunteers and resources online throughout the world -- sort of a that pairs communities with the people who'd like to get involved.
Siegfried Woldhek | Speaker |