Elizabeth Gilbert: Success, failure and the drive to keep creating
Elizabeth Gilbert: Suksesi, deshtimi dhe rruga per te vazhduar te krijosh
The author of 'Eat, Pray, Love,' Elizabeth Gilbert has thought long and hard about some big topics. Her fascinations: genius, creativity and how we get in our own way when it comes to both. Full bio
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ne aeroportin JFK te New Jorkut
me nje te folur te serte.
ne drejtimin tim, dhe filloi,
qe po ndodh se fundmi?"
shoqes se saj dhe filloi
grateful to be that person,
qe jam ai person,
delikat gjithashtu
had adored "Eat, Pray, Love"
"Ha, Lutu, Dashuro"
had hated "Eat, Pray, Love"
"Ha, Lutu, Dashuro"
se une jetoja akoma.
asnje menyre qe te fitoja,
asnje menyre per te fituar
per ca kohe
e te rrisja qen 'Corgi'.
nese do te hiqja dore se shkruari,
qe e dua kaq shume,
te pashmangshme negative.
nje menyre per te siguruar
mesuar me heret ne jete
deshtimit te tij.
dhe shpjegova,
ishte te isha shkrimtare.
all through adolescence,
dhe gjate gjithe adoleshences.
fillova t'i dergoj
te The New Yorker,
si kamariere restoranti,
sa isha akoma ne kohe,
te gjithe ate dhimbje.
returning to my family's farm.
te kthehesha tek familja ime ne ferme.
per te shkruar,
than I hated failing at writing,
se sa urreja te deshtoja ne te shkruar,
sesa doja veten time.
se 20 vjet me pas,
"Ha, Lutu, Dashuro"
ne menyre te vazhdueshme,
have been more different.
ne menyre te vazhdueshme.
se cfare prisja te arrija.
kur po perpiqesha te hiqja dore,
te pamundur ne jeten tone
we experience great failure
e perjetojme deshtimin e madh
suksesin e madh.
ti jetove ekzistencen tende
te eksperiences njerezore
and reassuring and regular,
e siguruar dhe e rregullt,
shume larg mu ketu
seen by the world as good,
nga bota si i mire,
plotesisht e paafte
te mires dhe te keqes.
e ketij ekuacioni emocional,
ne te dyja rastet
find your way back home again
te gjeni rrugen per ne shtepi
dhe te qete qe te mundeni,
se cila eshte shtepia jote,
qe ju doni
mund te jete familja,
rritja e qenve 'Corgi',
ka qene te shkruarit.
dhe te cuditshem
ishte ekzatesisht
te shkruaja me pas,
qe doli vitin e shkuar
por kjo nuk eshte ajo qe dua te them.
se po shkruaj nje tjeter tani
dhe nje tjeter
are not safe places to live. Right?
te sigurta per te jetuar. Apo jo?
eshte te identifikoni me te miren,
dhe qe ju e doni me shume,
shtepine tuaj siper saj
way back to that home
rrugen e kthimit per tek ajo shtepi
from long personal experience
nga nje eksperience e gjate personale
Elizabeth Gilbert - WriterThe author of 'Eat, Pray, Love,' Elizabeth Gilbert has thought long and hard about some big topics. Her fascinations: genius, creativity and how we get in our own way when it comes to both.
Why you should listen
Elizabeth Gilbert faced down a premidlife crisis by doing what we all secretly dream of -- running off for a year. Her travels through Italy, India and Indonesia resulted in the megabestselling and deeply beloved memoir Eat, Pray, Love, about her process of finding herself by leaving home.
She's a longtime magazine writer -- covering music and politics for Spin and GQ -- as well as a novelist and short-story writer. Her books include the story collection Pilgrims, the novel Stern Men (about lobster fishermen in Maine) and a biography of the woodsman Eustace Conway, called The Last American Man. Her work has been the basis for two movies so far (Coyote Ugly, based on her own tale of working at the famously raunchy bar in New York City), and Eat, Pray, Love, with the part of Gilbert played by Julia Roberts. Not bad for a year off.
In 2010, Elizabeth published Committed, a memoir exploring her ambivalent feelings about the institution of marriage. And her 2013 novel, The Signature of All Things, is "a sprawling tale of 19th century botanical exploration."
Gilbert also owns and runs the import shop Two Buttons in Frenchtown, New Jersey.
Elizabeth Gilbert | Speaker | TED.com