Anjali Tripathi: Why Earth may someday look like Mars
Anjali Tripathi: Arsyet pse nje dite Toka do te ngjaje me Marsin.
Anjali Tripathi explores planets to uncover the processes that make and destroy them. Full bio
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at the stars at night,
eshte e mrekullueshme.
is what you can't see,
or almost every star,
we tend to think of faraway things
that are amazing about Earth
qe jane mahnitese per Token
to find things that are like that.
we're finding amazing things.
po gjejme gjera mahnitese.
about an amazing thing here on Earth.
per nje fakt interesant ketu ne Toke.
and never coming back.
dhe nuk kthehet me pas.
dhe disa gjera te tjera
as the Earth's atmosphere.
atmosfera e Tokes.
that form a thin blue line
qe formojne nje shtrese te holle blu
the International Space Station,
nga Stacioni Nderkombetar Hapesinor
planetin tone
from too many impacts,
nga shume rreziqe,
at least a little bit.
is not specific to planet Earth.
nuk eshte specifike vetem per Token.
to be a planet, if you ask me,
qe u ndodh te gjitha planeteve
but throughout the universe,
por ne te gjithe universin,
about planets themselves.
rreth vete planeteve.
about the solar system,
rreth sistemit diellor,
there are eight planets, maybe nine.
ka 8 planete, ose ndoshta 9.
who are stressed by this picture,
jane shqetesuar nga kjo foto,
we're including Pluto.
New Horizons, po perfshijme Plutonin.
and atmospheric escape,
hollimit te atmosferes,
around other stars that we can't see
rreth yjeve qe ne nuk mund t'i shohim,
just stuck together
qe qendron i lidhur
and have so much gravity.
dhe kane shume gravitet.
ka nje rol te rendesishem.
is really at play here.
characteristic about planets
per planetet
in the solar system are orbiting around.
e sistemit diellor.
atmospheric escape.
hollimin e atmosferes.
drive atmospheric escape from planets
hollimin e atmosferes nga planetet
particles and light and heat
grimca, drite dhe nxehtesi,
largimin e atmosferes.
me ajer te nxehte,
of lanterns in Thailand at a festival,
fanare ne nje festival ne Tajlande,
can propel gasses upward.
ve ne levizje gazrat perpjete.
energji dhe nxehtesi,
and only bound by gravity,
dhe lidhet vetem nga graviteti,
causing atmospheric escape
shkakton hollimin e atmosferes
between heating from the star
midis nxehtesise nga yjet
of gravity on the planet.
ne planet.
a minute for hydrogen
"Dynamic Explorer"
of escaping hydrogen looks like,
hidrogjeni kur largohet,
like oxygen and nitrogen
te tjera si oksigjeni dhe nitrogjeni
perreth tropikeve.
that conclusively show us
perfundimisht na tregojne
tightly bound to us here on Earth
e lidhur fort te planeti yne
reaching out far into space,
eshte duke u larguar ne hapesire,
in undergoing atmospheric escape.
po i nenshtrohet hollimit te atmosferes.
is much smaller than Earth,
eshte shume me i vogel se Toka,
with which to hold on to its atmosphere.
te cilin te mbaje atmosferen e tij.
than the Earth's.
that it didn't have an atmosphere
se nuk ka patur nje atmosfere
eshte "planeti i kuq"
Mars used to have a wetter past,
nje te kaluar me lageshtire,
it broke up into hydrogen and oxygen,
u nda ne hidrogjen dhe oksigjen,
it escaped into space,
hidrogjeni u leshua per ne hapesire,
rusty red color that we see.
te ndryshkut qe shohim ne.
probably happened,
hollimi atmosferik ka ndodhur,
at Mars called the MAVEN satellite,
ne Mars qe quhet sateliti MAVEN,
is to study atmospheric escape.
te studioje hollimin e atmosferes.
and Volatile Evolution spacecraft.
sonda Volatile Evolution.
shown pictures very similar
foto qe jane shume te ngjashme
Marsi po e humbiste atmosferen,
was losing its atmosphere,
you can see in the red circle
mund te shikoni ne rrethin e kuq
escaping away from the planet.
qe largohet nga planeti.
the size of the planet,
madhesise se planetit,
no longer bound to that planet.
from that lost hydrogen.
eshte i kuq.
the only gas that's lost.
gazi i vetem qe po humb.
and some oxygen and nitrogen,
dhe pak oksigjen dhe nitrogjen,
at the oxygen being lost from Mars.
oksigjenin qe po largohet nga Marsi.
that because oxygen is heavier,
oksigjeni eshte me i rende,
away from the planet.
into that red circle.
ne ate rrethin e kuq.
atmospheric escape on our own planet
atmosferik vetem ne Toke
and send spacecraft
dhe te dergojme sonda
about the past of planets
rreth te shkuares se planeteve
can learn about the future
per te ardhmen
that we can't see.
ne nuk mund t'i shohim.
before I go on to that,
para se te vazhdoj me kete,
photos like this of Pluto,
is currently studying atmospheric escape
qe te studioje hollimin atmosferik
that I did want to talk about
that's not our Sun
e nje ylli qe nuk eshte Dielli
or extrasolar planet.
ose planet jashte sistemit solar.
at that star in the middle,
that are going past it all the time,
qe kalojne me rradhe gjate gjithe kohes
the light from the star
in the night sky
to detect over 5,000 planets
te zbulojme mbi 5000 planete
many more out there, like I mentioned.
shume me teper planete.
from these stars,
is not the planet itself,
nuk eshte vete planeti,
a dimming of the light
decreases in front of the star,
perballe yllit
that you saw before.
pate me pare.
in different wavelengths.
ne gjatesi vale te ndryshme.
and Mars in ultraviolet light.
dhe Marsit ne driten ultraviolet.
with the Hubble Space Telescope,
me Teleskopin Hapesinor Hubble,
much less light from the star,
shume me pak drite nga ylli,
an extended atmosphere of hydrogen
nje atmosfere te mbushur me hidrogjen
more of the light that you see.
qe ne shikojme.
we've actually been able to discover
qene ne gjendje te zbulojme
that are undergoing atmospheric escape.
i nenshtrohen hollimit atmosferik.
can be called hot Jupiters,
mund te quhen Jupitere te nxehte,
they're gas planets like Jupiter,
planete gazore si Jupiteri
lightweight gas that's ready to escape,
ky gaz i lehte qe eshte gati te largohet
of atmospheric escape.
te hollimit atmosferik.
of hydrogen being lost on Earth,
qe largohen ne Toke,
pounds of hydrogen every minute.
cdo minute.
does this make the planet cease to exist?
keto planete te ndalojne se ekzistuari?
that people wondered
qe i beri te mendonin njerezit
closer to the Sun are rocky,
Diellit jane shkembor
are bigger and more gaseous.
te medhenj dhe gazor.
with something like Jupiter
with something like a hot Jupiter,
dicka si Jupiteri i nxehte
with Mercury or the Earth.
Merkurin apo me Token.
would have gotten away
mjaftueshem gaz
significantly impacted it
than what you started with.
te ndryshme nga ajo qe e filluat.
sistemit diellor,
with us here on Earth?
ketu ne Toke?
is going to become very intense.
do te behet me e forte.
gas streaming off from a hot Jupiter,
gazin te leshohet nga Jupiteri i nxehte,
that is broken down,
eshe i zberthyer,
into space more rapidly,
neper hapesire me shpejt,
with this dry, reddish planet.
kete planet te thate dhe te kuqerremte.
for a few billion years,
to be aware of what's going on,
ne dijeni se cpo ndodh,
is happening as we speak.
ndodh teksa ne flasim.
that you hear about happening in space
qe degjojme se po ndodh ne hapesire
to learn about these worlds.
te mesojme me shume per keto bote.
or exoplanets like hot Jupiters,
eksoplaneteve si Jupiteri i nxehte,
about our planet here on Earth.
ketu ne Toke.
you think that space is far away.
do te mendoni se hapesira eshte larg.
Anjali Tripathi - AstrophysicistAnjali Tripathi explores planets to uncover the processes that make and destroy them.
Why you should listen
Even though Anjali Tripathi worked on NASA's Mars rovers in high school, the California native never expected to become an astronomer. Unlike the earthquakes she researched early on, astronomy seemed unconnected from daily life. As she has since discovered, exploring distant planets has a lot to do with life itself -- including the fate of the air we breathe. Using some of the most powerful telescopes and supercomputers, Tripathi studies how seemingly permanent planets change over time. She has pioneered the characterization of planet-forming environments and developed computer simulations to trace the 3D structure of planet atmospheres that are shrinking due to evaporation.
A natural teacher, Tripathi makes complex science concepts relevant and easy to understand. She believes that everyone can understand science -- even rocket science. She has partnered with the Smithsonian, Teach for America and others to increase scientific literacy and spread enthusiasm for the subject. Her engaging and humorous talks feature real world connections and unusual props, including a fully functioning Mars Pathfinder rover or full-size solar car.
Tripathi earned degrees in physics and astronomy from M.I.T., the University of Cambridge and Harvard University. Recognized as a promising American leader with a commitment to public service, Tripathi is a 2016-17 White House Fellow.
Anjali Tripathi | Speaker |