Marlene Zuk: What we learn from insects' sex lives
Марлин Зук (Marlene Zuk): Шта можемо да научимо из ексцентричног сексуалног живота инсеката
Marlene Zuk studies insect behavior -- and how humans use animal behavior to think about how we behave ourselves. Full bio
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than they are of dying.
"Book of Lists" survey
worst, funniest lists that you see today.
и најсмешнијим листама данашњице.
as sources of fear.
spiders in there,
и паукове овде,
would have just topped the chart.
при врху ове листе.
of the greatest minds in science,
од највећих научних умова,
some of the smallest minds on Earth.
неке од најмањих умова на Земљи.
coming back to insects?
да се враћамо инсектима?
magnitude of almost everything about them.
значај готово свега везаног за њих.
than any other kind of animal.
од свих осталих животињских врста.
of insects there are,
колико врста инсеката има,
are being discovered all the time.
maybe as many as 10 million.
а можда чак и 10 милиона.
an insect-of-the-month calendar
календар са инсектом месеца,
for over 80,000 years.
врсту преко 80.000 година.
од суштинског значаја.
that 1 out of every 3 bites of food
до фундаменталних открића
of our nervous systems
од структуре нашег нервног система
about our own behavior.
о нашем понашању.
everything that people do.
све што раде и људи.
they fight, they break up.
like love or animosity.
раде са љубављу или злобом.
different than what drives our own,
је другачије од онога што условљава наше.
can be really illuminating.
of our most consuming interests -- sex.
од наших највећих опсесија - секс.
and I think I can defend,
interesting than sex in people.
интересантнији него међу људима.
some of our own assumptions
неке од наших претпоставки
није потребан да би се репродуковали.
to have sex at all to reproduce.
of themselves without ever mating.
клонове без репродукције.
interesting than human sperm.
занимљивија од наше.
than the male's own body.
use their sperm to compete.
користе сперму за такмичење.
like the horns on these beetles.
и оружје, као на пример рогове.
after mating with their sperm.
своју сперму после сношаја.
that look kind of like Swiss Army knives
који подсећају на швајцарски војни нож
like scoops,
користе као лопатицу,
that the female has mated with.
мужјака са којима је женка имала сношај.
of us imitating them
о нашем имитирању инсеката
an example for us to follow.
треба да нам буду узор,
is probably just as well.
вероватно правично.
is rampant among insects?
канибализам распрострањен међу инсектима?
that we humans have about the sex roles.
имамо о улогама у сексу.
dictates kind of a 1950s sitcom version
улогу мушкарца и жене
supposed to be dominant and aggressive,
да буду доминантни и агресивни,
and grasshoppers.
about who they mate with,
по питању партнера
sperm during mating,
something called a nuptial gift.
тзв. свадбени поклон.
mating in these photos.
два зрикавца који се паре.
the male's the one on the right,
is the female's egg-laying organ.
орган за полагање јаја код женке.
this from his own body
of his body mass.
трећину масе мужјака.
and let you think about
и пустити вас да размислите
every time they had sex,
приликом сваког сексуалног односа
that weighed 50, 60, 70 pounds.
што тежи 20 до 30 килограма.
to do that very often.
да то раде веома често.
these nuptial gifts to.
during and after mating.
the better off the male is,
мужјак ће боље проћи
and fertilize her eggs.
are very passive about mating,
прилично пасивни током парења,
are extremely aggressive and competitive,
и конкурентне,
nutritious nuptial gifts as they can.
a stereotypical set of rules.
асортиман правила.
in the lives of a lot of insects.
у животима многих инсеката.
the bees and wasps and ants --
као што су пчеле, осе и мрави,
to your sugar bowl,
до ваше чиније за шећер,
from flower to flower --
their head around that idea for millennia.
цео један миленијум да то схвате.
a class of bees, the drones,
за класу пчела, трутове,
of the drones' laziness
код трутова није свиђала,
the drones just hang around the hive
мувају око кошнице
док не дође сезона парења
in gathering nectar or pollen.
нектара и полена.
the drones' sex,
were aware of the stinging ability of bees
су знали да пчеле имају жаоке,
could possibly be a female.
може да буде женка.
да се умеша у полемику.
individuals are going to be the males ..."
јединке са жаокама мужјаци...”,
because that would have meant
of the young in a colony,
о подмлатку у колонији,
that would be completely impossible.
да је то савршено немогуће.
bees had the organs of both sexes
пчеле имају органе оба пола
some animals do that,
јер је то код неких животиња случај,
did get it figured out.
да изведе исправан закључак.
my students, for instance,
моји студенти, на пример,
including insects, a male.
укључујући и инсекте,
that the ferocious army-ant soldiers
used to defend the colony,
Antz, Bee Movie --
- Мравци, Пчелин филм -
in the social insects as being male.
if they talk like Jerry Seinfeld?
као Џери Сајнфелд?
is part of a much deeper one
део једног много дубљег,
for medicine and health
у медицини и здрављу,
наших живота.
use what we call model systems,
користе систем модела,
white rats or fruit flies --
бели пацови или дрозофиле
for all other animals, including people.
укључујући ту и људе.
that what's true for a person
that turns out to be the case.
of a model system too far.
може да оде и предалеко.
as though they are the model system.
независно од врсте, за мерну јединицу.
after you get the basics down.
само када се схвате основе.
what was in front of them.
оно што им је испред носа.
stage was largely occupied by male players
позорница намењена првенствено мушкарцима,
minor, walk-on roles.
само мање и споредне улоге.
on a lot of what nature is like.
не видимо природу у правом светлу.
natural, living things, including people,
начин на који се разликују жива бића
as models in a lot of medical research,
за модел у већини медицинских истраживања,
to both men and women.
и на мушкарце и на жене.
I really love about insects
find unnerving about them.
иритира код њих самих.
the way we normally think of it.
гледано из наше перспективе.
but they lack complicated brains.
али њихови мозгови нису.
as though they're little people
као о малим људима,
the way that we do.
на начин на који их ми радимо.
to anthropomorphize insects,
антропоморфизовати инсекте,
like they're little people
on their own terms,
прихватити онаквим какви јесу,
what's normal and what's natural.
шта је нормално и природно.
and talk about parallel universes.
о паралелним световима.
walking among us.
why they want to dabble in the paranormal.
њихове жеље да прчкају по паранормалном.
Marlene Zuk - Evolutionary biologistMarlene Zuk studies insect behavior -- and how humans use animal behavior to think about how we behave ourselves.
Why you should listen
Marlene Zuk is a biologist and writer who researches animal behavior and evolution, mostly using insects as subjects. Zuk is interested in the ways that people use animal behavior to think about human behavior, and vice versa, as well as in the public's understanding of evolution. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior at the University of Minnesota -- including a seminar called “What’s the Alternative to Alternative Medicine?”
In addition to publishing numerous scientific articles, Zuk has published four books for a general audience: Sexual Selections: What We Can and Can’t Learn About Sex from Animals; Riddled with Life: Friendly Worms, Ladybug Sex, and the Parasites That Make Us Who We Are; Sex on Six Legs: Lessons on Life, Love and Language from the Insect World; and most recently, Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us About Sex, Diet and the Way We Live.
Marlene Zuk | Speaker |