Matilda Ho: The future of good food in China
Matilda Ho: Xitoyning kelajakdagi yaxshi ovqati
TED Fellow Matilda Ho is shaping the startup landscape to create more sustainable food systems in China. Full bio
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to learn what patience means.
shim uchun birinchi imkoniyatim olti
as a birthday present,
qutini berdi,
would become a gift for life.
sovg'a bo'lishini. Men
20 yoshimda havaskor
an amateur dove magician.
harakat mening kabutarlarimni
requires that I train my doves
o'rgatishimni talab qiladi.
in a rush to make them appear,
mening ustozim menga bu sehrli harakatning
mening kabutarlarimni
of this magical act
o’tirgandan keyin
only after they've waited patiently
some years to master.
seven years ago,
amalda deyarli qo’llab bo’lmas edi.
became almost impossible to practice.
ravishda bajarilgan Xitoyda, yaxshi hayot
and everything is in a hurry,
odamdan ustun bo’lishingiz kerak.
over 1.3 billion other people
Xuddi shu
bo'lgan mamlakatda, tez
boyliklarga kimyoviy va
in a country of rich natural resources
ko'payishiga sabab bo'ladi.
of chemicals and pesticides.
yarim million oziq-ovqat
in just nine months.
dunyodagi har to'rtta diabet kasalligidan
diabetics in the world
almashtirishga vaqti keldi, deb aytdim.
a mindful patience into the impatience.
bilish demoqchiman.
oziq-ovqat tizimi
becomes a reality in China,
kelish uchun Xitoyning birinchi
online farmers market
produce to families.
oldin, biz sotishimiz mumkin
was somewhat dismal.
hech qanday go’sht ham
and hardly any meat to sell,
pestitsidlar, kimyoviy moddalar,
passed our zero tolerance test
nol tolerantlik testini o'tkazganimizda
antibiotics and hormones.
xodimlarimizga Xitoyda joylashgan har bir
every local farmer in China.
240 turdagi
Taxminan bir
bo’lgan bananlarni
of villagers on Hainan Island.
uzoqlikda,hatto Google
bir orolda,
does not have coordinates for,
osmon ostida aylanadigan
ko'p mehnat qilamiz.
elektr transport
in as fast as three hours
tezda etkazib beramiz va atrof-muhitga
etiladi, men
will continue to grow,
ko'proq odamlarga ehtiyoj
to shape the future of good food.
tezlashtiruvchi va
yaxshi ovqatlanishni
food tech accelerator and VC platform
bo'ldim masalan, hoh bu qutulish mumkin
the future of good food
proteinning manbasi orqali yoki
as a more sustainable source of protein
mumkin: "Nima uchun sekin harakat qilish
to keep food fresh for longer.
harakatini boshqarib,barqaror
a sustainable food system
a crime to take it slow?
kutishdadir, buni men
how to act while waiting,
farzandlarimizdan qarzga olamiz.
with my grandmother's magic box.
the earth from our ancestors.
Matilda Ho - Serial entrepreneur, investorTED Fellow Matilda Ho is shaping the startup landscape to create more sustainable food systems in China.
Why you should listen
Matilda Ho is the founder and managing director of Bits x Bites, China's first food tech accelerator and VC fund that invests in entrepreneurs tackling global food system challenges.
With a mission to shape the future of food, Bits x Bites is a big step forward to inspire China’s entrepreneurial community to bring new ideas to solve global issues. It also serves as a critical catalyst to give startups the confidence and connections to prosper and make a meaningful and scalable impact. Bits x Bites has invested in companies that include a silkworm-based snack food startup, a drinkable salad CPG startup and a young company building weatherproof, cloud-connected farms to enable local food production by anyone anywhere.
In addition to Bits x Bites, Ho has founded Yimishiji, one of China's first online farmers markets to bring organic and local produce to families. Yimishiji stands alone as a farm-to-table e-commerce platform that has engineered food education and transparency into the entire supply chain and customer experience, effectively reshaping the relationship between Chinese consumers and farmers.
Prior to entrepreneurship, she filled leadership roles at IDEO and BCG (The Boston Consulting Group) in both Shanghai and Washington DC. She holds an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She currently serves as an advisor on the board of Shinho, China’s first and largest organic condiment company.
Ho is an emerging voice on food sustainability and entrepreneurship. She has been featured in articles by Fast Company, South China Morning Post and Inc. In 2017, she was named a TED Fellow and a GLG Social Impact Fellow.
Matilda Ho | Speaker |