Richard J. Berry: A practical way to help the homeless find work and safety
Richard J. Berry: Gyakorlati segítségnyújtás hajléktalanoknak munka és biztonság teremtésével
Richard J. Berry is the mayor of Albuquerque -- the 32nd largest city in America and the largest city in New Mexico. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
if you've seen somebody in your city
aki már látott valakit a városában
holding a sign like this.
have you wondered if they mean it?
vajon komolyan gondolják-e?
would they really take it?
vajon elfogadnák?
to them in their lives?
about what happened in my city
about panhandling,
másképp gondolunk a koldusokra,
through the dignity of work.
to get the money you need
a szükséges pénz megszerzésének,
to help your brothers and sisters in need
hogy segítsünk rászoruló felebarátainknak,
out the car window.
a kocsi ablakán.
likely to invest in themselves
fektetnek be saját magukba,
is willing to invest in them first.
bizalmat szavaz nekik.
to be kind and compassionate,
hogy kedvesek és együttérzők legyünk,
a couple of dollars to someone
many of them will tell you
sokan azt mondják,
go towards feeding the body,
a testük táplálására fog elmenni,
jobs in the world.
of a great American city,
Albuquerque, Új-Mexikó
in my great American city,
városomban ebédeltem,
underneath a blue sign,
if you need food or shelter
vagy szállásra van szüksége,
our community service number.
közösségi szolgálatunk számát.
underneath my sign with his sign?
az én táblám alatt az övével?
if anybody would call that 311 sign,
felhívja-e valaki a 311-et,
with food and shelter and services.
szállással és szolgáltatásokkal.
a táblám alatt a feliratával,
something rare in government.
hogy valami szokatlant teszek.
rather than more complicated.
egyszerűbbé teszem a megoldást.
I gathered my staff around
összehívtam a stábot,
to take this man at his word,
"Szaván fogjuk azt az embert,
we're going to give him a job,
an even better place in the meantime."
the center of the city;
International Balloon Fiesta.
Nemzeti Hőlégballon Fesztivált.
and golf this afternoon.
és golfozhatunk délután.
like this in your city,
ehhez hasonló kezdeményezés,
left to do in your city?
your mayor's phone number,
polgármesterük telefonszámát,
you have to ask is this:
a koldulás felszámolására?
approach like we used to,
intézkedéseket alkalmaznak:
or those who give them money,
és azoknak, akik pénzt adnak nekik,
that your solutions aren't working,
to the root of your problem in your city.
nem hatoltak le a probléma gyökeréig.
that need something to do,
akik segíteni akarnak,
it's not that complicated.
not doing anything.
wrapped it with a logo.
plakátot ragasztottunk rá.
where our panhandlers are --
ahol a koldusok kéregetnek –
would like a day's work
if they really mean it --
vajon komolyan gondolják-e:
to fill this van up in the morning,
takes a job for the day.
szinte mindenki vállal munkát.
human being to drive that van.
emberi lény, a sofőr.
his name is Will.
partnerünknél dolgozik.
there's a Will, there's a way."
"Ha van egy Will, van egy út."
the Better Way campaign in your city,
a Jobb Út kampányt,
to making this successful
egyik legfőbb záloga
for over 30 years.
a városban, aki megteszi.
for me as the mayor.
mint polgármesternek.
with the city of Albuquerque.
there's a panhandler,
to work for the day?"
dolgozni egész nap?"
in six weeks to pick you up."
visszajövök magáért!"
that agility in our program.
legyen a programunkban.
that I can't do quickly.
amire képtelen lennék.
nine dollars an hour.
fizetünk koldusainknak.
right back to St. Martin's,
with counseling services.
a tanácsadó szolgálattal.
and a couple days a week,
and a Dodge van,
és egy Dodge furgonnal
in the city of Albuquerque.
of trash, weeds and litter.
és gazt szedtünk össze.
weighed a tumbleweed,
of material that we've picked up.
szedtünk össze!
than my solid waste department.
at the end of the day,
a szemétszállító autót,
put into the truck
bepakolni a szemetet,
during the day,
with our panhandlers.
együtt koldusainkkal.
while lifting up their lives.
és felemelik életüket is.
listen, it takes resources.
ez is erőforrást igényel.
that up in years prior to Better Way.
a Jobb Út előtt kiépítettük.
"Albuquerque Hazafelé" programunk,
"Albuquerque Heading Home,"
the chronically homeless,
hajléktalanok számára,
we wanted to do that differently,
hogy másképp akarjuk megoldani,
to do the right thing.
helyesen cselekedni.
homeless, medically vulnerable --
orvosilag veszélyeztetett kapott szállást,
on the streets in our city.
az utcán haltak volna meg.
they studied it.
kutatták a témát.
we can save you 31.6 percent
31,6%-ot takarítottunk meg azzal,
to struggle for survival on the streets.
az út szélén meghalni.
while housing 650 people.
a 650 ember elszállásolával.
of an honest conversation also
those five dollars out the window,
kidobják az ablakon,
their opportunity
segítség lehetősét,
and here's why:
to buying some fast food today --
azonnal vehet gyorsételt,
drugs and alcohol.
drogot és alkoholt venni.
food banks or food pantries,
helyi élelemraktárnak adnák,
20 people with that money.
is 600,000 people -- million, metro --
600 ezer lakos él, tömegek, metró...
we're too big, we're too small."
túl nagyok, túl kicsik vagyunk."
one panhandler on one city block,
akad egy koldus,
of eight-and-half million people,
it's the dignity of the work.
hanem a munka méltósága.
with dignity and respect,
szólítanak meg egy hajléktalant,
maybe in their life,
talán életében először,
as much as it's your city,
ahogy minden lakóé,
to make our place better,
hogy még jobb hellyé tegyék a várost,
isn't the answer to all their problems,
az összes problémájára,
and they start working together,
és együtt kezdenek dolgozni,
the fact that they can make a difference.
hogy munkájuknak van látszata.
az öreg Dodge furgonnal,
in that old Dodge van,
for whatever services they need --
a számukra fontos szolgáltatásokra:
counseling, you name it.
hogy példákat mondjak.
about 1,700 days of day work.
to permanent employment opportunities.
állandó munkát biztosítunk.
for our Housing First model,
mindenek előtt modellünkbe,
who's homeless, like we do,
figuring out where he's from,
that the guy was holding in 2015,
mint az a fickó 2015-ben,
Is it really making a difference?
tényleg változtat ez valamit?
one of the national leaders
nemzeti vezetővé vált
and persistent social issues
társadalmi kérdéseink
homelessness in our city
80 százalékkal csökkent
homeless population in our city
40 százalékkal csökkent
veteran homelessness
és szándékosan felszámoltuk
that other cities are hearing about this,
más városok is hallottak rólunk,
of work to the equation.
méltóságát tudják megadni.
what their experiment looks like,
a collective approach nationally
alakíthatunk ki
their nonprofits --
nonprofit cégeknek
about these persistent social issues?
ezeket a tartós társadalmi kérdéseket?
in your community
közösségük embereit
profoundly better in many ways?
tegyék városukat?
I promise you there is a better way.
ígérem: van jobb út.
Richard J. Berry - Mayor of AlbuquerqueRichard J. Berry is the mayor of Albuquerque -- the 32nd largest city in America and the largest city in New Mexico.
Why you should listen
Richard J. Berry was elected mayor of Albuquerque in 2009. Prior to serving as mayor, Berry was elected twice as a State Representative to the New Mexico State Legislature, and he owned a successful Albuquerque construction company for decades that conducted business throughout the Southwest United States.
On his watch, Albuquerque was ranked second Best Run City in the nation with a population of over 500,000. Berry has reduced the size of city government and held budget growth to below inflation each year -- all while maintaining a high level of service to taxpayers and city residents. Also under the his leadership, Albuquerque was recently named as the 6th most technologically advanced city in America.
Berry was recently recognized as one of the Most Inspirational People in America by the Washington Post, largely due to the success of a program called "There's a Better Way," which takes a new approach to addressing panhandling by providing the homeless with opportunities to work for the City and connect them to resources and help.
Berry has been married to his wife, Maria, for 26 years and they have one son, Jacob, who serves in the Army Corps of Cadets while studying at Texas A&M University.
Richard J. Berry | Speaker |