Richard J. Berry: A practical way to help the homeless find work and safety
Ričard Dž. Berry (Richard J. Berry): Praktičan način da se pomogne beskućnicima da nađu posao i bezbednost
Richard J. Berry is the mayor of Albuquerque -- the 32nd largest city in America and the largest city in New Mexico. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
nekog u vašem gradu
if you've seen somebody in your city
holding a sign like this.
da li to stvarno misle?
have you wondered if they mean it?
da li bi ga zaista prihvatili?
would they really take it?
u njihovom životu?
to them in their lives?
što se desilo u mom gradu
about what happened in my city
about panhandling,
razmišljamo o prosjačenju
pomoću dostojanstva kroz rad.
through the dignity of work.
da se zaradi potreban novac
to get the money you need
to help your brothers and sisters in need
da se pomogne siromašnoj braći i sestrama
kroz prozor auta.
out the car window.
da ljudi ulože u sebe mnogo veće
likely to invest in themselves
spremna da prva uloži u njih.
is willing to invest in them first.
da budemo dobri i sažaljivi,
to be kind and compassionate,
par dolara nekome ko je siromašan.
a couple of dollars to someone
mnogi će vam reći
many of them will tell you
ne ide obavezno na to da se hrani telo,
go towards feeding the body,
poslova na svetu.
jobs in the world.
of a great American city,
u svom sjajnom američkom gradu
in my great American city,
kako stoji na ćošku.
ispod plavog znaka na kojem piše:
underneath a blue sign,
if you need food or shelter
ako vam je potrebna hrana ili sklonište,
molim vas, pozovite 311
our community service number.
ispod mog znaka sa svojim natpisom?
underneath my sign with his sign?
pozvao 311 sa znaka
if anybody would call that 311 sign,
ljudi su pozvali 11 000 puta.
na oko 30 raskrsnica.
skloništem i službama.
with food and shelter and services.
nešto neobično za vladu.
something rare in government.
jednostavnijim, a ne komplikovanijim.
rather than more complicated.
okupio svoje osoblje i rekao:
I gathered my staff around
i ostale nalik njemu za reč.
to take this man at his word,
mi ćemo mu dati posao
we're going to give him a job,
još boljim za to vreme.“
an even better place in the meantime."
planine Sandija na istoku,
the center of the city;
festivala balona u Albukerkiju.
International Balloon Fiesta.
bukvalno se možete skijati ujutru
and golf this afternoon.
otpadaka za skupljanje.
ovakvu inicijativu u svom gradu,
like this in your city,
što treba da se uradi u vašem gradu?
left to do in your city?
da li biste mi, molim vas,
your mayor's phone number,
jer su mi potrebni neki saveti?
koje treba da postavilte je ovo -
you have to ask is this:
za prosjačenje uspešna?
kao što smo mi imali,
approach like we used to,
i onima koji im daju novac,
or those who give them money,
that your solutions aren't working,
do korena vašeg problema u vašem gradu.
to the root of your problem in your city.
kojima treba nešto da rade,
that need something to do,
nije tako komplikovano.
it's not that complicated.
i ni za šta nije bio korišćen.
not doing anything.
wrapped it with a logo.
umotali ga u logo.
gde su naši prosjaci -
where our panhandlers are --
would like a day's work
da li to zaista misle -
if they really mean it --
da ujutru napunimo kombi
to fill this van up in the morning,
prihvati da radi tog dana.
takes a job for the day.
više nego samo kombi.
ljudsko biće da vozi taj kombi.
human being to drive that van.
ljudskog bića je Vil.
his name is Will.
there's a Will, there's a way."
„Ako postoji Vil, postoji način.“
kampanju „Bolji način“ u svom gradu,
the Better Way campaign in your city,
to making this successful
i sjajni neprofitni partner.
for over 30 years.
znaju nekoga u našem gradu ko to radi.
za mene kao gradonačelnika.
for me as the mayor.
with the city of Albuquerque.
da radi za grad Albukerki.
there's a panhandler,
to work for the day?"
za šest nedelja da te pokupim.“
in six weeks to pick you up."
tu agilnost u našem programu.
that agility in our program.
koje ja ne mogu brzo da uradim.
that I can't do quickly.
nine dollars an hour.
ih vodi pravo u „Sent Martin“
right back to St. Martin's,
with counseling services.
and a couple days a week,
i Dodž kombijem
and a Dodge van,
in the city of Albuquerque.
u gradu Albukerkiju.
đubreta, korova i otpadaka.
of trash, weeds and litter.
osušen korov, ali on nije veoma težak,
weighed a tumbleweed,
materijala koju smo pokupili.
of material that we've picked up.
than my solid waste department.
kao moje odeljenje za čvrsti otpad.
at the end of the day,
put into the truck
i nosimo ga na deponiju.
during the day,
sa našim prosjacima.
with our panhandlers.
dok uzdižu njihove živote.
while lifting up their lives.
vidite, potrebna su sredstva,
listen, it takes resources.
i pedeset hiljada dolara,
koje su prethodile „Boljem životu“.
that up in years prior to Better Way.
„Albukerki na putu kući“,
"Albuquerque Heading Home,"
naše hronične beskućnike,
the chronically homeless,
da želimo to da radimo drugačije,
we wanted to do that differently,
da se uradi prava stvar.
to do the right thing.
beskućnika, medicinski ranjivih -
homeless, medically vulnerable --
na ulicama u našem gradu.
on the streets in our city.
proučili su to.
they studied it.
„Možemo vam uštedeti 31,6 posto
we can save you 31.6 percent
da se bori za opstanak na ulicama.“
to struggle for survival on the streets.
preko pet miliona dolara
while housing 650 people.
i malo iskreniji razgovor kao zajednica
of an honest conversation also
ljude da razumeju
those five dollars out the window,
da pomognu siromašnoj osobi,
their opportunity
and here's why:
na kupovinu brze hrane;
to buying some fast food today --
na kupovinu droge i alkohola.
drugs and alcohol.
banaka hrane ili skladišta hrane,
food banks or food pantries,
20 ljudi sa tim novcem.
20 people with that money.
600 000 ljudi, milion sa okolnim mestima.
is 600,000 people -- million, metro --
suviše je veliki ili mali.“
we're too big, we're too small."
u jednom gradskom bloku,
one panhandler on one city block,
sa osam i po miliona ljudi,
of eight-and-half million people,
već dostojanstvo rada.
it's the dignity of the work.
nekako suviše jednostavno.
dostojanstveno i sa poštovanjem,
with dignity and respect,
možda u njihovom životu,
maybe in their life,
podjednako kao i vaš,
as much as it's your city,
njihova pomoć da poboljšate naše mesto,
to make our place better,
na sve njihove probleme,
isn't the answer to all their problems,
and they start working together,
i počnu zajedno da rade,
da mogu da naprave razliku.
the fact that they can make a difference.
u tom starom Dodž kombiju,
in that old Dodge van,
za bilo koju pomoć koja im je potrebna -
for whatever services they need --
za duševno zdravlje ili bilo šta drugo.
counseling, you name it.
jednodnevnog posla.
about 1,700 days of day work.
sa prilikama za stalno zaposlenje.
to permanent employment opportunities.
uslove za naš projekat „Prvo skućavanje“,
for our Housing First model,
i zloupotrebu supstanci
koje radimo svake dve godine.
sa gospodinom koji je beskućnik,
who's homeless, like we do,
ustanovljavam odakle je,
figuring out where he's from,
koji je onaj momak držao 2015. godine,
that the guy was holding in 2015,
danas ovde ušetao.
„Da li zaista pravi razliku?“
Is it really making a difference?
od državnih predvodnika
one of the national leaders
od najupornijih i najistrajnijih
and persistent social issues
i programom „Bolji način“,
bez skloništa u našem gradu
homelessness in our city
homeless population in our city
hroničnih beskućnika
beskućnike među veteranima
veteran homelessness
time što smo to planski radili.
da drugi gradovi saznaju za ovo,
that other cities are hearing about this,
Čikago, Sijetl, Denver, Dalas -
uključuju u računicu.
of work to the equation.
what their experiment looks like,
o zajedničkom državnom pristupu
a collective approach nationally
neprofitne organizacije -
their nonprofits --
da učinite nešto više?
o ovim upornim društvenim problemima?
about these persistent social issues?
ljude u vašoj zajednici
in your community
na mnogo načina?
profoundly better in many ways?
obećavam vam da postoji bolji način.
I promise you there is a better way.
Richard J. Berry - Mayor of AlbuquerqueRichard J. Berry is the mayor of Albuquerque -- the 32nd largest city in America and the largest city in New Mexico.
Why you should listen
Richard J. Berry was elected mayor of Albuquerque in 2009. Prior to serving as mayor, Berry was elected twice as a State Representative to the New Mexico State Legislature, and he owned a successful Albuquerque construction company for decades that conducted business throughout the Southwest United States.
On his watch, Albuquerque was ranked second Best Run City in the nation with a population of over 500,000. Berry has reduced the size of city government and held budget growth to below inflation each year -- all while maintaining a high level of service to taxpayers and city residents. Also under the his leadership, Albuquerque was recently named as the 6th most technologically advanced city in America.
Berry was recently recognized as one of the Most Inspirational People in America by the Washington Post, largely due to the success of a program called "There's a Better Way," which takes a new approach to addressing panhandling by providing the homeless with opportunities to work for the City and connect them to resources and help.
Berry has been married to his wife, Maria, for 26 years and they have one son, Jacob, who serves in the Army Corps of Cadets while studying at Texas A&M University.
Richard J. Berry | Speaker |