Samantha Nutt: The real harm of the global arms trade
Samantha Nutt: Bahaya nyata dari perdagangan senjata global
Samantha Nutt envisions a world where no child knows war. Full bio
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that my last name is Nutt.
bahwa nama keluarga saya adalah Nutt.
you are forgiven for wondering
karena memikirkan
bisa sampai di zona perang.
to end up in a war zone.
of medical school, and accepted
saya langsung ditawari kontrak bekerja
with UNICEF in war-torn Somalia,
yang dilanda perang,
perintah evakuasi,
to issue an evacuation order,
of the world's most dangerous places.
tempat paling berbahaya di dunia.
may be asking yourselves,
with 50 cents in my pocket,
dengan 50 sen di kantong,
had lost their lives there --
telah kehilangan nyawa mereka disana --
disebabkan perang, dan penyakit.
of war-related famine and disease.
with trying to figure out
yang ditugasi untuk menemukan
to this humanitarian catastrophe.
bencana kemanusiaan ini.
of the Rwandan genocide,
lokasi genosida Rwanda,
untuk wilayah itu mengering.
diminta untuk membantu menjawabnya,
to specifically help answer,
themselves in war zones the world over,
para pekerja sosial di seluruh dunia,
Sekarang apa yang akan kita lakukan?
in Somalia at that moment in time --
by way of "A Clockwork Orange."
"Mad Max" a la film "A Clockwork Orange."
a couple of days after my arrival,
beberapa hari setelah kedatangan saya,
who were standing in line,
bayi mereka sangat erat.
their infants very close.
this conversation I was having
seorang wanita muda
in the palm of her baby's hand.
di telapak tangan bayinya.
was already in rigor.
was curled into itself.
sudah melengkung kaku.
beberapa jam sebelumnya
that as her baby was dying,
bahwa saat bayinya sedang sekarat,
been held for two days
telah ditahan selama dua hari
with Kalashnikov rifles,
bersenjatakan senapan Kalashnikov,
to shake her down for more money,
lebih banyak uang darinya,
yang sudah saya temukan
as eight -- they are this big --
sebesar ini --
never been to school.
with automatic rifles.
telah membunuh dengan senapan otomatis.
that war is unavoidably human.
secara manusiawi perang tak terelakkan.
as existence itself.
sejak manusia ada.
again and again and again.
tapi perang terus terjadi.
that I have seen the absolute worst
bahwa saya telah melihat hal terburuk
are capable of doing to one another,
terhadap satu sama lain,
a different outcome is possible.
kita bisa mengubahnya.
around the world,
kita semua yang ada di ruangan ini,
occupying this shared space,
atau paksaan atau invasi,
pilihan yang tersedia
of the options available to us
peace at the expense of war,
perdamaian dengan mengorbankan perang,
mengorbankan perdamaian.
senjata kecil dan senjata ringan
small arms and light weapons
like that young baby,
seperti bayi kecil itu,
around the world,
of various armed groups
of cheap, easy and efficient weapons
mudah dan efisien yang hampir tak terbatas
dan menganiaya warga sipil
and brutalize those civilians
for as little as 10 dollars.
saya pernah bekerja,
to an automatic rifle
ke senapan otomatis
to clean drinking water.
untuk air minum bersih.
at this map of the world.
that are currently at war,
semua negara yang sedang berperang
who have either died
meninggal dunia
as a result of that violence.
dari kekerasan itu.
pelajari dari peta ini,
something else about this map.
sebagian besar perang terjadi
that most of those countries
of small arms in the world.
eksportir senjata kecil terbesar dunia.
countries in the Global North,
adalah negara-negara kaya.
who are dying in war
orang yang mati dalam perang
who are profiting from war
keuntungan dari perang
people like you and me.
orang-orang seperti Anda dan saya.
beyond small arms for a second.
senjata kecil.
in circulation in the world?
semua senjata yang beredar di dunia?
dari seluruh persenjataan
than the five permanent members
at this moment in time,
mungkin akan berkata
hang on a second there ... Nutt."
buat saya,
in war zones -- they're not a cause,
bukanlah penyebab,
that plagues them
and Afghanistan,
menegakkan hukum dan ketertiban,
to be able to maintain law and order,
untuk memerangi kelompok teroris --
to combat terror groups --
for just one moment,
a boom in the small-arms trade
dalam perdagangan senjata ringan
that has grown threefold
tiga kali lipat
to the number of people
dengan jumlah orang
in armed conflict around the world
dalam konflik bersenjata di seluruh dunia
bahwa korban juga meningkat
that also goes up
puncaknya pada titik yang sama.
and end at the same point.
azas sebab-akibat
in fatalities is a response
korban jiwa adalah akibat
atau sebaliknya.
or the other way around.
really take away from this.
fakta ini.
yang layak diteliti lebih jauh,
worth scrutinizing,
that small arms that were shipped to Iraq
bahwa senjata kecil yang dikirim ke Irak
moderate opposition fighters,
pejuang oposisi moderat,
sekarang ada di tangan ISIS;
are now in the hands of ISIS;
bahwa senjata yang dikirim ke Libya
that were shipped to Libya
across the Sahel,
melewati Sahel,
seperti Boko Haram dan al Qaeda
like Boko Haram and al Qaeda
are a menace everywhere,
merupakan ancaman bagi seluruh dunia,
is rarely their last.
jarang menjadi pemberhentian terakhirnya.
what we spend on foreign aid,
kita keluarkan untuk bantuan asing,
and vaccinate children
dan memberi vaksinasi pada anak-anak
in the Global South.
di negara-negara miskin.
ketidak-seimbangan itu.
penawaran dan permintaan,
of both supply and demand,
dari kedua sisi.
persenjataan internasional yang transparan
transparency mechanisms
have to be more accountable
harus lebih akuntabel
penggunaan senjata mereka.
in the world by far,
di dunia sejauh ini,
the Arms Trade Treaty,
Perjanjian Perdagangan Senjata,
it isn't binding,
perjanjian itu tidak mengikat,
and ratified by the Senate.
dan diratifikasi oleh Senat.
to make our voices heard.
membuat suara kita didengar.
the problem of war.
won't solve that problem.
tidak akan memecahkan masalah itu.
ke arah yang benar.
in the right direction.
yang tinggal di negara maju
who live in those rich countries
di seluruh dunia
around the world
that cycle of violence
menghentikan siklus kekerasan itu
in strengthening the rule of law
dengan memperkuat supremasi hukum
terutama bagi perempuan.
especially for women.
those kinds of efforts can be
jika Anda ingin menyumbang,
if you want to give,
is just as important
adalah sama pentingnya
like monthly contributions
seperti kontribusi bulanan
dalam menyumbang,
organisasi kemanusiaan
humanitarian organizations
dan dalam jangka panjang,
over the long term,
who have been affected by war,
yang telah dipengaruhi oleh perang --
all too quickly forget.
dilupakan oleh kebanyakan kita.
for Somalia as a young doctor,
ke Somalia sebagai dokter muda,
to live with war.
hidup dalam perang.
what it means now.
bahwa saya tahu artinya sekarang.
di malam gelap gulita
"pop-pop-pop-pop-pop!" yang menakutkan
until it will be right on top of me.
akan tepat di atas saya.
and agonizing fear,
bahwa itu menakutkan dan menyiksa,
around the world are forced to confront
dunia dipaksa untuk menghadapinya
melakukan pekerjaan ini,
far too many people close to me.
terlalu banyak orang di dekat saya.
what I do every single day,
saya bangun dan bekerja setiap hari.
pilihan yang berbeda.
perang adalah milik kita,
menyebarkannya dan membayarnya.
not powerless to solve it.
untuk mengatasinya.
to wish you the greatest success.
dan saya harap Anda semua sukses.
Samantha Nutt - Doctor, writer and humanitarianSamantha Nutt envisions a world where no child knows war.
Why you should listen
Samantha Nutt is a leading authority on the civilian impact of war and a bestselling author. A medical doctor and the founder of the international humanitarian organizations War Child USA and War Child Canada, Dr. Nutt has worked with children and their families at the frontline of many of the world's major crises -- from Iraq to Afghanistan, Somalia to the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sierra Leone to Darfur, Sudan. With a career that has spanned more than two decades and dozens of conflict zones, her international work has benefited millions of war-affected children globally.
Dr. Nutt writes and speaks about war, international aid and foreign policy. Her work has been published by a variety of print and online media, including the Globe and Mail, Huffington Post, Reuters, Maclean's Magazine and many others. She regularly appears on news shows discussing foreign affairs and is a panelist on CBC's flagship news program, The National. Dr. Nutt's critically-acclaimed book, Damned Nations: Greed, Guns, Armies and Aid, was a bestseller.
Dr. Nutt is a recipient of the Order of Canada, Canada's highest civilian honour, and has been recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. She is a staff physician at Women's College Hospital in Toronto and an assistant professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. She holds a degree in medicine from McMaster University and post graduate degrees from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (University of London) and the University of Toronto. Dr. Nutt is also a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, as well as the Canadian College of Family Practice.
Samantha Nutt | Speaker |