Sebastien de Halleux: How a fleet of wind-powered drones is changing our understanding of the ocean
Sebantien de Halleux: Bagaimana sekelompok drone bertenaga angin mengubah pemahaman kita mengenai lautan
Sebastien de Halleux is a technology entrepreneur with a lifelong passion for building impactful businesses. Full bio
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other planets than our own,
dari pada planet kita sendiri,
a new type of robot
jenis robot yang baru
better understand our own planet.
lebih mengenal planet kita sendiri.
as an unmanned surface vehicle, or USV.
sebagai Kendaraan Nirawak Permukaan, USV.
on wind power for propulsion.
sebagai tenaga penggerak,
for months at a time.
bumi selama berbulan-bulan.
why we built it,
alasan kami membuat robot ini,
making its way across the Pacific,
saya berlayar di Samudera Pasifik,
working nonstop,
selama 10 tahun terakhir,
for hundreds of millions of users,
and look at the big picture
dan melihat gambaran yang lebih besar
sangat saya perlukan.
analyzing weather data
menganalisa data cuaca
this beautiful sunset.
matahari terbenam yang indah.
di benak saya:
about our oceans?
tentang laut kita?
saya, sejauh mata memandang,
as far as the eye could see,
kapal kami dengan kuat,
rocking our boat forcefully,
kekuatannya yang belum diketahui.
of its untold power.
about our oceans?
is that we don't know very much.
kita tidak tahu banyak.
how vast oceans are,
betapa luasnya lautan kita,
complex planetary systems
sistem bumi yang kompleks
are mostly invisible to us.
tidak terlihat secara kasat mata.
berdasarkan standar apapun.
accessing lots of sensors --
mengakses banyak sensor --
is scarce and expensive.
sangat jarang dan mahal
a small number of ships and buoys.
sedikit kapal dan pelampung.
was actually a great surprise.
Sebenarnya sangat mengejutkan.
and Atmospheric Administration,
dan Atmosfer Nasional,
200 buoys offshore globally.
digelar di seluruh dunia.
memahami mengapa:
you need a big ship,
diperlukan kapal yang besar,
dalam jumlah besar,
of millions of dollars each,
with a four-mile-long cable
laut dengan kabel sepanjang empat mil
by a set of train wheels,
satu set roda kereta api,
and expensive to maintain.
dan mahal pemeliharaannya.
so much about the big picture
gambar yang lebih besar
of the surface of the ocean.
satu mikron permukaan laut saja.
spatial and temporal resolution,
dan temporal yang relatif buruk,
for cloud cover and land effects
efek tutupan awan dan permukaan tanah
a small cube in the ocean.
secara lebih dekat.
to understand is the surface,
adalah permukaan laut,
if you think about it,
antara udara dan laut.
all energy and gases must flow.
dilewati oleh seluruh energi dan gas.
into the atmosphere.
get dissolved into our oceans.
larut ke dalam lautan.
of all global CO2 gets absorbed.
gas CO2 di dunia dapat diserap.
release oxygen into the atmosphere,
melepaskan oksigen ke atmosfir,
you take comes from the ocean.
yang Anda tarik berasal dari lautan.
penguapan, menjadi awan
which creates clouds
leads to precipitation.
create surface wind,
angin permukaan,
through the atmosphere.
into the deep ocean
of planetary-scale boiler
in short-term events like hurricanes
peristiwa yang cepat seperti angin topan
seperti El Nino
by vertical upwelling currents
oleh arus pembalikan vertikal
which are key in transporting heat
kunci dari pergerakan panas
in volume on the planet,
terbesar di planet ini,
to marine mammals,
ikan dan mamalia laut,
dan ikan paus.
are mostly invisible to us.
tidak terlihat oleh mata kita.
those ocean variables at scale
lautan dalam skala besar
sensors into the deep ocean.
menggelar sensor di laut dalam.
have been tried --
yang pernah dicoba..
sumber yang tak terduga
from an unlikely source --
in a wind-powered land yacht.
kendaraan roda tiga bertenaga angin.
and development
penelitian dan pengembangan
of power to control
untuk mengontrolnya
all around the globe
kendaraan itu ke seluruh dunia
into a marine vehicle,
tersebut untuk kendaraan laut,
sebuah drone laut.
dari pada yang terlihat,
23 feet long, seven feet deep.
dan lebar 2 meter.
satelit permukaan.
of science-grade sensors
sensor ilmiah
maupun atmosferik,
this high-resolution data
mengirim data dengan resolusi tinggi ini
selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini,
over the past few years,
the toughest ocean conditions
di berbagai kondisi laut yang sulit
to the polar ice shelf.
samudera Antlantik.
the oil rigs of the Gulf of Mexico.
anjungan minyak di teluk Meksiko.
recent work that we did
hasil kerja terbaru kami
deep in the cold Bering Sea
Laut Bering yang dingin
of the walleye pollock,
dari walleye pollock,
you might not recognize,
mungkin tidak Anda kenal,
if you enjoy fish sticks or surimi.
bila Anda suka nugget ikan atau surimi.
but it's actually pollock.
tapi sebenarnya itu ikan pollock.
is the largest fishery in the nation,
perikanan terbesar di sana,
of fish caught every year.
ditangkap tiap tahun.
a fleet of ocean drones
sekelompok drone laut
the size of the pollock fish stock.
ikan pollock yang tersedia.
that's used to manage the fishery
untuk pengelolaan penangkapan ikan
of the fish stock
the fishing ground using acoustics,
penangkapan ikan, menggunakan akustik,
ke bawah permukaan,
the echo from the sound wave
below the surface.
di bawah permukaan laut.
pretty good at this repetitive task,
melakukan tugas berulang seperti ini,
the Bering Sea day in, day out.
dari hari ke hari.
the home of a large colony of fur seals.
dari koloni besar anjing laut berbulu.
two million individuals in that colony.
dua juta anjing laut di koloni itu.
the population has rapidly declined.
koloni itu menurun dengan cepat.
of that number left,
continues to fall rapidly.
menurun dengan cepat.
the National Marine Mammal Laboratory
Mamalia Laut Nasional
on some of the mother seals,
di beberapa induk anjing laut,
mengalami akselerasi mendadak.
by an artistically inclined seal,
salah satu anjing laut
into an underwater hunt
laut yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya
is very tough, even for a robot.
sangat sulit, bahkan untuk sebuah robot.
badai salju di bulan Agustus
yang menungganginya.
over 200,000 dives over the season,
200.000 penyelaman dalam satu musim.
and the repetitive dives.
anjing laut dan penyelaman yang dilakukan.
what is really happening
yang sebenarnya terjadi
sangat indah.
yang diperoleh dari drone,
collected by the drones,
and swim from left to right,
dan berenang dari kiri ke kanan,
shallow depth of about 20 meters,
yang relatif dangkal sekitar 20 meter,
is populated by small young pollock
itu dihuni oleh ikan pollock kecil
and start to dive deeper
dan mulai menyelam lebih dalam
larger, more adult pollock,
ikan pollock besar yang lebih dewasa.
by the mother seals
oleh induk anjing laut
to lactate their pups back on the island,
cukup energi untuk menyusui bayi mereka,
suhu air sekitar pulau
the water temperature around the island
secara signifikan.
that's pushing the pollock north,
mendorong ikan pollock bergerak ke utara,
daerah yang lebih dingin.
that some of the pieces of the puzzle
sebagian dari kepingan teka-teki
gambaran yang lebih besar,
up to 20 kilos of fish per human per year.
20 kilo ikan per manusia per tahun.
what can we humans learn
apa yang bisa kita pelajari
keseharian kita semua
affect all of us daily
sistem cuaca dunia
global agricultural output
of lives and property
menghancurkan kehidupan dan properti
extreme heat and floods.
sangat panas dan banjir.
unexplored and undersampled,
dieksplorasi dan disampel,
about other planets than our own.
planet lain dari pada planet kita sendiri.
in six-by-six-degree squares,
kotak berukuran enam kali enam derajat,
panjang sekitar 400 mil,
dengan para partner kami,
working with our partners,
in each of those boxes,
di masing-masing kotak,
pencakupan diseluruh planet
achieving planetary coverage
into those planetary systems
terhadap sistem planet ini
distant worlds in our solar system
mempelajari dunia lain di tata surya kita
planet kita sendiri,
what we cannot measure,
apa yang tidak bisa kita ukur.
for what we don't know.
hal yang tidak kita ketahui.
Sebastien de Halleux - Entrepreneur, explorerSebastien de Halleux is a technology entrepreneur with a lifelong passion for building impactful businesses.
Why you should listen
Sebastien de Halleux is currently chief operating officer at Saildrone, a company that designs, manufactures and operates a global fleet of wind- and solar-powered ocean drones monitoring the state of the planet in real time. Saildrone's mission is to quantify planetary systems that affect humanity like extreme weather, global fisheries and carbon fluxes.
Before Saildrone, de Halleux cofounded a video games company called Playfish, which disrupted the industry by turning solitary game play into social experiences. Playfish attracted hundreds of million of users before being acquired by Electronics Arts. He also helped launch one of the very first mobile game companies back when mobiles had black and white screens and actual keypads, which IPOed on NASDAQ.
An internationally recognized leader, recipient of the Tech 100 and Tech Fellow Awards and member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network, de Halleux holds a master's in civil and environmental engineering from Imperial College, London. In his spare time, he spends every minute with his children and friends on his sailboat or driving a mobile cinema truck trough rural Africa. He recently welcomed his fourth child, a daughter named Xochi.
Sebastien de Halleux | Speaker |