Casey Gerald: Embrace your raw, strange magic
Casey Gerald: Merangkul keajaiban Anda yang sejati dan unik
Casey Gerald chronicles the current state of the American Dream and explores ways to sustain it for a new generation. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to stage an intervention.
untuk melakukan intervensi.
a few snippets of my memoir,
dalam memoar saya,
kekhawatiran ibu saya.
one small change.
mengubah satu hal kecil.
seperti berandalan.
doing your hand like a punk.
what I am trying to do with my life
ingin saya lakukan dalam hidup saya
has got to change.
pada kita harus berubah.
the wrong side of the tracks,
dari seluruh sungai,
sebagian oleh nenek saya
in part by my grandmother
beberapa tahun setelah ibu kami,
a few years after our mother,
dan berlangsung selama lima tahun,
and lasted for five years,
tidak menjadi saya.
had been my human hiding place.
adalah tempat saya bersembunyi.
yang kelihatannya seaneh saya,
who seemed as strange as me,
"A Streetcar Named Desire"
from "A Streetcar Named Desire"
from her imperfections.
itulah keajaiban:
for days at a time,
selama beberapa hari
hanya dengan berjalan dengan sempurna
just by walking perfectly
at the top of a steep hill
to my grandmother's house,
di setiap kotak trotoar.
in each sidewalk square.
touch the line between the square,
menyentuh garis antara kotak,
di rumput terakhir
at the last blade of grass
dari jalanan masuk.
hal itu berhasil --
could not bring my mother back,
mengembalikan ibu saya,
ada kegunaan lainnya.
orang berkuasa di sekitar saya
in charge around me
mereka tak terlalu mengusik saya.
they wouldn't bother me too much.
penjara Stasi di Berlin,
a Stasi prison in Berlin,
dapat hidup dengan cukup."
dari para guru dan kerabat bagi saya;
of teachers and kin, strangers;
big time, it seemed,
dari Yale datang ke sekolah merekrut saya
showed up at my high school to recruit me
as it may to you now.
seperti Anda tahu.
semua orang berkata --
yang bisa terjadi pada saya,
that could ever happen to me,
bagi seluruh masyarakat.
to the whole community.
alasan untuk tidak pergi
an excuse for not going.
mengingatkan agar tak bertopi di kampus...
not to wear my fitted hats on campus ...
melakukan itu lagi sekarang," katanya.
do that anymore," she said.
of the small prices
dari sedikit harga
they seemed to pay me back:
tim sepak bola universitas;
on the varsity football team;
yang tidak rahasia
dan kemudian Washington.
and later in Washington.
hingga secara alami saya berpikir
that I figured naturally
of the United States.
mulai di suatu tempat,
have to start somewhere,
untuk maju ke Kongres.
keceriaan dari pemilu 2008:
of that great 2008 election:
yang serius dan moderat menekankan,
a serious, moderate senator stressed,
lebih dari pesan yang lain
more than any other message
standar top dalam politik modern,
the gold standard of modern politics,
yang sepertinya juga meminta
which also seems to demand
supaya dapat mengatakan saat ajal
to be able to say at the end of our days
"Saya juga seperti orang lainnya."
"I was just like everybody else."
to my prospective campaign manager.
terakhir pada manajer prospektif kampanye.
but first he had one question:
tapi pertama beliau punya satu pertanyaan:
dan akhirnya berkata,
atau bangkai anak burung.
or a dead baby bird.
dia melanjutkan.
my job any easier.
tidak mustahil.
say, at a rally, calls you a faggot?
misal, saat kampanye, memanggilmu banci?
might want to physically harm you.
berniat menyakitimu secara fisik.
the boy that I was at that time
saya yang bocah saat itu
untuk disakiti,
at the chance to be harmed,
bahkan nyawa, untuk suatu alasan.
even life, for a cause.
but there was --
hanya karena menjadi dirinya sendiri,
for nothing more than being himself,
mencobanya sama sekali.
to do in the first place.
yang saya pikir diminta dari saya.
was what I thought was asked of me.
saya adalah warga yang baik.
I was an upstanding citizen.
could not save me after all,
tak dapat menolong saya biar bagaimanapun,
seksualitas Anda.
a concentrated dose, no doubt,
dosis terkonsentrasi, sudah pasti,
yang ditawarkan pada kita semua.
that's offered to us all.
of who we are and what we've been through:
dari diri kita dan yang sudah kita alami:
bagi sebagian orang, keyakinan.
to the world can be hard,
of ourselves can be much harder.
yang mentah dan unik bisa lebih sulit.
to sound like yourself."
agar terdengar seperti dirimu sendiri."
malam itu di 24 tahun,
that night at 24,
berlanjut dalam hidup saya.
started a successful nonprofit,
membangun yayasan yang sukses,
berdiri di atas panggung di TED.
on the stage at TED.
dari seorang anak untuk meraihnya.
a kid is supposed to achieve.
but not too far off,
tapi tidak jauh,
bagi saya menjadi penulis,
sampai mendekati umur 23.
until I was nearly 23.
satu-satunya industri
is about the only industry
menyelidiki masalahmu sendiri, jadi...
your own problems, so --
about as strange as I felt at that time,
keanehan diri yang saya rasakan waktu itu,
menampilkan intervensinya sendiri
to stage his own intervention
to write an autobiography.
untuk menulis autobiografi.
tentang autobiografi di negara ini,
of autobiography in this country,
untuk menegaskan keberadaan mereka.
who write to assert their existence.
dan belajar dari sana.
and learn from them.
what we are taught --
yang sudah diajarkan --
adalah jalur yang aman.
is the safe direction.
yang sudah diajarkan --
atau miskin adalah hidup yang marginal.
or poor lives are marginal lives.
says on "Section.80.":
Kendrick Lamar dalam "Section.80.":
melihat ke dalam.
looking around."
yang layak ditempuh, arah saya sendiri,
the direction of myself,
untuk menolak tawaran buruk
refuse the awful bargains
bongkahan kecil yang mudah dicerna;
that are easily digestible;
supaya kita dimengerti orang lain
so that we make sense to others,
agar berteman dengan orang yang tepat
so the right people might befriend us
dan bekerja di pekerjaan yang tepat,
and the right jobs might hire us,
akan mengundang kita masuk surga
might invite us to the right heaven
di hadapan-Nya selamanya.
forever and ever.
I'll talk to you later."
saya bilang, "Tidak, terima kasih."
for many of us in rooms like this
di dalam ruangan seperti ini
berpakaian pantas,
or act like they do.
atau bersikap seolah begitu.
should remember Lot's wife.
apa yang terjadi pada istri Lot.
first to his disciples:
mengatakan kepada muridNya,
read the Bible recently,
membaca Alkitab belakangan ini,
menurunkan keluarganya di Sodom,
his family down in Sodom,
memutuskan untuk menghancurkannya.
that God decided he had to destroy.
yet still a sap in part,
namun masih memiliki kasih,
memperingatkan Lot dan keluarganya
to warn Lot to gather up his folks
tapi menundanya.
jadi mereka menarik tangan Lot
so they grabbed Lot's hands
and his wife's hands,
mereka dari Sodom.
terjadi, jangan menoleh ke belakang,"
Whatever you do, don't look back,"
ke atas Sodom dan Gomora.
on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Gomora bisa ikut terseret.
got dragged into this.
menghujankan kematian,
rains down death,
istri Lot menoleh ke belakang.
Lot's wife looks back.
she didn't want to miss the mayhem,
melewatkan bencana tersebut,
kota yang terbakar itu?
to be sure that her people
yakin bahwa orang-orangnya
untuk bernapas lebih lega?
to breathe a little easy?
agaknya itulah alasan saya
those likely would have been my reasons
with this woman, Lot's wife?
dengan wanita ini, istri Lot?
of leaving those people
meninggalkan orang-orang itu
of a disobedient woman
dari wanita bandel ini
paling berani dalam Alkitab,
in all the Bible,
menyatukan seluruh Alkitab,
that holds the whole Book together,
on an old rugged cross,
di atas salib yang tua dan kasar,
dari masa ke masa.
for all time to come.
dari teman-temannya,
turn her back on her friends,
yang menuliskan nama perempuan itu.
the woman's name down.
yang kita butuhkan saat ini.
menempatkan diri kita di sana.
kita semua harus jadi banci,
all of us have to be faggots,
agar kita semua bebas.
for any of us to be free.
dengan gelandangan lainnya di jalanan,
with other vagabonds in the street,
dari kerak telanjang diri kita semua,
the naked crust of all we are,
Casey Gerald - AmericanCasey Gerald chronicles the current state of the American Dream and explores ways to sustain it for a new generation.
Why you should listen
Casey Gerald has witnessed every facet of the American Dream -- from his harrowing childhood in Texas, to his tenure at the heights of America's elite institutions, to his journeys through the cities and towns of the American heartland where he has spent his recent years as cofounder and CEO of MBAs Across America. Now his work as a writer, speaker, and business leader centers on the question: will the American dream survive another generation?
Gerald began his career in economic policy and government innovation at the Center for American Progress, and he has worked as a strategist with startup social ventures such as The Future Project as well as companies like The Neiman Marcus Group.
Born and raised in Dallas, Gerald received an MBA from Harvard Business School, where he delivered the 2014 commencement address, and a BA in Political Science from Yale College. He has been featured on MSNBC, in The New York Times, Financial Times, The Guardian, and he has appeared on the cover of Fast Company, which also named him one of the "Most Creative People in Business." He currently serves on the advisory board of NPR's Generation Listen.
Casey Gerald | Speaker |