Sarah Barmak: The uncomplicated truth about women's sexuality
Sarah Barmak: Kebenaran sederhana mengenai seksualitas perempuan
Sarah Barmak teaches journalism and writes about women's health and sexuality, gender and sexual consent. Full bio
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to men than it is to women.
dibandingkan bagi perempuan.
more shame in talking about it.
merasa malu untuk membicarakan hal itu.
from some kind of sexual dysfunction.
disfungsi seksual dalam diam.
more about the orgasm gap.
kesenjangan orgasme,
but stickier ...
namun lebih lengket.
mencapai klimaks
of the time they have sex.
mereka melakukan seks.
of the time they have sex.
dari waktu mereka melakukan seks.
women have been sold flawed medication,
sasaran penjualan obat bermasalah,
yang belum teruji.
can't be fixed with a pill.
tidak bisa diperbaiki dengan sebuah pil.
dengan mereka.
and medically incorrect picture
dan penggambaran medis yang salah
have some kind of sexual problem,
memiliki masalah seksual yang sama,
doesn't work for women.
seksualitas tidak sesuai untuk perempuan.
of how women actually work.
bagaimana perempuan sebenarnya bekerja.
of female sexuality is evolving.
akan seksualitas wanita berkembang.
back when men dominated science.
saat laki-laki mendominasi sains.
tended to see the female body
tubuh perempuan
about their experience.
kepada perempuan mengenai pengalamannya.
like it was a foreign landscape.
seperti sebuah lanskap asing.
of female ejaculation and the G-spot
ejakulasi perempuan dan "G-Spot"
women's sexuality,
bagi seksualitas perempuan LGBTQI
and erased in specific ways.
dihapus keberadaannya.
goes back centuries.
telah terjadi selama berabad-abad.
of modern medicine.
pengobatan modern.
ke abad ke-16,
to gaze up at the stars.
melihat bintang di angkasa.
let's face it, they were all dudes --
mari kita akui, mereka semua laki-laki--
kaki perempuan
apa yang mereka lihat.
what to do with the clitoris.
dilakukan dengan klitoris.
anything to do with making babies.
dalam proses pembuatan bayi.
some kind of abnormal growth --
bagian dari pertumbuhan tidak normal.
was probably a hermaphrodite.
mungkin adalah seorang hemafrodit.
have their daughter's clitoris cut off
orangtua memotong klitoris anaknya
as female genital mutilation
pemotongan genital perempuan
as late as the 20th century.
akhir abad ke-20.
about women's bodies,
tubuh perempuan,
for a little help?
kepada perempuan?
"All that was history.
"Itu semua masa lalu.
and Tinder and vajazzling."
dan bahkan mendekorasi genital mereka."
of the female body continues.
akan tubuh perempuan berlanjut.
Anda yang menyadari ini?
as this little pea-sized nub,
sekecil kacang polong,
deep into the body.
memanjang jauh ke dalam tubuh kita.
erectile tissue as the penis.
yang sama banyaknya dengan penis.
named Sophia Wallace
karya Sophia Wallace
tentang klitoris
that this structure
pemetaan struktur ini
by researchers in 2009.
para peneliti pada tahun 2009.
the entire human genome.
genom manusia.
yang nyata.
was still nowhere to be found
struktur ini belum ditemukan
consequences for surgery.
konsekuensi yang serius di dalam operasi.
of losing your penis
kehilangan penis
totally sure where it was
di mana itu berada
on their own genital anatomy either.
seperti apa anatomi genital mereka.
from many sex-ed diagrams, too.
diagram di pelajaran seks.
views their bodies with confusion at best,
melihat tubuhnya dengan rasa bingung,
as dirty or inadequate.
mereka sendiri sebagai hal yang jorok.
comparing their vulvas
vulva mereka
they see in pornography.
di film-film pornografi.
is becoming a skyrocketing business
labia menjadi bisnis yang berkembang pesat
that all this is a trivial issue.
masalah kecil.
when I was at a dinner party
saat pesta makan malam
a first-world problem?
seksualitas adalah masalah negara maju?
important issues all over the world?"
menghadapi masalah yang lebih penting?"
is part of our problem.
seks termasuk masalah kita.
that seems obsessed with sex.
terlihat sangat terobsesi dengan seks.
menjual apa saja.
things you can do.
yang bisa dilakukan.
meremehkan seks.
of what it truly is.
dari apa yang sebenarnya.
sexual issues in women,
masalah seksual pada perempuan,
all tend to repeat the same thing.
yang datang mengatakan hal yang sama.
with their partners and themselves.
ke pasangan maupun diri mereka sendiri.
untuk mencapai sebuah target.
yang bahagia.
don't experience it this way.
sedemikian rupa.
and more circular.
of women's arousal and desire
gairah dan hasrat perempuan
Dr. Rosemary Basson.
an encounter for many different reasons
memulai gairah mereka untuk banyak alasan
or multiple climaxes,
beberapa kali klimaks,
a richer definition of sexuality.
definisi seksualitas yang lebih bermakna.
female or neither gender,
to the senses.
and well-being.
dan keberadaan kita.
hal yang tabu,
are redefining their sexuality today.
memikirkan kembali arti seksualitas.
that are less about the happy ending --
yang tidak berhubungan dengan kesenangan
merasa utuh.
spiritual sex classes,
of real bodies.
this is a trivial issue, consider this:
adalah masalah kecil, tolong pikirkan ini:
is crucial to the huge issue
penting dan sebuah masalah besar
what kind of touch feels right,
sentuhan, tekanan, kecepatan,
what kind of touch feels wrong
terasa salah
untuk mengungkapkannya.
having more or better sex.
seks yang lebih banyak atau lebih baik,
women have as many orgasms as men.
mengalami orgasme yang sama banyak.
and your own unique experience.
pengalaman unik Anda.
the expert on your body.
ahli atas tubuh Anda.
and satisfaction on your terms.
dan kepuasan bagi diri Anda.
having no sex at all,
tanpa seks,
of our whole health and well-being,
bagian dari kesehatan dan keberadaan kita,
and girls to fully own it
untuk memiliki seutuhnya,
a better world not just for women
lebih baik tidak hanya untuk wanita
Sarah Barmak - JournalistSarah Barmak teaches journalism and writes about women's health and sexuality, gender and sexual consent.
Why you should listen
Sarah Barmak's book Closer: Notes From the Orgasmic Frontier of Female Sexuality, published by Coach House, was named one of the Best Books of 2016 by four major Canadian media organizations. The Globe and Mail called it "an incredibly insightful exploration of female pleasure," and legendary director Mary Harron called it "sharp and funny and well-researched and elegantly written."
Barmak writes for The Walrus magazine, including a 2018 cover story on consent and #MeToo that was shortlisted for the Allan Slaight Prize, and she has contributed to New York Magazine's "The Cut," The Hairpin, Maclean's, The Toronto Star and many others. She teaches at The Fellowship in Global Journalism at The University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy in Toronto, Canada. She also teaches a sexuality workshop called "The Sex Myth Detox." She is currently researching a new book on sexual consent.
Sarah Barmak | Speaker |