Kimberly Noble: How does income affect childhood brain development?
킴벌리 노블 (Kimberly Noble): 가구소득이 아이의 두뇌발달에 미치는 영향
Kimberly Noble, MD, PhD, studies how socioeconomic inequality relates to children's cognitive and brain development. Full bio
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are findings from a study
어린이와 청소년들의
children and adolescents.
들려드리려고 합니다.
who were recruited
around the United States,
of all of their brains.
is on your left
is on your right.
we were very interested in
of the cerebral cortex,
on the outer surface of the brain
of the cognitive heavy lifting.
by other scientists has suggested
많은 연구를 통해
높은 지능 사이에는
with higher intelligence.
밝혀냈기 때문이죠.
with the cortical surface area
대뇌 피질 표면과 관련된
surface of the brain.
is a point where higher family income
색깔로 나타나는 모든 부위가
상관관계를 볼 수 있는 부분입니다.
cortical surface area in that spot.
shown here in yellow,
was particularly pronounced.
두드러지는 부분이고요.
a certain set of cognitive skills:
인지 능력을 포괄적으로 지원하는데
like vocabulary and reading
to avoid distraction
are most likely to struggle with.
of language and impulse control
I'd like to highlight about this study.
강조하고 싶은 부분이 있습니다.
and children's brain structure
아동 두뇌 발달의 상관관계는
가장 뚜렷했다는 점입니다.
영향을 미쳤는데요.
in family income
상대적으로 작은 차이일지라도
greater differences in brain structure
영향을 미쳤습니다.
earning, say, 150,000 dollars a year
2만 달러가 더 주어지면
but probably not game-changing,
생기지는 않을 겁니다.
2만 달러뿐인 가정에
20,000 dollars a year
in their day-to-day lives.
I'd like to highlight
and children's brain structure
두뇌 구조 사이의 관계는
on their race or ethnicity.
from one child to the next,
개인차가 있었습니다.
of children from higher-income homes
from lower-income homes
여자 아이들보다 키가 더 크죠.
school classroom,
who are taller than some boys.
여자 아이들 몇몇이 보일 겁니다.
is certainly a risk factor
갖게 될 위험성을 높였지만
child's family income
모든 가구의 정확한 소득과
would look like.
for a moment, two children.
born into poverty in America;
미국에서 태어났지만
into more fortunate circumstances.
absolutely no differences
뇌가 기능하는 데에는
are ready to start kindergarten,
유치원에 가게 될 즈음
that are, on average, 60 percent lower
저희는 알고 있죠.
to drop out of high school,
그만둘 확률이 5배나 높고
a college degree.
가능성은 낮을 것입니다.
are 35 years old,
가난 속에서 보냈다면
her entire childhood living in poverty,
아이 자신도 가난하게 살 확률이
more likely to be poor herself.
75배까지 높아집니다.
I find most exciting about the human brain
두뇌에서 흥미롭게 느끼는 것은
뇌가 변화된다는 사실입니다.
known as neuroplasticity,
in children's brain structure
to a life of low achievement.
없다고 설명합니다.
each year, educating our children.
매년 수입억 달러를 지출합니다.
teachers and parents
인생에서 최선을 다할 수 있도록
from disadvantaged backgrounds
학교, 선생님, 학부모들에게
with a host of different experiences
아이는 다양한 경험을 하게되는데
in turn may work together
모두 두뇌 발달에 기여해서
and ultimately help kids learn.
도움이 된다고 합니다.
can we step in and provide help?
도움을 줄 수 있을까요?
at the level of learning itself --
정규교육을 통해 이루어지는
school-based initiatives.
to focus on the kinds of skills
가장 어려워하는 분야에
are most likely to struggle with?
높은 수준의 교육이 중요한 것은
based in scientific evidence
of excellent interventions
시험 점수를 향상시키는
or self-regulation
자기통제력을 개선시키는 데 성공한
development and their test scores.
doing this work would tell you,
여러분께 이렇게 말할 겁니다.
evidence-based education.
교육을 도입하기는 까다롭습니다.
in child development emerge early --
이른 시기에 드러납니다.
of formal schooling --
할 즈음에도 나타나죠.
all of our policy efforts
children's experiences?
할 수 있을 지 생각해봅시다.
are associated with growing up in poverty
구체적인 상황은 무엇이 있고
to promote brain development
습득하는 데 보탬이 될까요?
영양 상태, 의료 접근성
여부를 들 수 있겠죠.
on a few types of experiences
향상 시킬 것으로 예상되는
their learning outcomes.
the home language environment,
that the number of words kids hear
매일 듣는 단어 수와
they're engaged in every day
more spoken words
advantaged backgrounds.
more back-and-forth,
경험한 아이들일수록
in parts of the brain
부분의 뇌의 표면적이
for language and reading skills.
of conversations they hear
단어를 듣는지의 사실보다
than the sheer number of words they hear.
좀 더 중요한 것임을 나타냅니다.
말을 많이 하는 것보다
not just to talk a lot,
더 많이 이끌어내는 것이
with their children.
that we'll promote brain development
두뇌 개발을 도울 수 있고
and reading skills.
향상시킬 것입니다.
of scientists are testing
가정에서 겪는 문제는
with lots of different experiences
나누는지에 한정되지 않습니다.
conversations kids are having.
of high-quality interventions
children's experience,
school-based initiatives,
계획과 마찬가지로
for scientists to swoop in
어떻게 해야하는지 지시한다면
in order for their child to succeed.
기분이 들기도 하겠죠.
young children in poverty
금전적인 원조를 보내서
their families more money?
with a team of economists,
사회정책 전문가,
changes in children's brain development.
이끌어 가게 되었습니다.
living below the federal poverty line
빈곤선 이하에 있는
in a number of American hospitals.
모집하기 시작했습니다.
an unconditional monthly cash gift
of their children's lives,
however they like.
이 돈을 쓸 수 있습니다.
mothers are being randomized,
to receive a nominal monthly cash gift
several hundred dollars each month,
금액만을 받고
20-25%에 달하는,
in their day-to-day lives,
줄 수 있을만한 금액인
their monthly income by 20 to 25 percent.
past questions
with child development
알아내는 것에 머무르지 않고
whether reducing poverty causes changes
and brain development
변화를 이끌어낼 수 있는지를
most malleable to experience.
from this study for several years,
명확한 결과를 얻지 못하겠지만,
will have a bit more cash each month
매 달 긴요하게 쓸 수 있는
that a cost-effective way
비용 대비 효과적인 방법으로 밝혀진다면 어떨까요?
가설이 옳다고 증명되면,
will inform debates about social services
방향성을 제시함으로써
of families with young children.
영향을 미칠 것으로 기대할 수 있습니다.
or even the most important factor
아동의 두뇌발달을 결정짓는
brain development,
아니라고 해도
changes how children's brains develop
아이들의 두뇌발달을 촉진시킬 수 있음을 증명하면
policy changes,
at a brighter future.
추구할 기회를 얻을 수 있을거라 믿습니다.
Kimberly Noble - Neuroscientist, pediatricianKimberly Noble, MD, PhD, studies how socioeconomic inequality relates to children's cognitive and brain development.
Why you should listen
Trained as a neuroscientist and board-certified pediatrician, Dr. Kimberly Noble has examined disparities in development and health across infancy, childhood and adolescence. She is currently an Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she directs the Neurocognition, Early Experience and Development (NEED) Lab. She received her undergraduate, graduate and medical degrees at the University of Pennsylvania and was the recipient of the Association for Psychological Science Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions.
In collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of scientists from around the United States, Noble is co-directing the Baby's First Years study, the first clinical trial of poverty reduction to assess the causal impact of income on children's cognitive, emotional and brain development in the first three years of life. Her work has received worldwide attention in the popular press, including the Washington Post, The Economist, Newsweek, The Guardian, Le Monde and NPR. A full list of her publications can be found here.
Kimberly Noble | Speaker |